Embeddings just below the stable range: classification

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1 Introduction

Recall the unknotting theorem that if N is a connected manifold of dimension n>1, then there is just one isotopy class of embedding N \to \Rr^m if m \geq 2n + 1. In this page we summarise the situation for m = 2n\ge8, and give references to the case m=2n-1\ge9.

For notation and conventions see high codimension embeddings.

2 Classification

Classification Theorem 2.1. Let N be a closed connected n-manifold. The Whitney invariant

\displaystyle W:E^{2n}(N)\to\left\{\begin{array}{cc} H_1(N;\Zz_{(n-1)})& \mbox{either $n$ is odd or $N$ is orientable}\\  \Zz\oplus\Zz_2^{s-1}&\mbox{$n$ is even, $N$ is non-orientable and } H_1(N,\Zz_2)\cong\Zz_2^s\end{array}\right.

is bijective if either n\ge4 or n=3 and CAT=PL.

This is proved in [Haefliger1962b], [Haefliger&Hirsch1963], [Weber1967], [Bausum1975], [Vrabec1977] (a minor miscalculation for the non-orientable case being corrected only in [Vrabec1977]).

The Whitney invariant is defined below.

The classification of smooth embeddings of 3-manifolds in 6-space is more complicated. For a description of E^{2n-k}(N) for a closed k-connected n-manifold N see a generalization to highly-connected manifolds. Some estimations of E^{2n-k-1}(N) for a closed k-connected n-manifold N are presented in [Skopenkov2010]. See also Embeddings of 4-manifolds in 7-space.

3 Examples

Together with the Haefliger knotted sphere S^{2l-1}\to S^{3l}, Hudson's examples were the first examples of embeddings in codimension greater than 2 not isotopic to the standard embedding. (Hudson's construction [Hudson1963] was not as explicit as the one below).

For m\ge n+2 define the standard embedding S^p\times S^{n-p}\to S^m as the composition S^p\times S^{n-p}\to\Rr^{p+1}\times\Rr^{n-p+1}\to\Rr^m\to S^m of standard embeddings.

3.1 Hudson tori 1

In this subsection, we recall for a\in\Zz and n\ge2. Hudson's construction of embedings

\displaystyle \Hud_n(a):S^1\times S^{n-1}\to\Rr^{2n}.

Take the standard embeddings 2D^{n+1}\times S^{n-1}\subset\Rr^{2n} (where 2 means homothety with coefficient 2) and \partial D^2\subset\partial D^{n+1}. Fix a point x\in S^{n-1}. The Hudson torus \Hud_n(1) is the embedded connected sum of

\displaystyle 2\partial D^{n+1}\times x\quad\text{with}\quad \partial D^2\times S^{n-1}\subset D^{n+1}\times S^{n-1}\subset 2D^{n+1} \times S^{n-1}\subset\Rr^{2n}.

(Unlike the connected sum mentioned in embedded conntected sum this is a `linked' connected sum, i.e. connected sum of two embeddings whose images are not contained in disjoint cubes.)

For a\in\Zz instead of an embedded n-sphere 2\partial D^{n+1}\times x we can take a copies (1+\frac1k)\partial D^{n+1}\times x (k=1,\dots,a) of n-sphere outside D^{n+1}\times S^{n-1} `parallel' to \partial D^{n+1}\times x. Then we join these spheres by tubes so that the homotopy class of the resulting embedding

\displaystyle S^n\to S^{2n}-D^{n+1}\times S^{n-1}\simeq S^{2n}-S^{n-1}\simeq S^n  \quad\text{will be}\quad a\in\pi_n(S^n)\cong\Zz.

Let \Hud_n(a) be the connected sum of this embedding with the above standard embedding \partial D^2\times S^{n-1}\subset\Rr^{2n}.

Clearly, \Hud_n(0) is isotopic to the standard embedding.

Proposition 3.1. For n\ge3 odd \Hud_n(a) is isotopic to \Hud_n(a') if and only if a=a'.

For n\ge4 even \Hud_n(a) is isotopic to \Hud_n(a') if and only if a\equiv a'\mod2.


In particular, \Hud_n(1) is not isotopic to \Hud_n(0) for each n (this was the original motivation for Hudson).

Proposition 3.1 follows by Remark 5.e and, for n even, by Theorem 4, both results from classification just below the stable range.

It would be interesting to find an explicit construction of an isotopy between \Hud_{2k}(a) and \Hud_{2k}(a+2) (cf. [Vrabec1977], \S6) and to prove the analogue of Proposition 3.1 for n=2.

3.2 Hudson tori 2

In this subsection we give, for a\in\Zz and n\ge2 another construction of embeddings

\displaystyle \Hud_n'(a):S^1\times S^{n-1}\to\Rr^{2n}.

Define a map S^0\times S^{n-1}\to D^n to be the constant 0\in D^n on one component 1\times S^{n-1} and the standard embedding \varphi:\{-1\}\times S^{n-1}\to\partial D^n\subset D^n on the other component. This map gives an embedding

\displaystyle S^0\times S^{n-1}\to D^n\times S^{n-1}\subset D^{n+1}\times S^{n-1}\subset \Rr^{2n}.

(See Figure 2.2 of [Skopenkov2006].) Each disk D^{n+1}\times x intersects the image of this embedding at two points lying in D^n\times x. Extend this embedding S^0\to D^n\times x for each x\in S^{n-1} to an embedding S^1\to D^{n+1}\times x. (See Figure 2.3 of [Skopenkov2006].) Thus we obtain the Hudson torus

\displaystyle \Hud_n'(1):S^1\times S^{n-1}\to D^{n+1}\times S^{n-1}\subset\Rr^{2n}.

The embedding \Hud_n'(a) is obtained in the same way starting from a map \varphi of degree a.

The same proposition as above holds with \Hud_n replaced to \Hud_n'.

3.3 Remarks

We have \Hud_n(a) is PL isotopic to \Hud_n'(a) [Skopenkov2006a]. It would be interesting to prove the smooth analogue of this result.

For n=1 these construction give what we call the left Hudson torus. The right Hudson torus is constructed analogously and is the composition of the left Hudson torus and the exchanging factors autodiffeomorphism of S^1\times S^1.

Analogously one constructs the Hudson torus \Hud_{4,2}(a):S^2\times S^2\to\Rr^7 for a\in\Zz or, more generally, \Hud_{m,n,p}(a):S^p\times S^{n-p}\to\Rr^m for a\in\pi_n(S^{m-n+p-1}) and \Hud_{m,n,p}'(a):S^p\times S^{n-p}\to\Rr^m for a\in\pi_{n-p}(S^{m-n-1}).

3.4 An action of the first homology group on embeddings

In this subsection, for a\in H_1(N) and for orientable N with n\ge3, we construct an embedding f_a:N\to\Rr^{2n} from an embedding f_0:N\to\Rr^{2n}.

For a \in H_1(N), represent a by an embedding a:S^1\to N. Since any orientable bundle over S^1 is trivial, \nu_{f_0}^{-1}a(S^1)\cong S^1\times S^{n-1}. Identify \nu_{f_0}^{-1}a(S^1) with S^1\times S^{n-1}. It remains to make an embedded surgery of S^1\times*\subset S^1\times S^{n-1} to obtain an n-sphere \Sigma\subset C_{f_0}, and then we set f_a:=f_0\# \Sigma.

Take a vector field on S^1\times* normal to S^1\times S^{n-1}. Extend S^1\times* along this vector field to a smooth map \overline a:D^2\to S^{2n}. Since 2n>4 and n+2<2n, by general position we may assume that \overline a is an embedding and \overline a(Int D^2) misses f_0(N)\cup S^1\times S^{n-1}. Since n-1>1, we have \pi_1(V_{2n-2,n-1})=0. Hence the standard framing of S^1\times* in S^1\times S^{n-1} extends to an (n-1)-framing on \overline a(D^2) in \Rr^{2n}. Thus \overline a extends to an embedding

\displaystyle \widehat a:D^2\times D^{n-1}\to C_{f_0}\quad\text{such that}\quad \widehat a(\partial D^2\times D^{n-1})\subset S^1\times S^{n-1}
\displaystyle \mbox{Let}\qquad  \Sigma:\ =\ S^1\times S^{n-1}-\widehat a(\partial D^2\times Int D^{n-1}) \bigcup\limits_{\widehat a(\partial D^2\times\partial D^{n-1})} \widehat a(D^2\times\partial D^{n-1})\ \cong\ S^n.

This construction generalizes the construction of \Hud_n(a) (from \Hud_n(0)).

Clearly, W(f_a) is a or a\mod2. Thus unless n=3 and CAT=DIFF

  • all isotopy classes of embedings N\to\Rr^{2n} can be obtained (from a certain given embedding f_0) by the above construction;
  • the above construction defines an action H_1(N;\Zz_{(n-1)})\to E^{2n}(N).

4 The Whitney invariant (for either n odd or N orientable)

Fix orientations on \Rr^{2n} and, if N is even, on N. Fix an embedding f_0:N\to\Rr^{2n}. For an embedding f:N\to\Rr^{2n} the restrictions of f and f_0 to N_0 are regular homotopic [Hirsch1959]. Since N_0 has an (n-1)-dimensional spine, it follows that these restrictions are isotopic, cf. [Haefliger&Hirsch1963], 3.1.b, [Takase2006], Lemma 2.2. So we can make an isotopy of f and assume that f=f_0 on N_0. Take a general position homotopy F:B^n\times I\to\Rr^{2n} relative to \partial B^n between the restrictions of f and g to B^n. Then f\cap F:=(f|_{N-B^n})^{-1}F(B^n\times I) (i.e. `the intersection of this homotopy with f(N-B^n)') is a 1-manifold (possibly non-compact) without boundary. Define W(f) to be the homology class of the closure of this 1-manifold:

\displaystyle W(f):=[Cl(f\cap F)]\in H_1(N_0,\partial N_0;\Zz_{(n)})\cong H_1(N;\Zz_{(n)}).

The orientation on f\cap F is defined for N orientable as follows. (This orientation is defined for each n but used only for odd n.) For each point x\in f\cap F take a vector at x tangent to f\cap F. Complete this vector to a positive base tangent to N. Since n+2(n+1)>2\cdot2n, by general position there is a unique point y\in B^n\times I such that Fy=fx. The tangent vector at x thus gives a tangent vector at y to B^n\times I. Complete this vector to a positive base tangent to B^n\times I, where the orientation on B^n comes from N. The union of the images of the constructed two bases is a base at Fy=fx of \Rr^{2n}. If this base is positive, then call the initial vector of f\cap F positive. Since a change of the orientation on f\cap F forces a change of the orientation of the latter base of \Rr^{2n}, it follows that this condition indeed defines an orientation on f\cap F.

Remark 4.1.

  • The Whitney invariant is well-defined, i.e. independent of the choice of F and of the isotopy making f=f_0 outside B^n. This is so because the above definition is clearly equivalent to the following: W(f) is the homology class of the algebraic sum of the top-dimensional simplices of the self-intersection set \Sigma(H):=Cl\{x\in N\times I\ |\ \#H^{-1}Hx>1\} of a general position homotopy H between f and f_0. (For details and definition of the signs of the simplices see [Hudson1969], \S12, [Vrabec1977], p. 145, [Skopenkov2006], \S2, [Skopenkov2010].) It is for being well-defined that we need \Zz_2-coefficients when n is even.
  • Clearly, W(f_0)=0. The definition of W depends on the choice of f_0, but we write W not W_{f_0} for brevity.
  • Since a change of the orientation on N forces a change of the orientation on B^n, the class W(f) is independent of the choice of the orientation on N. For the reflection \sigma:\Rr^{2n}\to\Rr^{2n} with respect to a hyperplane we have W(\sigma\circ f)=-W(f) (because we may assume that f=f_0=\sigma\circ f on N_0 and because a change of the orientation of \Rr^{2n} forces a change of the orientation of f\cap F).
  • The above definition makes sense for each n, not only for n\ge3.
  • Clearly, W(\Hud_n(a)) is a or a\mod2 for n\ge2 for the Hudson tori.
  • W(f\#g)=W(f) for each embeddings f:N\to\Rr^{2n} and g:S^n\to\Rr^{2n}.

5 A generalization to highly-connected manifolds

Examples are the above Hudson tori \Hud_{m,n,p}(a), \Hud'_{m,n,p}(a):S^p\times S^{n-p}\to\Rr^m. See also [Milgram&Rees1971].

5.1 Classification

Theorem 5.1. Let N be a closed orientable homologically k-connected n-manifold, k\ge0. Then the Whitney invariant

\displaystyle W:E^{2n-k}(N)\to H_{k+1}(N,\Zz_{(n-k-1)})

is a bijection, provided n\ge k+3 or n\ge2k+4 in the PL or DIFF categories, respectively.

Theorem 5.1 was proved in [Haefliger&Hirsch1963], [Hudson1969], \S11, [Boechat&Haefliger1970], [Boechat1971], [Vrabec1977] homotopically k-connected manifolds. The proof works for homologically k-connected manifolds.

E.g. by Theorem 5.1 we obtain that the Whitney invariant W:E^{p+2q+1}(S^p\times S^q)\to\Zz_{(q)} is bijective for 1\le p\le q-2. It is in fact a group isomorphism; the generator is the Hudson torus.

The PL case of Theorem 5.1 gives nothing but the Unknotting Spheres Theorem for k+3\le n\le2k+1.

Because of the existence of knots the analogues of Theorem 5.1 for n=k+2 in the PL case, and for n\le2k+3 in the smooth case are false. So for the smooth category and n\le2k+3 a classification is much harder: for 40 years the only known concrete complete classification results were for spheres. The following result was obtained using the Kreck modification of surgery theory.

Theorem 5.2. [Skopenkov2006] Let N be a closed homologically (2k-2)-connected (4k-1)-manifold. Then the Whitney invariant W:E^{6k}_D(N)\to H_{2k-1}(N) is surjective and for each u\in H_{2k-1}(N) there is a 1--1 correspondence \eta_u:W^{-1}u\to\Zz_{d(u)}, where d(u) is the divisibility of the projection of u to the free part of H_1(N).

Recall that the divisibility of zero is zero and the divisibility of x\in G-\{0\} is \max\{d\in\Zz\ | \ \text{there is }x_1\in G: \ x=dx_1\}.

E.g. by Theorem 5.2 we obtain that

  • the Whitney invariant W:E^{6k}_D(S^{2k-1}\times S^{2k})\to\Zz is surjective and for each u\in\Zz there is a 1--1 correspondence W^{-1}u\to\Zz_u.

5.2 The Whitney invariant

6 References

arxiv:math/0506464 MR2261638 (2007g:57049) Zbl 1113.57013

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