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(Ambient and non-ambient isotopy)
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For $m-n\le2$ this is not so: e.g., any knot $S^1\to\Rr^3$ is non-ambiently PL isotopic to the trivial one, but not necessarily ambiently PL isotopic to it.
For $m-n\le2$ this is not so: e.g., any knot $S^1\to\Rr^3$ is non-ambiently PL isotopic to the trivial one, but not necessarily ambiently PL isotopic to it.
<!--In the smooth category, ''non-ambient isotopy'' is also called ''diffeotopy''.-->
<!--In the smooth category, ''non-ambient isotopy'' is also called ''diffeotopy''.-->

Revision as of 12:57, 14 March 2019

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1 Introduction

We work in the smooth or piecewise-linear (PL) or topological (TOP) categories. If a category is omitted, then the result holds (or a definition is given) in all the three categories. We write `CAT homeomorphism' to mean `diffeomorphism' for CAT=DIFF, `PL homemomorphism' for CAT=PL and `homeomorphism' for CAT=TOP. Here CAT coincides with the category (of manifolds and their maps), which is omitted elsewhere in the sentence involving `CAT homeomorphism'.

By a homeomorphism we mean a homeomorphism onto (as opposed to an embedding). All manifolds are assumed to be compact.

2 Ambient and non-ambient isotopy

Definition 2.1 (Ambient isotopy). For manifolds M,N two embeddings f,g:N\to M are called ambiently isotopic, if there exists a CAT homeomorphism F:M\times I\to M\times I such that

  • F(y,0)=(y,0) for each y\in M,
  • F(f(x),1)=(g(x),1) for each x\in N, and
  • F(M\times\{t\})=M\times\{t\} for each t\in I.

See [Skopenkov2006, Figure 1.1].

This defines an equivalence relation on the set of embeddings of N into
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(in the smooth category this is not so trivial, see [Hirsch1976, \S8, Theorem 1.9 and Excercise 1]).

This equivalence relation is called `ambient isotopy'.

For a simple example see [Skopenkov2016c, Remark 1.2.a]. The classification of embeddings up to ambient isotopy is a classical problem in topology, see [Skopenkov2016c] for introduction and fundamental theorems in which the concept plays a key role.

The above CAT homeomorphism F, or the family (=the set) of CAT homeomorphisms F_t:M\to M defined by F_t(x):=F(t,x), are also called ambient isotopy.

Ambient isotopy is a stronger equivalence relation than any of the relations non-ambient isotopy, isoposition, concordance, bordism, etc., see below.

The words ambient isotopy are often abbreviated to just isotopy. One should be careful because isotopy sometimes stands for non-ambient isotopy.

Definition 2.2 (Non-ambient isotopy). For manifolds M,N two embeddings f,g:N\to M are called non-ambient isotopic, if there exists an embedding F:N\times I\to M\times I such that

  • F(x,0)=(f(x),0),
  • F(x,1)=(g(x),1) for each x\in N and
  • F(N\times\{t\})\subset M\times\{t\} for each t\in I.

For more delicate questions involving homotopy in the space of embeddings and non-compact manifolds see [Geiges2018].

Theorem 2.3. In the smooth category, or for m-n\ge3 in the PL or TOP category, non-ambient isotopy implies ambient isotopy [Hirsch1976, \S8.1], [Hudson&Zeeman1964], [Hudson1966], [Akin1969], [Edwards1975].

For m-n\le2 this is not so: e.g., any knot S^1\to\Rr^3 is non-ambiently PL isotopic to the trivial one, but not necessarily ambiently PL isotopic to it.

3 Isoposition and concordance

Definition 3.1 (Isoposition). For manifolds M,N two embeddings f,g:N\to M are called (orientation preserving) isopositioned, if there is an (orientation preserving) CAT homeomorphism h:M\to M such that h\circ f=g.

For embeddings into \Rr^m PL orientation preserving isoposition is equivalent to PL isotopy (the Alexander-Guggenheim Theorem) [Rourke&Sanderson1972, 3.22]. It would be interesting to know if the smooth analogue of this result holds.

Definition 3.2 (Concordance). For manifolds M,N two embeddings f,g:N\to M are called ambiently concordant, or just concordant, if there is a homeomorphism onto F:M\times I\to M\times I (which is called a concordance) such that

  • F(y,0)=(y,0) for each y\in M and
  • F(f(x),1)=(g(x),1) for each x\in N.

The definition of non-ambient concordance is analogously obtained from that of non-ambient isotopy by dropping the last condition of level-preservation. Note that in knot theory non-ambient concordance is called cobordism.

In the DIFF category or for m-n\ge3 in the PL or TOP category non-ambient concordance implies ambient concordance and ambient isotopy [Lickorish1965], [Hudson1970], [Hudson&Lickorish1971]. (This is not so in the PL or TOP category for codimension 2.) This result allows a reduction of the Knotting Problem to the relativized Embedding Problem, see [Skopenkov2016c, \S1].

4 References

]{Skopenkov2016c}. == References == {{#RefList:}} [[Category:Definitions]] [[Category:Embeddings of manifolds]]M,N two embeddings f,g:N\to M are called ambiently isotopic, if there exists a CAT homeomorphism F:M\times I\to M\times I such that

  • F(y,0)=(y,0) for each y\in M,
  • F(f(x),1)=(g(x),1) for each x\in N, and
  • F(M\times\{t\})=M\times\{t\} for each t\in I.

See [Skopenkov2006, Figure 1.1].

This defines an equivalence relation on the set of embeddings of N into
Tex syntax error
(in the smooth category this is not so trivial, see [Hirsch1976, \S8, Theorem 1.9 and Excercise 1]).

This equivalence relation is called `ambient isotopy'.

For a simple example see [Skopenkov2016c, Remark 1.2.a]. The classification of embeddings up to ambient isotopy is a classical problem in topology, see [Skopenkov2016c] for introduction and fundamental theorems in which the concept plays a key role.

The above CAT homeomorphism F, or the family (=the set) of CAT homeomorphisms F_t:M\to M defined by F_t(x):=F(t,x), are also called ambient isotopy.

Ambient isotopy is a stronger equivalence relation than any of the relations non-ambient isotopy, isoposition, concordance, bordism, etc., see below.

The words ambient isotopy are often abbreviated to just isotopy. One should be careful because isotopy sometimes stands for non-ambient isotopy.

Definition 2.2 (Non-ambient isotopy). For manifolds M,N two embeddings f,g:N\to M are called non-ambient isotopic, if there exists an embedding F:N\times I\to M\times I such that

  • F(x,0)=(f(x),0),
  • F(x,1)=(g(x),1) for each x\in N and
  • F(N\times\{t\})\subset M\times\{t\} for each t\in I.

For more delicate questions involving homotopy in the space of embeddings and non-compact manifolds see [Geiges2018].

Theorem 2.3. In the smooth category, or for m-n\ge3 in the PL or TOP category, non-ambient isotopy implies ambient isotopy [Hirsch1976, \S8.1], [Hudson&Zeeman1964], [Hudson1966], [Akin1969], [Edwards1975].

For m-n\le2 this is not so: e.g., any knot S^1\to\Rr^3 is non-ambiently PL isotopic to the trivial one, but not necessarily ambiently PL isotopic to it.

3 Isoposition and concordance

Definition 3.1 (Isoposition). For manifolds M,N two embeddings f,g:N\to M are called (orientation preserving) isopositioned, if there is an (orientation preserving) CAT homeomorphism h:M\to M such that h\circ f=g.

For embeddings into \Rr^m PL orientation preserving isoposition is equivalent to PL isotopy (the Alexander-Guggenheim Theorem) [Rourke&Sanderson1972, 3.22]. It would be interesting to know if the smooth analogue of this result holds.

Definition 3.2 (Concordance). For manifolds M,N two embeddings f,g:N\to M are called ambiently concordant, or just concordant, if there is a homeomorphism onto F:M\times I\to M\times I (which is called a concordance) such that

  • F(y,0)=(y,0) for each y\in M and
  • F(f(x),1)=(g(x),1) for each x\in N.

The definition of non-ambient concordance is analogously obtained from that of non-ambient isotopy by dropping the last condition of level-preservation. Note that in knot theory non-ambient concordance is called cobordism.

In the DIFF category or for m-n\ge3 in the PL or TOP category non-ambient concordance implies ambient concordance and ambient isotopy [Lickorish1965], [Hudson1970], [Hudson&Lickorish1971]. (This is not so in the PL or TOP category for codimension 2.) This result allows a reduction of the Knotting Problem to the relativized Embedding Problem, see [Skopenkov2016c, \S1].

4 References

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