Talk:Structures on M x I (Ex)

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Recall that an element of the simple structure set S^s(M\times I,M\times\{0,1\}) in the topological category is represented by a manifold W with boundary together with a simple homotopy equivalence (f,\partial f):(W,\partial W)\rightarrow (M\times I,M\times\{0,1\}) such that \partial f:\partial W\rightarrow M\times \{0,1\} is a homeomorphism.

Two such objects (W,\partial W,f,\partial f) and (W',\partial W',f',\partial f') are equivalent in the structure set if there exists a homeomorphism h:W\rightarrow W' such that the maps commute up to simple homotopy equivalence f\sim_s f'\circ h and commute strictly on the boundary \partial f=\partial f'\circ h|_{\partial W}.

Take a representative (W,\partial W,f,\partial f).

Since f:W\rightarrow M\times I is a simple homotopy equivalence and M\times I is an s-cobordism, the same is true for W and by the s-cobordism theorem W is homeomorphic to a cylinder M_0\times I and every element of the structure set is represented by an element of the form (M_0\times I,M_0\times\{0,1\},f,\partial f). \partial f|_{M_0\times\{1\}} defines a homeomorphism g:M_0\rightarrow M and precomposing the map f:M_0\times I\rightarrow M\times I with g^{-1}\times\id_I:M\times I\rightarrow M_0\times I shows that every element of the structure set is even represented by an element of the form (M\times I,M\times\{0,1\},f,(f_0,id)) with f_0 a self homeomorphism f_0:M\rightarrow M. Using this we will denote these representatives by (f,f_0).

Define the map

\displaystyle F:S^s(M\times I,M\times\{0,1\})\rightarrow \tilde \pi_0 \textup{SHomeo}_+(M), \quad [(f,f_0)] \mapsto[f_0].

To see that F is well defined assume that (f,f_0) and (f',f_0') are equivalent. Then there exists a self homeomorphism h of M\times I such that h|_{M\times\{1\}}=\id and h|_{M\times\{0\}}=f\circ g^{-1}. So k:=h\circ(g\times \id) is a self homeomorphism of M\times I which is f on one side and g on the other side. So f and g are pseudo-isotopic and F is well-defined.

Take an element f\in \tilde \pi_0 \textup{SHomeo}_+(M) and choose a homotopy H to the identity. This induces a map K:M\times I\rightarrow M\times I,(m,t)\mapsto(H(m,t),t) with K|_{M\times\{0\}}=f and K|_{M\times{1}}=\id. So [(K,f)]\in S^s(M\times I, M\times\{0,1\}) is a preimage of f under F, i.e. F is surjective.

Since S^s(M\times I, M\times\{0,1\}) is abelian it remains to check that F is a homomorphism of groups to show that \tilde \pi_0 \textup{SHomeo}_+(M) is abelian.

Let (f,f_0),(f',f_0') be two representatives as above. (f',f'_0) is in the structure set equivalent to (M\times I,M\times\{0,1\},((f_0\times \id))\circ f',(f_0\circ f'_0,f_0)) and the addition (g,g_0) of (f,f_0) and (f',f_0') is defined by gluing together (M\times I, M\times\{0,1\},f,(f_0,id)) and (M\times I,M\times\{0,1\},((f_0\times \id))\circ f',(f_0\circ f'_0,f_0)) at the 1- respectively 0-boundary. So g_0=f_0\circ f_0', which is the product of f_0,f_0' in \tilde \pi_0 \textup{SHomeo}_+(M). So F is a group homomorphism.

A proof of this exercise can also be found in [Wang1974].

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