Talk:Homology braid II (Ex)

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1) The diagram is composed of the exact sequences of the pair (\widetilde W,\widetilde M), and of the triple (\widetilde W,\widetilde M\cup\widetilde M',\widetilde M), and of the analogous sequences with \widetilde M and \widetilde M' swapped. Because \widetilde M and \widetilde M' are disjoint, we have an isomorphism H_k(\widetilde M\cup\widetilde M',\widetilde M')\cong H_k(\widetilde M) and another one with \widetilde M and \widetilde M' swapped. Both are implicit in the braid.

The squares that are half visible on the left and right hand side obviously commute. The upper triangles commute because of the following diagram,

\displaystyle \xymatrix{ H_{i+1}(\widetilde W,\widetilde M) \ar[d] \ar[r]^{\partial} & H_i(\widetilde M) \ar[d]^{\cong} \ar[r] & H_i(\widetilde W) \ar[d] \\ H_{i+1}(\widetilde W,\widetilde M\cup\widetilde M') \ar[r]^{\partial} & H_i(\widetilde M\cup\widetilde M',\widetilde M') \ar[r] & H_i(\widetilde W,\widetilde M')}

The lower triangles work similarly.

The central square only commutes up to sign: let~a\in C_{i+1}(\widetilde w) be a relative cycle in~W, so \partial a=b+c\in C_i(\widetilde M)\oplus C_i(\widetilde M'). Then the upper path maps [a] to [b], and the lower path maps [a] to [c]=-[b+\partial a]=-[b]. To repair this, put an additional minus sign on all boundary arrows landing in H_\bullet(\widetilde M').

2) We have learned that W is homotopy equivalent to M\cup_{g|}D^{k+1}. Let \tilde g|\colon S^k\to\widetilde M be a lift (ok if k\ge2). If we pass to the universal cover of M, we are attaching a \pi-cell \pi\times D^{k+1} by (\gamma,t)\mapsto\gamma(\tilde g(t)). Excision gives

\displaystyle H_i(\widetilde W,\widetilde M)\cong H_i(\widetilde M\cup_{\pi\times S^k}(\pi\times D^{k+1}),\widetilde M) \cong \Zz \pi H_i(D^{k+1},S^k)\;.

Similarly, swapping W is homotopy equivalent to M'\cup_{S^{n-k}}D^{n+1-k}. This gives the second assertion.

3) By part 2, we get the following diagram.

\displaystyle \xymatrix{ \Zz \pi H_{k+1}(D^{k+1},S^k) \ar[d]^{\cong} \ar[r]^{\cong} & \Zz \pi H_k(S^k) \ar[d]^{H_k\tilde g|}\\ H_{k+1}(\widetilde W,\widetilde M) \ar[r]^{\alpha} & H_k(\widetilde M).}

This proves part (a).

To prove part (b), we decompose \beta using the above braid as

\displaystyle \beta\colon H_k(\widetilde M) \longrightarrow H_k(\widetilde W) \longrightarrow H_k(\widetilde W,\widetilde M')\; .

Now let h be a Morse function on W with h|_M\equiv 0 and h|_{M'}\equiv 1 such that there is only one critical point of index k. Fix a gradient vector field for h such that the stable and unstable disks are exactly the core disk of the k-handle and its dual. We can multiply this vector field with a positive function such that the flow X moves points in M to M' in time 1 except in a small neighbourhood of the image of g|. All this lifts to \widetilde W.

Now, let y be a smooth cycle in \widetilde M that is transversal to \gamma x, which is the image of \gamma \circ \tilde g, for all \gamma\in\pi. The gradient flow moves y from M to M' except in a small neighbourhood of the image of \gamma\circ\tilde g. Hence, \alpha(y) only depends on the intersections of y with the various~\gamma x for \gamma\in\pi. This is the main step in the proof of (b).

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