Stiefel-Whitney characteristic classes

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1 Definition

Let N be a compact smooth n-manifold (possibly with boundary). Denote by PD=PD_G:H^k(N;G)\to H_{n-k}(N,\partial N;G) the Poincaré duality isomorphism. Here for non-orientable N the coefficients in cohomology are twisted (by the orientation double covering) and the coefficients in homology are non-twisted. Let G_k=G_{k,N} be \Zz if either k=n or k>1 is odd, and \Zz_2 if either k=1 or k<n is even.

Stiefel defined the homology Stiefel-Whitney class PDW_k(N)\in H_{n-k}(N,\partial N;G_k) of N to be the homology class of a degeneracy subset of a general position collection of n+1-k tangent vector fields on N.

Whitney defined the homology normal Stiefel-Whitney class PD\overline{W}_k(N)\in H_{n-k}(N,\partial N;G_k) of N to be the homology class of a degeneracy subset of a general position collection of n+1-k normal vector fields on N.

Let w_k(N) and \overline{w}_k(N) be the reductions of W_k(N) and \overline{W}_k(N) modulo 2.

Let w_0(N)=\overline w_0(N)=[N].

See details e.g. in [Milnor&Stasheff1974, \S12], [Fomenko&Fuchs2016, \S19.C], [Skopenkov2015b, \S\S 9,11,12].

There is an alternative definition of PD\overline{W}_k(N) [Skopenkov2006, \S2.3 `the Whitney obstruction'] analogous to definition of the Whitney invariant.

See also Wikipedia article.

2 The Wu formula

Theorem 2.1 (Wu formula). If N is a closed smooth n-manifold, f:N\to\R^m a smooth immersion and k>0 an integer, then

\displaystyle \sum_{i=0}^{k}\overline w_{k-i}(f)\cap w_i(N)=0

\begin{proof} (This proof should be known but is, in this short and explicit form, absent from textbooks. This text is written by M. Fedorov and A. Skopenkov in frame of the course `Algorithms for recognition of realizability of hypergraphs'.)

Denote by x_k(f) the obstruction to existence of m-k+1 linearly independent fields on f(N). Clearly x_k(N)=0. Let us show that x_k(f) = \sum_{i=0}^{k}\overline w_{k-i}(f)\cap w_i(N).

Take general position collection of normal fields u_1,\ldots,u_{m-n} on f(N) such that for each i=1,\ldots,k the collection u_1,\ldots,u_{m-n-i+1} is linearly dependent on n-i subcomplex \omega^*_i representing \overline w_{i} = [\omega^*_i].

Take general position collection of tangent fields v_1,\ldots,v_n on f(N) such that for each i=1,\ldots,k the collection u_i,\ldots,u_n is linearly dependent on n-i subcomplex \omega_i representing w_{i} = [\omega_i].

Now take the following collection of m-k vector fields on f(N)

\displaystyle C=u_1, \ldots u_{m-n-k+1}, \alpha_{m-n-k+2}u_{m-n-k+2} + \beta_1v_1,\ldots,\alpha_{m-n}u_{m-n}+\beta_{k-1}v_{k-1}, v_k,\ldots,v_n,

where \alpha_i=\mathrm{vol}(u_1,\ldots,u_i) and \beta_i = \mathrm{vol}(v_i, \ldots v_n).

Thus all non-zero vectors among \alpha_1u_1,\ldots,\alpha_{m-n}u_{m-n},\beta_1v_1,\ldots,\beta_nv_n are linearly independent. Hence collection C is linearly dependent if and only if C contains zero vector or u_1,\ldots,u_{m-n-k+1} are linearly dependent or v_k,\ldots,v_n are linearly dependent. But C contains a zero vector if and only if there exist j such that \alpha_{m-n-k+1+j} = \beta_j=0.

This means C is linearly dependent on \bigcup_{i=0}^{k}(\omega^*_{k-i}\cap\omega_i).

3 References

  • [Fomenko&Fuchs2016] A. T. Fomenko and D. B. Fuks, Homotopical Topology. Translated from the Russian. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 273. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2016. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-23488-5.

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