Talk:Whitehead torsion (Ex)

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We can compute that

(1-t-t^{-1})\cdot(1-t^2-t^3) = 1 so the element is a unit. The map \mathrm{Wh}(\Z/5\Z) \to \Rr can be described as follows.

There is a ring homomorphism \varphi: \Zz\lbrack \Zz/5\Zz \rbrack \to \Cc sending a generator t \in \Zz/5\Zz to e^{\frac{2\pi i}{5}} . Now we consider the composite

\displaystyle \xymatrix{K_1(\Zz\lbrack \Zz/5\Zz \rbrack) \ar[r]^-{\varphi_*} \ar@{->>}[d] & K_1(\Cc) \ar[r]^-{\det} & \Cc^\times \ar[r]^-{|-|} & \Rr_{>0} \ar[r]^-{\ln} & \Rr \\ \mathrm{Wh}(\Zz/5\Zz) \ar@/_1.3pc/@{-->}[urrrr] & & & & }

By definition it takes the class of some automorphism f: \Zz\lbrack \Zz/5\Zz \rbrack^n \to \Zz\lbrack \Zz/5\Zz \rbrack^n to the real number \ln(| \det(f\otimes \Cc) |) . The above composite is a well-defined group homomorphism as all single maps are well-defined group homomorphisms, so it remains to check whether it factors over the Whitehead group. So let \alpha \in \Zz/5\Zz. Then by left multiplication it defines a map ;

\displaystyle \xymatrix{ \Zz\lbrack \Zz/5\Zz \rbrack \ar[r]^-{\alpha} & \Zz\lbrack \Zz/5\Zz \rbrack}

and inducing it up to the complex numbers gives the map ; \[\xymatrix{\Cc \ar[r]^-{e^{\frac{2\pi i\alpha}{5}}} & \Cc}\] given by multiplication by e^{\frac{2\pi i\alpha}{5}} . On \mathrm{GL}_1(\Cc) the determinant is of course the identity map, so we need to compute ;

\displaystyle  \ln(| e^{\frac{2\pi i\alpha}{5}} |) = 0

which follows since | e^{ix} | = 1 for all real numbers x , in particular for \frac{2\pi \alpha}{5} .

Now to show that \eta = (1-t-t^{-1}) generates an infinite cyclic subgroup of \mathrm{Wh}(\Zz/5\Zz) it suffices to show that \ln(| \det(\eta\otimes \Cc)|) \neq 0 because then \eta is not a torsion element.

For this we simply calculate that ;

\displaystyle  \eta\otimes \Cc = 1 - e^{\frac{2\pi}{5}} - e^{\frac{-2\pi}{5}}

hence it follows that ;

\displaystyle  | \eta\otimes \Cc | = 1 - 2\cos(\frac{2\pi}{5}) \neq 1

since 2\cos(\frac{2\pi}{5}) \neq 0 . In particular applying the logarithm we get ;

\displaystyle  \ln(|\det(\eta\otimes \Cc)|) \neq 0

which we wanted to show.

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