Embeddings of manifolds with boundary: classification

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1 Introduction

Recall that some Unknotting Theorems hold for manifolds with boundary [Skopenkov2016c, \S3], [Skopenkov2006, \S2]. In this page we present results peculiar for manifold with non-empty boundary.

For a general introduction to embeddings as well as the notation and conventions used on this page, we refer to [Skopenkov2016c, \S1, \S3].

If the category is omitted, then a result stated below holds in both the smooth and piecewise-linear (PL) category.

We do not provide references to the original proofs of stated results.

Theorem 1.1. Every n/var/www/vhost/map.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/tmp/AppWikiTex/tex_bIX34h-manifold N with nonempty boundary PL embeds into \R^{2n-1}.

This result can be found in [Horvatic1971, theorem 5.2]

2 Unknotting Theorems

Theorem 2.1. Assume N is a compact connected n-manifold and either m \ge 2n+2 or m\ge2n+1\ge5. Then any two embeddings of N into \R^m are isotopic.

The condition m \ge 2n+2 stands for General Position Theorem and the condition m\ge2n+1\ge5 stands for Whitney-Wu Unknotting Theorem, see theorems 2.1 and 2.2 respectively of [Skopenkov2016c, \S 2].

Theorem 2.2. Assume that N is a compact connected n-manifold with non-empty boundary and one of the following conditions holds:

(a) m \ge 2n

(b) N is 1-connected, m \ge 2n - 1\ge3

Then any two embeddings of N into \R^m are isotopic.

Part (a) of this theorem in case n>2 can be found in [Edwards1968, \S 4, corollary 5]. Case n=1 is clear. Case n=2 can be easily proved straightforward or can be deduced from Haefliger-Weber deleted square criterion [Skopenkov2006, \S 5]. Both condition are special cases of the Haefliger-Zeeman unknotting Theorem stated below, see [Penrose&Whitehead&Zeeman1961, Theorem 1.2b].

Theorem 2.3. [The Haefliger-Zeeman unknotting Theorem] For every n\ge2k + 2, m \ge 2n - k + 1 and closed k-connected n-manifold N, any two embeddings of N into \R^m are isotopic.

Theorem 2.4. For every m\ge2n-k and m-k\ge3 and k-connected n-manifold N with non-empty boundary, any two embeddings of N into \R^m are isotopic.

This result can be found in [Hudson1969, Theorem 10.3]

3 Construction and examples


4 Invariants


5 Classification

Theorem 5.1.[Becker-Glover] Let N be a closed homologically k-connected n-manifold and m\ge 3n/2+2. The cone map \Lambda: \mathrm{Emb}^m (N_0)\to\mathrm{Emb}^{m+1}(N) is one-to-one for m\ge 2n-2k and is surjective for m=2n-2k-1.


6 Further discussion


7 References

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