Fake lens spaces

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1 Introduction

A fake lens space is the orbit space of a free action of a finite cyclic group G on a sphere S^{2d-1}. It is a generalization of the notion of a lens space which is the orbit space of a free action which comes from a unitary representation.

2 Construction and examples


3 Invariants

  • \pi_1 (L) = \Zz_m, \pi_i (L) = \pi_i (S^{2d-1}) for i \geq 2
  • H_0 (L) = \Zz, H_{2d-1} (L) = \Zz, H_{2i-1} (L) = \Zz_m for 1 \leq i \leq d-1, H_i (L) = 0 for all other values of i.
  • \Delta, \rho, ...

4 Homotopy Classification

All the results are taken from chapter 14E of [Wall1999].


Recall the arithmetic (Rim) square:

\displaystyle  \xymatrix{ \Zz G \ar[r]^{\eta} \ar[d]_{\varepsilon} & R_G \ar[d]^{\varepsilon'} \\ \Zz \ar[r]_{\eta'} & \Zz_N }

where R_G = \Zz G / \langle Z \rangle with \Zz G be the group ring of G and \langle Z \rangle is the ideal generated by the norm element Z of G. The maps \varepsilon, \varepsilon' are the augmentation maps. We also suppose that a generator T of G is chosen.

Recall that the Reidemeister torsion is a unit in \Qq R_G where \Qq R_G = \Qq \otimes R_G.

The homotopy classification is stated in terms of a certain unit in \Zz_N. These invariants also suffice for the homotopy and simple homotopy classification of finite CW-complexes L with \pi_1 (L) \cong \Zz_N and with the universal cover homotopy equivalent to S^{2d-1} of which fake lens spaces are obviously a special case. It is convenient to make the following definition.

The simple homotopy classification is stated in terms of Reidemeister torsion which is a unit in

Definition 4.1.

A polarization of a CW-complex L as above is a pair (T,e) where T is a choice of a generator of \pi_1 (L) and e is a choice of a homotopy equivalence e \colon \widetilde L \rightarrow S^{2d-1}.

Recall the classical lens space L^{2d-1}(N,k,1,\ldots,1). By L^i(N,k,1,\ldots,1) is denoted its i-skeleton with respect to the standard cell decomposition. If i is odd this is a lens space, if i is even this is a CW-complex obtained by attaching an i-cell to the lens space of dimension i-1.

Proposition 4.2.

Let L be a finite CW-complex with \pi_1 (L) \cong \Zz_N and universal cover S^{2d-1} polarized by (T,e). Then there exists a simple homotopy equivalence

\displaystyle  h \colon L \rightarrow L^{2d-2}(N,1,\ldots,1) \cup_\phi e^{2d-1}

preserving the polarization. It is unique up to homotopy and the action of G. The chain complex differential on the right hand side is given by \partial_{2d-1} e^{2d-1} = e_{2d-2} (T-1) U for some U \in \Zz G which maps to a unit u \in R_G. Then L is a simple Poincare complex with Reidemeister torsion \Delta (L) = (T/1)^d \cdot u.

  • The polarized homotopy types of such L are in one-to-one correspondence with the units in \Zz_N. The correspondence is given by \varepsilon' (u) \in \Zz_N. The invariant \varepsilon' (u) can be identified with the first non-trivial k-invariant of L (in the sense of homotopy theory) k_{2d-1} (L) \in H^{2d} (B \Zz_N ; \Zz).
  • The polarized simple homotopy types of such L are in one-to-one correspondence with the units in R_G. The correspondence is given by u \in R_G.

See Theorem 14E.3 in [Wall1999]

The existence of a fake lens space in the homotopy type of such L is addressed in [Theorem 14E.4] of [Wall(1999)].

Since the units \varepsilon' (u) \in \Zz_N are exhausted by the lens spaces L^{2d-1}(\alpha_k) we obtain the following corollary.

Corollary 4.3. For any fake lens space L^{2d-1}(\alpha) there exists k \in \Nn and a homotopy equivalence

\displaystyle  h \colon L^{2d-1}(\alpha) \rightarrow L^{2d-1}(\alpha_k).

5 Homeomorphism classification

There is the following commutative diagram of abelian groups and homomorphisms with exact rows

\displaystyle  \xymatrix{ 0 \ar[r] & {\widetilde L}^s_{2d} (G) \ar[r]^(0.4){\partial} \ar[d]_{\cong}^{G-sign} & {\mathcal S}^s (L^{2d-1}(\alpha)) \ar[r]^{\eta} \ar[d]^{\widetilde \rho}& \widetilde {\mathcal N} (L^{2d-1}(\alpha)) \ar[r] \ar[d]^{[\widetilde \rho]}& 0 \\ 0 \ar[r] & 4 \cdot R^{(-1)^d}_{\widehat G} \ar[r] & {\mathbb Q} R^{(-1)^d}_{\widehat G} \ar[r] & {\mathbb Q} R^{(-1)^d}_{\widehat G}/ 4 \cdot R^{(-1)^d}_{\widehat G} \ar[r] & 0 }

where [\widetilde \rho] is the homomorphism induced by \widetilde \rho (see [Macko&Wegner2010, Proposition 3.5]).

The map {\widetilde \rho} \colon {\mathcal S}^s (L^{2d-1}(\alpha)) \to {\mathbb Q} R^{(-1)^d}_{\widehat G} is injective if G = {\mathbb Z}_N with N odd (compare [Wall1999, Corollary on page 222]?).

The following theorem is taken from [Wall1999, Theorem 14E.7].

Theorem 5.1. Let L^{2d-1} and {L'}^{2d-1} be oriented fake lens spaces with fundamental group G cyclic of odd order N. Then there is an orientation preserving homeomorphism L \to L' inducing the identity on G if and only if \Delta(L) = \Delta(L') and \rho(L) = \rho(L').

Given \Delta \in R_G and \rho \in {\mathbb Q}R_{\widehat G}, there exists a corresponding fake lens space L^{2d-1} if and only if the following four statements hold:

  • \Delta and \rho are both real (d even) or imaginary (d odd).
  • \Delta generates ...
  • ...
  • ...

Theorem 5.2. Let L^{2d-1}(\alpha) be a fake lens space with \pi_1(L^{2d-1}(\alpha)) \cong {\mathbb Z}_N where N=2^K \cdot M with K \geq 0, M odd and d \geq 3. Then we have

\displaystyle  {\mathcal S}^s (L^{2d-1}(\alpha)) \cong \bar \Sigma_N (d) \oplus \bigoplus_{i=1}^{c} {\mathbb Z}_{2^{\min\{K,1\}}} \oplus \bigoplus_{i=1}^{c} {\mathbb Z}_{2^{\min\{K,2i\}}}

where \bar \Sigma_N (d) is a free abelian group. If N is odd then its rank is (N-1)/2. If N is even then its rank is N/2-1 if d=2e+1 and N/2 if d=2e. In the torsion summand we have c = \lfloor (d-1)/2 \rfloor.

6 Further discussion


7 References

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