Complex bordism

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1 Introduction

Complex bordism (also known as unitary bordism) is the bordism theory of stably complex manifolds. It is one of the most important theories of bordism with additional structure, or B-bordism.

The theory of complex bordism is much richer than its unoriented analogue, and at the same time is not as complicated as oriented bordism or other bordism theories with additional structure (B-bordism). Thanks to this, the complex cobordism theory has found the most striking and important applications in algebraic topology and beyond. Many of these applications, including the formal group techniques and Adams-Novikov spectral sequence were outlined in the pioneering work [Novikov1967].

2 Stably complex structures

A direct attempt to define the bordism relation on complex manifolds fails because the manifold \,W is odd-dimensional and therefore cannot be complex. In order to work with complex manifolds in the bordism theory, one needs to weaken the notion of a complex structure. This leads directly to considering stably complex (also known as weakly almost complex, stably almost complex or quasicomplex) manifolds.

Let {\mathcal T}\!M denote the tangent bundle of M, and \underline{\mathbb R}^k the product vector bundle M\times\mathbb R^k over M. A tangential stably complex structure on M is determined by a choice of an isomorphism

\displaystyle    c_{\mathcal T}\colon {\mathcal T}\!M\oplus \underline{\mathbb R}^k\to \xi

between the "stable" tangent bundle and a complex vector bundle \xi over M. Some of the choices of such isomorphisms are deemed to be equivalent, i.e. determining the same stably complex structures (see details in Chapters II and VII of [Stong1968]). In particular, two stably complex structures are equivalent if they differ by a trivial complex summand. A normal stably complex structure on M is determined by a choice of a complex bundle structure on the normal bundle \nu(M) of an embedding M\hookrightarrow\mathbb R^N. Tangential and normal stably complex structures on M determine each other by means of the canonical isomorphism \mathcal T\!M\oplus\nu(M)\cong\underline{\mathbb R}^N. We therefore may restrict our attention to tangential structures only.

A stably complex manifold is a pair (M,c_{\mathcal T}) consisting of a manifold M and a stably complex structure c_{\mathcal T} on it. This is a generalisation of a complex and almost complex manifold (where the latter means a manifold with a choice of a complex structure on {\mathcal T}\!M, i.e. a stably complex structure c_{\mathcal T} with k=0).

Example 2.1. Let M=\mathbb{C}P^1. The standard complex structure on M is equivalent to a stably complex structure determined by the isomorphism

\displaystyle    {\mathcal T}(\mathbb{C}P^1)\oplus\underline{\mathbb R}^2\stackrel{\cong}{\longrightarrow}   \overline{\eta}\oplus \overline{\eta}

where \eta is the Hopf line bundle. On the other hand, the isomorphism

\displaystyle    {\mathcal T}(\mathbb{C}P^1)\oplus\underline{\mathbb R}^2\stackrel{\cong}{\longrightarrow}   \eta\oplus \overline{\eta}\cong \underline{\mathbb C}^2

determines a trivial stably complex structure on \mathbb C P^1.

3 Definition of bordism and cobordism

The bordism relation can be defined between stably complex manifolds. Like the case of unoriented bordism, the set of bordism classes [M,c_{\mathcal T}] of stably complex manifolds of dimension n is an Abelian group with respect to the disjoint union. This group is called the n-dimensional complex bordism group and denoted \varOmega^U_n. The zero element is represented by the bordism class of any manifold M which bounds and whose stable tangent bundle is trivial (and therefore isomorphic to a product complex vector bundle M\times\mathbb C^k). The sphere S^n provides an example of such a manifold. The opposite element to the bordism class [M,c_{\mathcal T}] in the group \varOmega^U_n may be represented by the same manifold M with the stably complex structure determined by the isomorphism

\displaystyle    {\mathcal T}\!M\oplus\underline{\mathbb R}^k\oplus\underline{\mathbb R}^2\stackrel{c_{{}_{\mathcal T}}\oplus   e}{\relbar\joinrel\hspace{-1pt}\relbar\joinrel\hspace{-1pt}\longrightarrow}\xi\oplus\underline{\mathbb C}

where e\colon\mathbb R^2\to\mathbb C is given by e(x,y)=x-iy.

An abbreviated notation [M] for the complex bordism class will be used whenever the stably complex structure c_{\mathcal T} is clear from the context.

The complex bordism group U_n(X) and cobordism group U^n(X) of a space X may also be defined geometrically, at least for the case when X is a manifold. This can be done along the lines suggested by [Quillen1971a] and [Dold1978] by considering special "stably complex" maps of manifolds M to X. However, nowadays the homotopical approach to bordism has taken over, and the (co)bordism groups are usually defined using the Pontrjagin-Thom construction similarly to the unoriented case:

\displaystyle  \begin{aligned}   U_n(X)&=\lim_{k\to\infty}\pi_{2k+n}((X_+)\wedge MU(k)),\\   U^n(X)&=\lim_{k\to\infty}[\Sigma^{2k-n}(X_+),MU(k)] \end{aligned}

where MU(k) is the Thom space of the universal complex k-plane bundle EU(k)\to BU(k). These groups are \varOmega_*^U-modules and give rise to a multiplicative (co)homology theory. In particular, U^*(X)=\oplus_n U^n(X) is a graded ring.

The graded ring \varOmega^*_U with \varOmega^{n}_U=\varOmega_{-n}^U is called the complex cobordism ring; it has nontrivial elements only in nonpositively graded components.

4 Geometric cobordisms

There is one important case when certain cobordism classes can be represented very explicitly by maps of manifolds.

For any cell complex X the cohomology group H^2(X) can be identified with the set [X,\mathbb C P^\infty] of homotopy classes of maps into \mathbb C P^\infty. Since \mathbb C P^\infty=MU(1), every element x\in H^2(X) also determines a cobordism class u_x\in U^2(X). The elements of U^2(X) obtained in this way are called geometric cobordisms of X. We therefore may view H^2(X) as a subset in U^2(X), however the group operation in H^2(X) is not obtained by restricting the group operation in U^2(X) (see Formal group laws and genera for the relationship between the two operations).

When X is a manifold, geometric cobordisms may be described by submanifolds M\subset X of codimension 2 with a fixed complex structure on the normal bundle.

Indeed, every x\in H^2(X) corresponds to a homotopy class of maps f_x\colon X\to\mathbb C P^\infty. The image f_x(X) is contained in some \mathbb C P^N\subset\mathbb C P^\infty, and we may assume that f_x(X) is transversal to a certain hyperplane H\subset\mathbb C P^N. Then M_x:=f_x^{-1}(H) is a codimension 2 submanifold in X whose normal bundle acquires a complex structure by restriction of the complex structure on the normal bundle of H\subset\mathbb C P^N. Changing the map f_x within its homotopy class does not affect the bordism class of the embedding M_x\to X.

Conversely, assume given a submanifold M\subset X of codimension 2 whose normal bundle is endowed with a complex structure. Then the composition

\displaystyle    X\to M(\nu)\to MU(1)=\mathbb C P^\infty

of the Pontrjagin-Thom collapse map X\to M(\nu) and the map of Thom spaces corresponding to the classifying map M\to BU(1) of \nu defines an element x_M\in H^2(X), and therefore a geometric cobordism.

If X is an oriented manifold, then a choice of complex structure on the normal bundle of a codimension 2 embedding M\subset X is equivalent to orienting M. The image of the fundamental class of M in the homology of X is Poincaré dual to x_M\in H^2(X).

5 Structure results

The complex bordism ring \varOmega_*^U is described as follows.

Theorem 5.1.

  1. \varOmega_*^U\otimes\mathbb Q is a polynomial ring over \mathbb Q generated by the bordism classes of complex projective spaces \mathbb C P^i, i\ge1.
  2. Two stably complex manifolds are bordant if and only if they have identical sets of Chern characteristic numbers.
  3. \varOmega_*^U is a polynomial ring over \mathbb Z with one generator a_i in every even dimension 2i, where i\ge1.

Part 1 can be proved by the methods of [Thom1954]. Part 2 follows from the results of [Milnor1960] and [Novikov1960]. Part 3 is the most difficult one; it was done by [Novikov1960] using the Adams spectral sequence and structure theory of Hopf algebras (see also [Novikov1962] for a more detailed account) and Milnor (unpublished, but see [Thom1995]) in 1960. Another more geometric proof was given by [Stong1965], see also [Stong1968].

6 Multiplicative generators

6.1 Preliminaries: characteristic number sn

To describe a set of multiplicative generators for the ring \varOmega_*^U we shall need a special characteristic class of complex vector bundles. Let \xi be a complex k-plane bundle over a manifold M. Write its total Chern class formally as follows:

\displaystyle      c(\xi )=1+c_1(\xi )+\cdots +c_k(\xi )=(1+x_1)\cdots(1+x_k),

so that c_i(\xi )=\sigma_i(x_1,\ldots,x_k) is the ith elementary symmetric function in formal indeterminates. These indeterminates acquire a geometric meaning if \xi is a sum \xi_1\oplus\cdots\oplus\xi_k of line bundles; then x_j=c_1(\xi_j), 1\le j\le k. Consider the polynomial

\displaystyle    P_n(x_1,\ldots x_k)=x_1^n+\cdots +x_k^n

and express it via the elementary symmetric functions:

\displaystyle    P_n(x_1,\ldots ,x_k)=s_n(\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_k).

Substituting the Chern classes for the elementary symmetric functions we obtain a certain characteristic class of \xi:

\displaystyle    s_n(\xi)=s_n(c_1(\xi),\ldots,c_k(\xi))\in H^{2n}(M).

This characteristic class plays an important role in detecting the polynomial generators of the complex bordism ring, because of the following properties (which follow immediately from the definition).

Proposition 6.1.

  1. s_n(\xi)=0 for 2n>\dim M.
  2. s_n(\xi\oplus\eta)=s_n(\xi)+s_n(\eta).

Given a stably complex manifold (M,c_{\mathcal T}) of dimension 2n, define its characteristic number

\displaystyle    s_n[M]=s_n(\xi)\langle M\rangle\in\mathbb Z

where \xi is the complex bundle from the definition of stably complex structure, and \langle M\rangle\in H_{2n}(M) the fundamental homology class.

Corollary 6.2. If a bordism class [M]\in\varOmega_{2n}^U decomposes as [M_1]\times[M_2] where \dim M_1>0 and \dim M_2>0, then s_n[M]=0.

It follows that the characteristic number s_n vanishes on decomposable elements of \varOmega^U_{2n}. It also detects indecomposables that may be chosen as polynomial generators. In fact, the following result is a byproduct of the calculation of \varOmega^U_*:

Theorem 6.3. A bordism class [M]\in\varOmega_{2n}^U may be chosen as a polynomial generator a_n of the ring \varOmega_*^U if and only if

\displaystyle    s_n[M]=\begin{cases}   \pm1,  &\text{if $n\ne p^k-1$ for any prime $p$;}\\   \pm p, &\text{if $n=p^k-1$ for some prime $p$.}   \end{cases}

(Ed Floyd was fond of calling the characteristic numbers s_n[M] the "magic numbers" of manifolds.)

6.2 Milnor hypersurfaces Hij

A universal description of connected manifolds representing the polynomial generators a_n\in\varOmega_*^U is unknown. Still, there is a particularly nice family of manifolds whose bordism classes generate the whole ring \varOmega_*^U. This family is redundant though, so there are algebraic relations between their bordism classes.

Fix a pair of integers j\ge i\ge0 and consider the product \mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j. Its algebraic subvariety

\displaystyle    H_{ij}=\{   (z_0:\ldots :z_i)\times (w_0:\ldots :w_j)\in     \mathbb{C}P^i\times \mathbb{C}P^j\colon z_0w_0+\cdots +z_iw_i=0\}

is called a Milnor hypersurface. Note that H_{0j}\cong\mathbb C P^{j-1}.

Denote by p_1 and p_2 the projections of \mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j onto the first and second factors respectively, and by \eta the Hopf line bundle over a complex projective space; then \bar\eta is the hyperplane section bundle. We have

\displaystyle    H^*(\mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j)=\mathbb Z[x,y]/(x^{i+1}=0,\;y^{j+1}=0)

where x=p_1^*c_1(\bar\eta), y=p_2^*c_1(\bar\eta).

Proposition 6.4. The geometric cobordism in \mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j corresponding to the element x+y\in H^2(\mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j) is represented by the submanifold H_{ij}. In particular, the image of the fundamental class \langle H_{ij}\rangle in H_{2(i+j-1)}(\mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j) is Poincaré dual to x+y.

See the proof here (opens a separate pdf).

Lemma 6.5. We have

\displaystyle    s_{i+j-1}[H_{ij}]=\begin{cases}   j,&\text{if \ $i=0$, i.e. $H_{ij}=\mathbb C P^{j-1}$};\\   2,&\text{if \ $i=j=1$};\\   0,&\text{if \ $i=1$, $j>1$};\\   -\binom{i+j}i,&\text{if \ $i>1$}.   \end{cases}

See the proof here (opens a separate pdf).

Theorem 6.6. The bordism classes \{[H_{ij}],0\le i\le j\} multiplicatively generate the complex bordism ring \varOmega_*^U.

Proof. This follows from the fact that

\displaystyle    \mathop{\text{g.c.d.}}\Bigl({\textstyle\binom{n+1}i},\;1\le i\le n\Bigr)=         \begin{cases}             p, & \text{if \ $n=p^k-1$,}\\             1, & \text{otherwise,}         \end{cases}

and the previous Lemma.

Example 6.7.

  • \varOmega_{2i+1}^U=0;
  • \varOmega_0^U=\mathbb Z, generated by a point;
  • \varOmega_2^U=\mathbb Z, generated by [\mathbb CP^1], as 1=2^1-1 and s_1[\mathbb C P^1]=2;
  • \varOmega_4^U=\mathbb Z\oplus\mathbb Z, generated by [\mathbb CP^1\times\mathbb CP^1] and [\mathbb CP^2], as 2=3^1-1 and s_2[\mathbb C P^2]=3;
  • [\mathbb C P^3] cannot be taken as the polynomial generator a_3\in\varOmega_6^U, since s_3[\mathbb C P^3]=4, while s_3(a_3)=\pm2. The bordism class [H_{22}]+[\mathbb C P^3] may be taken as a_3.

The previous theorem about the multiplicative generators for \varOmega_*^U has the following important specification.

Theorem 6.8 (Milnor). Every bordism class x\in\varOmega_n^U with n>0 contains a nonsingular algebraic variety (not necessarily connected).

(The Milnor hypersufaces are algebraic, but one also needs to represent -[H_{ij}] by algebraic varieties!) For the proof see Chapter 7 of [Stong1968].

The following question is still open, even in complex dimension 2.

Problem 6.9 (Hirzebruch). Describe the set of bordism classes in \varOmega_*^U containing connected nonsingular algebraic varieties.

Example 6.10. Every class k[\mathbb C P^1]\in\varOmega^U_2 contains a nonsingular algebraic variety, namely, a disjoint union of k copies of \mathbb C P^1 for k>0 and a Riemannian surface of genus (1-k) for k\le0. Connected algebraic varieties are only contained in the bordism classes k[\mathbb C P^1] with k\le1.

6.3 Toric generators Bij and quasitoric representatives in cobordism classes

7 Adams-Novikov spectral sequence

The main references here are [Novikov1967], [Adams1974] and [Ravenel1986]

8 References

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\le j\le k$. Consider the polynomial $$ P_n(x_1,\ldots x_k)=x_1^n+\cdots +x_k^n $$ and express it via the elementary symmetric functions: $$ P_n(x_1,\ldots ,x_k)=s_n(\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_k). $$ Substituting the Chern classes for the elementary symmetric functions we obtain a certain characteristic class of $\xi$: $$ s_n(\xi)=s_n(c_1(\xi),\ldots,c_k(\xi))\in H^{2n}(M). $$ This characteristic class plays an important role in detecting the polynomial generators of the complex bordism ring, because of the following properties (which follow immediately from the definition). {{beginthm|Proposition}} # $s_n(\xi)=0$ for n>\dim M$. # $s_n(\xi\oplus\eta)=s_n(\xi)+s_n(\eta)$. {{endthm}} Given a stably complex manifold $(M,c_{\mathcal T})$ of dimension n$, define its characteristic number $$ s_n[M]=s_n(\xi)\langle M\rangle\in\mathbb Z $$ where $\xi$ is the complex bundle from the definition of [[#Stably complex structures|stably complex structure]], and $\langle M\rangle\in H_{2n}(M)$ the fundamental homology class. {{beginthm|Corollary}} If a bordism class $[M]\in\varOmega_{2n}^U$ decomposes as $[M_1]\times[M_2]$ where $\dim M_1>0$ and $\dim M_2>0$, then $s_n[M]=0$. {{endthm}} It follows that the characteristic number $s_n$ vanishes on decomposable elements of $\varOmega^U_{2n}$. It also detects indecomposables that may be chosen as polynomial generators. In fact, the following result is a byproduct of the calculation of $\varOmega^U_*$: {{beginthm|Theorem}} A bordism class $[M]\in\varOmega_{2n}^U$ may be chosen as a polynomial generator $a_n$ of the ring $\varOmega_*^U$ if and only if $$ s_n[M]=\begin{cases} \pm1, &\text{if $n\ne p^k-1$ for any prime $p$;}\ \pm p, &\text{if $n=p^k-1$ for some prime $p$.} \end{cases} $$ {{endthm}} (Ed Floyd was fond of calling the characteristic numbers $s_n[M]$ the "magic numbers" of manifolds.) === Milnor hypersurfaces Hij === ; A universal description of connected manifolds representing the polynomial generators $a_n\in\varOmega_*^U$ is unknown. Still, there is a particularly nice family of manifolds whose bordism classes generate the whole ring $\varOmega_*^U$. This family is redundant though, so there are algebraic relations between their bordism classes. Fix a pair of integers $j\ge i\ge0$ and consider the product $\mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j$. Its algebraic subvariety $$ H_{ij}=\{ (z_0:\ldots :z_i)\times (w_0:\ldots :w_j)\in \mathbb{C}P^i\times \mathbb{C}P^j\colon z_0w_0+\cdots +z_iw_i=0\} $$ is called a ''Milnor hypersurface''. Note that $H_{0j}\cong\mathbb C P^{j-1}$. Denote by $p_1$ and $p_2$ the projections of $\mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j$ onto the first and second factors respectively, and by $\eta$ the Hopf line bundle over a complex projective space; then $\bar\eta$ is the hyperplane section bundle. We have $$ H^*(\mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j)=\mathbb Z[x,y]/(x^{i+1}=0,\;y^{j+1}=0) $$ where $x=p_1^*c_1(\bar\eta)$, $y=p_2^*c_1(\bar\eta)$. {{beginthm|Proposition}} The [[#Geometric cobordisms|geometric cobordism]] in $\mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j$ corresponding to the element $x+y\in H^2(\mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j)$ is represented by the submanifold $H_{ij}$. In particular, the image of the fundamental class $\langle H_{ij}\rangle$ in $H_{2(i+j-1)}(\mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j)$ is Poincaré dual to $x+y$. {{endthm}} See the proof [[Media:complex_cobordims_proofs-milnor.pdf|here]] (opens a separate pdf). {{beginthm|Lemma}} We have $$ s_{i+j-1}[H_{ij}]=\begin{cases} j,&\text{if \ $i=0$, i.e. $H_{ij}=\mathbb C P^{j-1}$};\ 2,&\text{if \ $i=j=1$};\ 0,&\text{if \ $i=1$, $j>1$};\ -\binom{i+j}i,&\text{if \ $i>1$}. \end{cases} $$ {{endthm}} See the proof [[Media:complex_cobordims_proofs-milnor.pdf|here]] (opens a separate pdf). {{beginthm|Theorem}} The bordism classes $\{[H_{ij}],0\le i\le j\}$ multiplicatively generate the complex bordism ring $\varOmega_*^U$. {{endthm}} ''Proof.'' This follows from the fact that $$ \mathop{\text{g.c.d.}}\Bigl({\textstyle\binom{n+1}i},\;1\le i\le n\Bigr)= \begin{cases} p, & \text{if \ $n=p^k-1$,}\ 1, & \text{otherwise,} \end{cases} $$ and the previous Lemma. {{beginthm|Example}} * $\varOmega_{2i+1}^U=0$; * $\varOmega_0^U=\mathbb Z$, generated by a point; * $\varOmega_2^U=\mathbb Z$, generated by $[\mathbb CP^1]$, as \,W is odd-dimensional and therefore cannot be complex. In order to work with complex manifolds in the bordism theory, one needs to weaken the notion of a complex structure. This leads directly to considering stably complex (also known as weakly almost complex, stably almost complex or quasicomplex) manifolds.

Let {\mathcal T}\!M denote the tangent bundle of M, and \underline{\mathbb R}^k the product vector bundle M\times\mathbb R^k over M. A tangential stably complex structure on M is determined by a choice of an isomorphism

\displaystyle    c_{\mathcal T}\colon {\mathcal T}\!M\oplus \underline{\mathbb R}^k\to \xi

between the "stable" tangent bundle and a complex vector bundle \xi over M. Some of the choices of such isomorphisms are deemed to be equivalent, i.e. determining the same stably complex structures (see details in Chapters II and VII of [Stong1968]). In particular, two stably complex structures are equivalent if they differ by a trivial complex summand. A normal stably complex structure on M is determined by a choice of a complex bundle structure on the normal bundle \nu(M) of an embedding M\hookrightarrow\mathbb R^N. Tangential and normal stably complex structures on M determine each other by means of the canonical isomorphism \mathcal T\!M\oplus\nu(M)\cong\underline{\mathbb R}^N. We therefore may restrict our attention to tangential structures only.

A stably complex manifold is a pair (M,c_{\mathcal T}) consisting of a manifold M and a stably complex structure c_{\mathcal T} on it. This is a generalisation of a complex and almost complex manifold (where the latter means a manifold with a choice of a complex structure on {\mathcal T}\!M, i.e. a stably complex structure c_{\mathcal T} with k=0).

Example 2.1. Let M=\mathbb{C}P^1. The standard complex structure on M is equivalent to a stably complex structure determined by the isomorphism

\displaystyle    {\mathcal T}(\mathbb{C}P^1)\oplus\underline{\mathbb R}^2\stackrel{\cong}{\longrightarrow}   \overline{\eta}\oplus \overline{\eta}

where \eta is the Hopf line bundle. On the other hand, the isomorphism

\displaystyle    {\mathcal T}(\mathbb{C}P^1)\oplus\underline{\mathbb R}^2\stackrel{\cong}{\longrightarrow}   \eta\oplus \overline{\eta}\cong \underline{\mathbb C}^2

determines a trivial stably complex structure on \mathbb C P^1.

3 Definition of bordism and cobordism

The bordism relation can be defined between stably complex manifolds. Like the case of unoriented bordism, the set of bordism classes [M,c_{\mathcal T}] of stably complex manifolds of dimension n is an Abelian group with respect to the disjoint union. This group is called the n-dimensional complex bordism group and denoted \varOmega^U_n. The zero element is represented by the bordism class of any manifold M which bounds and whose stable tangent bundle is trivial (and therefore isomorphic to a product complex vector bundle M\times\mathbb C^k). The sphere S^n provides an example of such a manifold. The opposite element to the bordism class [M,c_{\mathcal T}] in the group \varOmega^U_n may be represented by the same manifold M with the stably complex structure determined by the isomorphism

\displaystyle    {\mathcal T}\!M\oplus\underline{\mathbb R}^k\oplus\underline{\mathbb R}^2\stackrel{c_{{}_{\mathcal T}}\oplus   e}{\relbar\joinrel\hspace{-1pt}\relbar\joinrel\hspace{-1pt}\longrightarrow}\xi\oplus\underline{\mathbb C}

where e\colon\mathbb R^2\to\mathbb C is given by e(x,y)=x-iy.

An abbreviated notation [M] for the complex bordism class will be used whenever the stably complex structure c_{\mathcal T} is clear from the context.

The complex bordism group U_n(X) and cobordism group U^n(X) of a space X may also be defined geometrically, at least for the case when X is a manifold. This can be done along the lines suggested by [Quillen1971a] and [Dold1978] by considering special "stably complex" maps of manifolds M to X. However, nowadays the homotopical approach to bordism has taken over, and the (co)bordism groups are usually defined using the Pontrjagin-Thom construction similarly to the unoriented case:

\displaystyle  \begin{aligned}   U_n(X)&=\lim_{k\to\infty}\pi_{2k+n}((X_+)\wedge MU(k)),\\   U^n(X)&=\lim_{k\to\infty}[\Sigma^{2k-n}(X_+),MU(k)] \end{aligned}

where MU(k) is the Thom space of the universal complex k-plane bundle EU(k)\to BU(k). These groups are \varOmega_*^U-modules and give rise to a multiplicative (co)homology theory. In particular, U^*(X)=\oplus_n U^n(X) is a graded ring.

The graded ring \varOmega^*_U with \varOmega^{n}_U=\varOmega_{-n}^U is called the complex cobordism ring; it has nontrivial elements only in nonpositively graded components.

4 Geometric cobordisms

There is one important case when certain cobordism classes can be represented very explicitly by maps of manifolds.

For any cell complex X the cohomology group H^2(X) can be identified with the set [X,\mathbb C P^\infty] of homotopy classes of maps into \mathbb C P^\infty. Since \mathbb C P^\infty=MU(1), every element x\in H^2(X) also determines a cobordism class u_x\in U^2(X). The elements of U^2(X) obtained in this way are called geometric cobordisms of X. We therefore may view H^2(X) as a subset in U^2(X), however the group operation in H^2(X) is not obtained by restricting the group operation in U^2(X) (see Formal group laws and genera for the relationship between the two operations).

When X is a manifold, geometric cobordisms may be described by submanifolds M\subset X of codimension 2 with a fixed complex structure on the normal bundle.

Indeed, every x\in H^2(X) corresponds to a homotopy class of maps f_x\colon X\to\mathbb C P^\infty. The image f_x(X) is contained in some \mathbb C P^N\subset\mathbb C P^\infty, and we may assume that f_x(X) is transversal to a certain hyperplane H\subset\mathbb C P^N. Then M_x:=f_x^{-1}(H) is a codimension 2 submanifold in X whose normal bundle acquires a complex structure by restriction of the complex structure on the normal bundle of H\subset\mathbb C P^N. Changing the map f_x within its homotopy class does not affect the bordism class of the embedding M_x\to X.

Conversely, assume given a submanifold M\subset X of codimension 2 whose normal bundle is endowed with a complex structure. Then the composition

\displaystyle    X\to M(\nu)\to MU(1)=\mathbb C P^\infty

of the Pontrjagin-Thom collapse map X\to M(\nu) and the map of Thom spaces corresponding to the classifying map M\to BU(1) of \nu defines an element x_M\in H^2(X), and therefore a geometric cobordism.

If X is an oriented manifold, then a choice of complex structure on the normal bundle of a codimension 2 embedding M\subset X is equivalent to orienting M. The image of the fundamental class of M in the homology of X is Poincaré dual to x_M\in H^2(X).

5 Structure results

The complex bordism ring \varOmega_*^U is described as follows.

Theorem 5.1.

  1. \varOmega_*^U\otimes\mathbb Q is a polynomial ring over \mathbb Q generated by the bordism classes of complex projective spaces \mathbb C P^i, i\ge1.
  2. Two stably complex manifolds are bordant if and only if they have identical sets of Chern characteristic numbers.
  3. \varOmega_*^U is a polynomial ring over \mathbb Z with one generator a_i in every even dimension 2i, where i\ge1.

Part 1 can be proved by the methods of [Thom1954]. Part 2 follows from the results of [Milnor1960] and [Novikov1960]. Part 3 is the most difficult one; it was done by [Novikov1960] using the Adams spectral sequence and structure theory of Hopf algebras (see also [Novikov1962] for a more detailed account) and Milnor (unpublished, but see [Thom1995]) in 1960. Another more geometric proof was given by [Stong1965], see also [Stong1968].

6 Multiplicative generators

6.1 Preliminaries: characteristic number sn

To describe a set of multiplicative generators for the ring \varOmega_*^U we shall need a special characteristic class of complex vector bundles. Let \xi be a complex k-plane bundle over a manifold M. Write its total Chern class formally as follows:

\displaystyle      c(\xi )=1+c_1(\xi )+\cdots +c_k(\xi )=(1+x_1)\cdots(1+x_k),

so that c_i(\xi )=\sigma_i(x_1,\ldots,x_k) is the ith elementary symmetric function in formal indeterminates. These indeterminates acquire a geometric meaning if \xi is a sum \xi_1\oplus\cdots\oplus\xi_k of line bundles; then x_j=c_1(\xi_j), 1\le j\le k. Consider the polynomial

\displaystyle    P_n(x_1,\ldots x_k)=x_1^n+\cdots +x_k^n

and express it via the elementary symmetric functions:

\displaystyle    P_n(x_1,\ldots ,x_k)=s_n(\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_k).

Substituting the Chern classes for the elementary symmetric functions we obtain a certain characteristic class of \xi:

\displaystyle    s_n(\xi)=s_n(c_1(\xi),\ldots,c_k(\xi))\in H^{2n}(M).

This characteristic class plays an important role in detecting the polynomial generators of the complex bordism ring, because of the following properties (which follow immediately from the definition).

Proposition 6.1.

  1. s_n(\xi)=0 for 2n>\dim M.
  2. s_n(\xi\oplus\eta)=s_n(\xi)+s_n(\eta).

Given a stably complex manifold (M,c_{\mathcal T}) of dimension 2n, define its characteristic number

\displaystyle    s_n[M]=s_n(\xi)\langle M\rangle\in\mathbb Z

where \xi is the complex bundle from the definition of stably complex structure, and \langle M\rangle\in H_{2n}(M) the fundamental homology class.

Corollary 6.2. If a bordism class [M]\in\varOmega_{2n}^U decomposes as [M_1]\times[M_2] where \dim M_1>0 and \dim M_2>0, then s_n[M]=0.

It follows that the characteristic number s_n vanishes on decomposable elements of \varOmega^U_{2n}. It also detects indecomposables that may be chosen as polynomial generators. In fact, the following result is a byproduct of the calculation of \varOmega^U_*:

Theorem 6.3. A bordism class [M]\in\varOmega_{2n}^U may be chosen as a polynomial generator a_n of the ring \varOmega_*^U if and only if

\displaystyle    s_n[M]=\begin{cases}   \pm1,  &\text{if $n\ne p^k-1$ for any prime $p$;}\\   \pm p, &\text{if $n=p^k-1$ for some prime $p$.}   \end{cases}

(Ed Floyd was fond of calling the characteristic numbers s_n[M] the "magic numbers" of manifolds.)

6.2 Milnor hypersurfaces Hij

A universal description of connected manifolds representing the polynomial generators a_n\in\varOmega_*^U is unknown. Still, there is a particularly nice family of manifolds whose bordism classes generate the whole ring \varOmega_*^U. This family is redundant though, so there are algebraic relations between their bordism classes.

Fix a pair of integers j\ge i\ge0 and consider the product \mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j. Its algebraic subvariety

\displaystyle    H_{ij}=\{   (z_0:\ldots :z_i)\times (w_0:\ldots :w_j)\in     \mathbb{C}P^i\times \mathbb{C}P^j\colon z_0w_0+\cdots +z_iw_i=0\}

is called a Milnor hypersurface. Note that H_{0j}\cong\mathbb C P^{j-1}.

Denote by p_1 and p_2 the projections of \mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j onto the first and second factors respectively, and by \eta the Hopf line bundle over a complex projective space; then \bar\eta is the hyperplane section bundle. We have

\displaystyle    H^*(\mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j)=\mathbb Z[x,y]/(x^{i+1}=0,\;y^{j+1}=0)

where x=p_1^*c_1(\bar\eta), y=p_2^*c_1(\bar\eta).

Proposition 6.4. The geometric cobordism in \mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j corresponding to the element x+y\in H^2(\mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j) is represented by the submanifold H_{ij}. In particular, the image of the fundamental class \langle H_{ij}\rangle in H_{2(i+j-1)}(\mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j) is Poincaré dual to x+y.

See the proof here (opens a separate pdf).

Lemma 6.5. We have

\displaystyle    s_{i+j-1}[H_{ij}]=\begin{cases}   j,&\text{if \ $i=0$, i.e. $H_{ij}=\mathbb C P^{j-1}$};\\   2,&\text{if \ $i=j=1$};\\   0,&\text{if \ $i=1$, $j>1$};\\   -\binom{i+j}i,&\text{if \ $i>1$}.   \end{cases}

See the proof here (opens a separate pdf).

Theorem 6.6. The bordism classes \{[H_{ij}],0\le i\le j\} multiplicatively generate the complex bordism ring \varOmega_*^U.

Proof. This follows from the fact that

\displaystyle    \mathop{\text{g.c.d.}}\Bigl({\textstyle\binom{n+1}i},\;1\le i\le n\Bigr)=         \begin{cases}             p, & \text{if \ $n=p^k-1$,}\\             1, & \text{otherwise,}         \end{cases}

and the previous Lemma.

Example 6.7.

  • \varOmega_{2i+1}^U=0;
  • \varOmega_0^U=\mathbb Z, generated by a point;
  • \varOmega_2^U=\mathbb Z, generated by [\mathbb CP^1], as 1=2^1-1 and s_1[\mathbb C P^1]=2;
  • \varOmega_4^U=\mathbb Z\oplus\mathbb Z, generated by [\mathbb CP^1\times\mathbb CP^1] and [\mathbb CP^2], as 2=3^1-1 and s_2[\mathbb C P^2]=3;
  • [\mathbb C P^3] cannot be taken as the polynomial generator a_3\in\varOmega_6^U, since s_3[\mathbb C P^3]=4, while s_3(a_3)=\pm2. The bordism class [H_{22}]+[\mathbb C P^3] may be taken as a_3.

The previous theorem about the multiplicative generators for \varOmega_*^U has the following important specification.

Theorem 6.8 (Milnor). Every bordism class x\in\varOmega_n^U with n>0 contains a nonsingular algebraic variety (not necessarily connected).

(The Milnor hypersufaces are algebraic, but one also needs to represent -[H_{ij}] by algebraic varieties!) For the proof see Chapter 7 of [Stong1968].

The following question is still open, even in complex dimension 2.

Problem 6.9 (Hirzebruch). Describe the set of bordism classes in \varOmega_*^U containing connected nonsingular algebraic varieties.

Example 6.10. Every class k[\mathbb C P^1]\in\varOmega^U_2 contains a nonsingular algebraic variety, namely, a disjoint union of k copies of \mathbb C P^1 for k>0 and a Riemannian surface of genus (1-k) for k\le0. Connected algebraic varieties are only contained in the bordism classes k[\mathbb C P^1] with k\le1.

6.3 Toric generators Bij and quasitoric representatives in cobordism classes

7 Adams-Novikov spectral sequence

The main references here are [Novikov1967], [Adams1974] and [Ravenel1986]

8 References

This page has not been refereed. The information given here might be incomplete or provisional.

=2^1-1$ and $s_1[\mathbb C P^1]=2$; * $\varOmega_4^U=\mathbb Z\oplus\mathbb Z$, generated by $[\mathbb CP^1\times\mathbb CP^1]$ and $[\mathbb CP^2]$, as =3^1-1$ and $s_2[\mathbb C P^2]=3$; * $[\mathbb C P^3]$ cannot be taken as the polynomial generator $a_3\in\varOmega_6^U$, since $s_3[\mathbb C P^3]=4$, while $s_3(a_3)=\pm2$. The bordism class $[H_{22}]+[\mathbb C P^3]$ may be taken as $a_3$. {{endthm}} The previous theorem about the multiplicative generators for $\varOmega_*^U$ has the following important specification. {{beginthm|Theorem|(Milnor)}} Every bordism class $x\in\varOmega_n^U$ with $n>0$ contains a nonsingular algebraic variety (not necessarily connected). {{endthm}} (The Milnor hypersufaces are algebraic, but one also needs to represent $-[H_{ij}]$ by algebraic varieties!) For the proof see Chapter 7 of \cite{Stong1968}. The following question is still open, even in complex dimension 2. {{beginthm|Problem|(Hirzebruch)}} Describe the set of bordism classes in $\varOmega_*^U$ containing connected nonsingular algebraic varieties. {{endthm}} {{beginthm|Example}} Every class $k[\mathbb C P^1]\in\varOmega^U_2$ contains a nonsingular algebraic variety, namely, a disjoint union of $k$ copies of $\mathbb C P^1$ for $k>0$ and a [[Surfaces|Riemannian surface]] of genus $(1-k)$ for $k\le0$. Connected algebraic varieties are only contained in the bordism classes $k[\mathbb C P^1]$ with $k\le1$. {{endthm}}
=== Toric generators Bij and quasitoric representatives in cobordism classes === == Adams-Novikov spectral sequence == ; The main references here are \cite{Novikov1967}, \cite{Adams1974} and \cite{Ravenel1986} == References == {{#RefList:}} [[Category:Manifolds]] [[Category:Bordism]]\,W is odd-dimensional and therefore cannot be complex. In order to work with complex manifolds in the bordism theory, one needs to weaken the notion of a complex structure. This leads directly to considering stably complex (also known as weakly almost complex, stably almost complex or quasicomplex) manifolds.

Let {\mathcal T}\!M denote the tangent bundle of M, and \underline{\mathbb R}^k the product vector bundle M\times\mathbb R^k over M. A tangential stably complex structure on M is determined by a choice of an isomorphism

\displaystyle    c_{\mathcal T}\colon {\mathcal T}\!M\oplus \underline{\mathbb R}^k\to \xi

between the "stable" tangent bundle and a complex vector bundle \xi over M. Some of the choices of such isomorphisms are deemed to be equivalent, i.e. determining the same stably complex structures (see details in Chapters II and VII of [Stong1968]). In particular, two stably complex structures are equivalent if they differ by a trivial complex summand. A normal stably complex structure on M is determined by a choice of a complex bundle structure on the normal bundle \nu(M) of an embedding M\hookrightarrow\mathbb R^N. Tangential and normal stably complex structures on M determine each other by means of the canonical isomorphism \mathcal T\!M\oplus\nu(M)\cong\underline{\mathbb R}^N. We therefore may restrict our attention to tangential structures only.

A stably complex manifold is a pair (M,c_{\mathcal T}) consisting of a manifold M and a stably complex structure c_{\mathcal T} on it. This is a generalisation of a complex and almost complex manifold (where the latter means a manifold with a choice of a complex structure on {\mathcal T}\!M, i.e. a stably complex structure c_{\mathcal T} with k=0).

Example 2.1. Let M=\mathbb{C}P^1. The standard complex structure on M is equivalent to a stably complex structure determined by the isomorphism

\displaystyle    {\mathcal T}(\mathbb{C}P^1)\oplus\underline{\mathbb R}^2\stackrel{\cong}{\longrightarrow}   \overline{\eta}\oplus \overline{\eta}

where \eta is the Hopf line bundle. On the other hand, the isomorphism

\displaystyle    {\mathcal T}(\mathbb{C}P^1)\oplus\underline{\mathbb R}^2\stackrel{\cong}{\longrightarrow}   \eta\oplus \overline{\eta}\cong \underline{\mathbb C}^2

determines a trivial stably complex structure on \mathbb C P^1.

3 Definition of bordism and cobordism

The bordism relation can be defined between stably complex manifolds. Like the case of unoriented bordism, the set of bordism classes [M,c_{\mathcal T}] of stably complex manifolds of dimension n is an Abelian group with respect to the disjoint union. This group is called the n-dimensional complex bordism group and denoted \varOmega^U_n. The zero element is represented by the bordism class of any manifold M which bounds and whose stable tangent bundle is trivial (and therefore isomorphic to a product complex vector bundle M\times\mathbb C^k). The sphere S^n provides an example of such a manifold. The opposite element to the bordism class [M,c_{\mathcal T}] in the group \varOmega^U_n may be represented by the same manifold M with the stably complex structure determined by the isomorphism

\displaystyle    {\mathcal T}\!M\oplus\underline{\mathbb R}^k\oplus\underline{\mathbb R}^2\stackrel{c_{{}_{\mathcal T}}\oplus   e}{\relbar\joinrel\hspace{-1pt}\relbar\joinrel\hspace{-1pt}\longrightarrow}\xi\oplus\underline{\mathbb C}

where e\colon\mathbb R^2\to\mathbb C is given by e(x,y)=x-iy.

An abbreviated notation [M] for the complex bordism class will be used whenever the stably complex structure c_{\mathcal T} is clear from the context.

The complex bordism group U_n(X) and cobordism group U^n(X) of a space X may also be defined geometrically, at least for the case when X is a manifold. This can be done along the lines suggested by [Quillen1971a] and [Dold1978] by considering special "stably complex" maps of manifolds M to X. However, nowadays the homotopical approach to bordism has taken over, and the (co)bordism groups are usually defined using the Pontrjagin-Thom construction similarly to the unoriented case:

\displaystyle  \begin{aligned}   U_n(X)&=\lim_{k\to\infty}\pi_{2k+n}((X_+)\wedge MU(k)),\\   U^n(X)&=\lim_{k\to\infty}[\Sigma^{2k-n}(X_+),MU(k)] \end{aligned}

where MU(k) is the Thom space of the universal complex k-plane bundle EU(k)\to BU(k). These groups are \varOmega_*^U-modules and give rise to a multiplicative (co)homology theory. In particular, U^*(X)=\oplus_n U^n(X) is a graded ring.

The graded ring \varOmega^*_U with \varOmega^{n}_U=\varOmega_{-n}^U is called the complex cobordism ring; it has nontrivial elements only in nonpositively graded components.

4 Geometric cobordisms

There is one important case when certain cobordism classes can be represented very explicitly by maps of manifolds.

For any cell complex X the cohomology group H^2(X) can be identified with the set [X,\mathbb C P^\infty] of homotopy classes of maps into \mathbb C P^\infty. Since \mathbb C P^\infty=MU(1), every element x\in H^2(X) also determines a cobordism class u_x\in U^2(X). The elements of U^2(X) obtained in this way are called geometric cobordisms of X. We therefore may view H^2(X) as a subset in U^2(X), however the group operation in H^2(X) is not obtained by restricting the group operation in U^2(X) (see Formal group laws and genera for the relationship between the two operations).

When X is a manifold, geometric cobordisms may be described by submanifolds M\subset X of codimension 2 with a fixed complex structure on the normal bundle.

Indeed, every x\in H^2(X) corresponds to a homotopy class of maps f_x\colon X\to\mathbb C P^\infty. The image f_x(X) is contained in some \mathbb C P^N\subset\mathbb C P^\infty, and we may assume that f_x(X) is transversal to a certain hyperplane H\subset\mathbb C P^N. Then M_x:=f_x^{-1}(H) is a codimension 2 submanifold in X whose normal bundle acquires a complex structure by restriction of the complex structure on the normal bundle of H\subset\mathbb C P^N. Changing the map f_x within its homotopy class does not affect the bordism class of the embedding M_x\to X.

Conversely, assume given a submanifold M\subset X of codimension 2 whose normal bundle is endowed with a complex structure. Then the composition

\displaystyle    X\to M(\nu)\to MU(1)=\mathbb C P^\infty

of the Pontrjagin-Thom collapse map X\to M(\nu) and the map of Thom spaces corresponding to the classifying map M\to BU(1) of \nu defines an element x_M\in H^2(X), and therefore a geometric cobordism.

If X is an oriented manifold, then a choice of complex structure on the normal bundle of a codimension 2 embedding M\subset X is equivalent to orienting M. The image of the fundamental class of M in the homology of X is Poincaré dual to x_M\in H^2(X).

5 Structure results

The complex bordism ring \varOmega_*^U is described as follows.

Theorem 5.1.

  1. \varOmega_*^U\otimes\mathbb Q is a polynomial ring over \mathbb Q generated by the bordism classes of complex projective spaces \mathbb C P^i, i\ge1.
  2. Two stably complex manifolds are bordant if and only if they have identical sets of Chern characteristic numbers.
  3. \varOmega_*^U is a polynomial ring over \mathbb Z with one generator a_i in every even dimension 2i, where i\ge1.

Part 1 can be proved by the methods of [Thom1954]. Part 2 follows from the results of [Milnor1960] and [Novikov1960]. Part 3 is the most difficult one; it was done by [Novikov1960] using the Adams spectral sequence and structure theory of Hopf algebras (see also [Novikov1962] for a more detailed account) and Milnor (unpublished, but see [Thom1995]) in 1960. Another more geometric proof was given by [Stong1965], see also [Stong1968].

6 Multiplicative generators

6.1 Preliminaries: characteristic number sn

To describe a set of multiplicative generators for the ring \varOmega_*^U we shall need a special characteristic class of complex vector bundles. Let \xi be a complex k-plane bundle over a manifold M. Write its total Chern class formally as follows:

\displaystyle      c(\xi )=1+c_1(\xi )+\cdots +c_k(\xi )=(1+x_1)\cdots(1+x_k),

so that c_i(\xi )=\sigma_i(x_1,\ldots,x_k) is the ith elementary symmetric function in formal indeterminates. These indeterminates acquire a geometric meaning if \xi is a sum \xi_1\oplus\cdots\oplus\xi_k of line bundles; then x_j=c_1(\xi_j), 1\le j\le k. Consider the polynomial

\displaystyle    P_n(x_1,\ldots x_k)=x_1^n+\cdots +x_k^n

and express it via the elementary symmetric functions:

\displaystyle    P_n(x_1,\ldots ,x_k)=s_n(\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_k).

Substituting the Chern classes for the elementary symmetric functions we obtain a certain characteristic class of \xi:

\displaystyle    s_n(\xi)=s_n(c_1(\xi),\ldots,c_k(\xi))\in H^{2n}(M).

This characteristic class plays an important role in detecting the polynomial generators of the complex bordism ring, because of the following properties (which follow immediately from the definition).

Proposition 6.1.

  1. s_n(\xi)=0 for 2n>\dim M.
  2. s_n(\xi\oplus\eta)=s_n(\xi)+s_n(\eta).

Given a stably complex manifold (M,c_{\mathcal T}) of dimension 2n, define its characteristic number

\displaystyle    s_n[M]=s_n(\xi)\langle M\rangle\in\mathbb Z

where \xi is the complex bundle from the definition of stably complex structure, and \langle M\rangle\in H_{2n}(M) the fundamental homology class.

Corollary 6.2. If a bordism class [M]\in\varOmega_{2n}^U decomposes as [M_1]\times[M_2] where \dim M_1>0 and \dim M_2>0, then s_n[M]=0.

It follows that the characteristic number s_n vanishes on decomposable elements of \varOmega^U_{2n}. It also detects indecomposables that may be chosen as polynomial generators. In fact, the following result is a byproduct of the calculation of \varOmega^U_*:

Theorem 6.3. A bordism class [M]\in\varOmega_{2n}^U may be chosen as a polynomial generator a_n of the ring \varOmega_*^U if and only if

\displaystyle    s_n[M]=\begin{cases}   \pm1,  &\text{if $n\ne p^k-1$ for any prime $p$;}\\   \pm p, &\text{if $n=p^k-1$ for some prime $p$.}   \end{cases}

(Ed Floyd was fond of calling the characteristic numbers s_n[M] the "magic numbers" of manifolds.)

6.2 Milnor hypersurfaces Hij

A universal description of connected manifolds representing the polynomial generators a_n\in\varOmega_*^U is unknown. Still, there is a particularly nice family of manifolds whose bordism classes generate the whole ring \varOmega_*^U. This family is redundant though, so there are algebraic relations between their bordism classes.

Fix a pair of integers j\ge i\ge0 and consider the product \mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j. Its algebraic subvariety

\displaystyle    H_{ij}=\{   (z_0:\ldots :z_i)\times (w_0:\ldots :w_j)\in     \mathbb{C}P^i\times \mathbb{C}P^j\colon z_0w_0+\cdots +z_iw_i=0\}

is called a Milnor hypersurface. Note that H_{0j}\cong\mathbb C P^{j-1}.

Denote by p_1 and p_2 the projections of \mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j onto the first and second factors respectively, and by \eta the Hopf line bundle over a complex projective space; then \bar\eta is the hyperplane section bundle. We have

\displaystyle    H^*(\mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j)=\mathbb Z[x,y]/(x^{i+1}=0,\;y^{j+1}=0)

where x=p_1^*c_1(\bar\eta), y=p_2^*c_1(\bar\eta).

Proposition 6.4. The geometric cobordism in \mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j corresponding to the element x+y\in H^2(\mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j) is represented by the submanifold H_{ij}. In particular, the image of the fundamental class \langle H_{ij}\rangle in H_{2(i+j-1)}(\mathbb C P^i\times\mathbb C P^j) is Poincaré dual to x+y.

See the proof here (opens a separate pdf).

Lemma 6.5. We have

\displaystyle    s_{i+j-1}[H_{ij}]=\begin{cases}   j,&\text{if \ $i=0$, i.e. $H_{ij}=\mathbb C P^{j-1}$};\\   2,&\text{if \ $i=j=1$};\\   0,&\text{if \ $i=1$, $j>1$};\\   -\binom{i+j}i,&\text{if \ $i>1$}.   \end{cases}

See the proof here (opens a separate pdf).

Theorem 6.6. The bordism classes \{[H_{ij}],0\le i\le j\} multiplicatively generate the complex bordism ring \varOmega_*^U.

Proof. This follows from the fact that

\displaystyle    \mathop{\text{g.c.d.}}\Bigl({\textstyle\binom{n+1}i},\;1\le i\le n\Bigr)=         \begin{cases}             p, & \text{if \ $n=p^k-1$,}\\             1, & \text{otherwise,}         \end{cases}

and the previous Lemma.

Example 6.7.

  • \varOmega_{2i+1}^U=0;
  • \varOmega_0^U=\mathbb Z, generated by a point;
  • \varOmega_2^U=\mathbb Z, generated by [\mathbb CP^1], as 1=2^1-1 and s_1[\mathbb C P^1]=2;
  • \varOmega_4^U=\mathbb Z\oplus\mathbb Z, generated by [\mathbb CP^1\times\mathbb CP^1] and [\mathbb CP^2], as 2=3^1-1 and s_2[\mathbb C P^2]=3;
  • [\mathbb C P^3] cannot be taken as the polynomial generator a_3\in\varOmega_6^U, since s_3[\mathbb C P^3]=4, while s_3(a_3)=\pm2. The bordism class [H_{22}]+[\mathbb C P^3] may be taken as a_3.

The previous theorem about the multiplicative generators for \varOmega_*^U has the following important specification.

Theorem 6.8 (Milnor). Every bordism class x\in\varOmega_n^U with n>0 contains a nonsingular algebraic variety (not necessarily connected).

(The Milnor hypersufaces are algebraic, but one also needs to represent -[H_{ij}] by algebraic varieties!) For the proof see Chapter 7 of [Stong1968].

The following question is still open, even in complex dimension 2.

Problem 6.9 (Hirzebruch). Describe the set of bordism classes in \varOmega_*^U containing connected nonsingular algebraic varieties.

Example 6.10. Every class k[\mathbb C P^1]\in\varOmega^U_2 contains a nonsingular algebraic variety, namely, a disjoint union of k copies of \mathbb C P^1 for k>0 and a Riemannian surface of genus (1-k) for k\le0. Connected algebraic varieties are only contained in the bordism classes k[\mathbb C P^1] with k\le1.

6.3 Toric generators Bij and quasitoric representatives in cobordism classes

7 Adams-Novikov spectral sequence

The main references here are [Novikov1967], [Adams1974] and [Ravenel1986]

8 References

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