4-manifolds in 7-space

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1 Introduction

This page is intended not only for specialists in embeddings, but also for mathematician from other areas who want to apply or to learn theory of embeddings.

See general introduction on embeddings, notation and conventions.

2 Examples

The Hudson tori \Hud_{7,4,2}:S^2\times S^2\to\Rr^7 and \Hud_{7,4,2}:S^1\times S^3\to\Rr^7 are defined in Remark 3.5.d.

For an orientable 4-manifold N, an embedding f_0:N\to\Rr^7 and a class a\in H_2(N) one can construct an embedding f_a:N\to\Rr^7 by linked connected sum analogously to embeddings into \Rr^8. If N is simply-connected and CAT=PL, this gives a free transitive action of H_2(N) on E^7(N). We also have W(f_u,f_0)=u for the Whitney invariant.

Denote by \eta:S^3\to S^2 is the Hopf map.

2.1 The Lambrechts torus and the Hudson torus

These two embeddings \tau^1,\tau^2:S^1\times S^3\to\Rr^7 are defined as compositions S^1\times S^3\overset{pr_2\times t^i}\to S^3\times S^3\subset\Rr^7, where i=1,2, pr_2 is the projection onto the second factor, \subset is the standard inclusion and maps t^i:S^1\times S^3\to S^3 are defined below. We shall see that t^i|_{S^1\times y} are embeddings for each y\in S^3, hence \tau^1 and \tau^2 are embeddings.

Define t^1(s,y):=sy, where S^3 is identified with the set of unit length quaternions and S^1\subset S^3 with the set of unit length complex numbers.

Define t^2(e^{i\theta},y):=\eta(y)\cos\theta+\sin\theta, where S^2 is identified with the 2-sphere formed by unit length quaternions of the form ai+bj+ck.

These examples appear in [Skopenkov2006] but could be known earlier. Note that \tau^2 is PL isotopic to the Hudson torus \Hud_{7,4,1} defined in Remark 3.5.d.

Take the Hopf fibration S^3\to S^7\overset{\eta_2}\to S^4. Take the standard embeding S^2\subset S^4. Its complement has the homotopy type of S^1. Then im\tau^1=\eta_2^{-1}(S^1)\cong S^1\times S^3\subset S^7. This is the construction of Lambrechts (but could be known earlier). We have

\displaystyle S^7-im\tau^1\sim \eta_2^{-1}(S^2)\cong S^2\times S^3\not\sim S^2\vee S^3\vee S^5\sim S^7-im f_0,

where f_0:S^1\times S^3\to S^7 is the standard embedding.

2.2 Embeddings of CP2 into R7

We follow [Boechat&Haefliger1970], p. 164. Recall that \Cc P^2_0 is the mapping cylinder of \eta. Recall that S^6=S^2*S^3. Define an embedding f:\Cc P^2_0\to S^6 by f[(x,t)]:=[(x,\eta(x),t)], where x\in S^3. In other words, the segment joining x\in S^3 and \eta(x)\in S^2 is mapped onto the arc in S^6 joining x to \eta(x). Clearly, the boundary 3-sphere of \Cc P^2_0 is standardly embedded into S^6. Hence f extends to an embedding \Cc P^2\to\Rr^7.

Apriori this extension need not be unique (because it can be changed by a connected sum with an embedding g:S^4\to D^6). Surprisingly, it is unique, and is the only embedding \Cc P^2\to\Rr^7 (up to isotopy and a hyperplane reflection of \Rr^7).

Theorem 2.1.

  • There are exactly two smooth isotopy classes of smooth embeddings \Cc P^2\to\Rr^7 (differing by a hyperplane reflection of \Rr^7).
  • For each smooth embeddings f:\Cc P^2\to\Rr^7 and g:S^4\to\Rr^7 the embedding f\#g is smoothly isotopic to f.
  • The Whitney invariant is a 1--1 correspondence E^7_{PL}(\Cc P^2)\to\Z. The inverse is given by linked connected sum.

This follows by [Boechat&Haefliger1970], [Skopenkov2005], Triviality Theorem (a) or by general classification.

2.3 The Haefliger torus

This is a PL embedding S^2\times S^2\to\Rr^7 which is (locally flat but) not PL isotopic to a smooth embedding [Boechat&Haefliger1970], p.165, [Boechat1971], 6.2. Take the Haefliger trefoil knot S^3\to\Rr^6. Extend it to a conical embedding D^4\to\Rr^7_-. By [Haefliger1962], the trefoil knot also extends to a smooth embedding S^2\times S^2-Int D^4\to\Rr^7_+ (see [Skopenkov2006], Figure 3.7.a). These two extensions together form the Haefliger torus (see [Skopenkov2006], Figure 3.7.b).

3 The Boechat-Haefliger invariant

Let N be a closed connected orientable 4-manifold and f:N\to\Rr^7 an embedding. Fix an orientation on N and an orientation on \Rr^7.

Definition 3.1. The composition

\displaystyle  H_{s+1}(C_f,\partial C_f)\overset\partial\to H_s(\partial C_f)\overset{\nu_f}\to H_s(N)

of the boundary map \partial and the projection \nu_f is an isomorphism, cf. [Skopenkov2008], the Alexander Duality Lemma. The inverse A_{f,s} to this composition is homology Alexander Duality isomorphism; it equals to the composition H_s(N)\to H^{6-s}(C_f)\to H_{s+1}(C_f,\partial C_f) of the cohomology Alexander and Poincar\'e duality isomorphisms.

Definition 3.2. A homology Seifert surface for f is the image A_{f,4}[N]\in H_5(C_f,\partial C_f) of the fundamental class [N]. Define

\displaystyle  \varkappa(f):=A_{f,2}^{-1}(A_{f,4}[N]\cap A_{f,4}[N])\in H_2(N).

Remark 3.3. (a) Take a small oriented disk D^3_f\subset\Rr^7 whose intersection with fN consists of exactly one point of sign +1 and such that \partial D^3_f\subset\partial C_f. Then \partial D^3_f is the meridian of f. A homology Seifert surface Y\in H_5(C_f,\partial) for f is uniquely defined by the condition Y\cap [\partial D^3_f]=1.

(b) We have \varkappa(f)-\varkappa(f_0)=\pm2W(f,f_0) for the Whitney invariant W(f,f_0)$. This is proved analogously to [Skopenkov2006a], \S2, The Boechat-Haefliger Invariant Lemma

(c) Definition 3.2 is equivalent to the original one [Boechat&Haefliger1970] by [Crowley&Skopenkov2008], Section Lemma 3.1.

(d) Earlier notation was w_f [Boechat&Haefliger1970], BH(f) [Skopenkov2005] and \aleph(f) [Crowley&Skopenkov2008].

4 Classification

See a classification of E^7_{PL}(N) for a closed connected 4-manifold N such that H_1(N)=0. Here we work in the smooth category.

Theorem 4.1. E^7(S^4)\cong\Zz_{12}. [Haefliger1966], [Skopenkov2005], [Crowley&Skopenkov2008].

Theorem 4.2. [Crowley&Skopenkov2008] Let N be a closed connected 4-manifold such that H_1(N)=0. There is the Boéchat-Haefliger invariant

\displaystyle BH:E^7(N)\to H_2(N)

whose image is

\displaystyle im(BH)=\{u\in H_2(N)\ |\ u\equiv PDw_2(N)\mod2,\ u\cap u=\sigma(N)\}.

For each u\in im(BH) there is an injective invariant called the Kreck invariant,

\displaystyle \eta_u:BH^{-1}(u)\to\Zz_{\gcd(u,24)}

whose image is the subset of even elements.

Here \gcd(u,24) is the maximal integer k such that both u\in H_2(N) and 24 are divisible by k. Thus \eta_u is surjective if u is not divisible by 2. Note that u\in im(BH) is divisible by 2 (for some u or, equivalently, for each u) if and only if N is spin.

For the definition of the Kreck invariant see [Crowley&Skopenkov2008].

Corollary 4.3. (a) There are exactly twelve isotopy classes of embeddings N\to\Rr^7 if N is an integral homology 4-sphere (cf. Theorem 4.1).

(b) Under assumptions of Theorem 4.2 for each pair of embeddings f:N\to\Rr^7 and g:S^4\to\Rr^7

\displaystyle BH(f\#g)=BH(f)\quad\text{and}\quad\eta_{BH(f)}(f\#g)\equiv\eta_{BH(f)}(f)+\eta_0(g)\mod\gcd(BH(f),24).

(c) For each integer u there are exactly \gcd(u,12) isotopy classes of embeddings f:S^2\times S^2\to\Rr^7 with BH(f)=(2u,0), and the same holds for those with BH(f)=(0,2u). Other values of \Zz^2 are not in the image of BH. (We take the standard basis in H_2(S^2\times S^2).)

(d) Take an integer u and the Hudson torus f_u:=\Hud_{7,4,2}(u):S^2\times S^2\to\Rr^7 defined in Remark 3.5.d. If u=6k\pm1, then for each embedding g:S^4\to\Rr^7 the embedding f_u\#g is isotopic to f_u. (For a general integer u the number of isotopy classes of embeddings f_u\#g is \gcd(u,12).)

(e) Let N be a closed connected 4-manifold such that H_1(N)=0 and the signature \sigma(N) of N is not divisible by the square of an integer s\ge2. Then for each embeddings f:N\to\Rr^7 and g:S^4\to\Rr^7 the embedding f\#g is isotopic to f; in other words, BH is injective. (first proved in [Skopenkov2005])

(f) If N is a closed connected 4-manifold such that H_1(N)=0 and f(N)\subset\Rr^6 for an embedding f:N\to\Rr^7, then for each embedding g:S^4\to\Rr^7 the embedding f\#g is not isotopic to f.

Corollaries 4.3.def exhibit examples of the effectiveness and the triviality of the embedded connected sum action of E^7(S^4) on E^7(N).

5 References

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