Stiefel-Whitney characteristic classes
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[edit] 1 Definition
Let be a compact smooth
-manifold (possibly with boundary).
Denote by
the Poincaré duality isomorphism.
Here for non-orientable
the coefficients in cohomology are twisted (by the orientation double covering) and the coefficients in homology are non-twisted.

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Stiefel defined the homology Stiefel-Whitney class of
to be the homology class of a degeneracy subset of a general position collection of
tangent vector fields on
. Let
be the reduction of
modulo 2.
Whitney defined the homology normal Stiefel-Whitney class of
to be the homology class of a degeneracy subset of a general position collection of
normal vector fields on an immersion
By the Whitney-Wu formula 2.1 the reduction modulo 2 of this class (but not this class itself!) is independent of
and depends only on
So this reduction is denoted by
Let .
See details e.g. in [Milnor&Stasheff1974, 12], [Fomenko&Fuchs2016,
19.C], [Skopenkov2015b,
There is an alternative definition of [Skopenkov2006,
2.3 `the Whitney obstruction'] analogous to definition of the Whitney invariant.
See also Wikipedia article.
[edit] 2 Whitney-Wu formula
In this section we abbreviate to just
to just
Theorem 2.1 (Whitney-Wu formula).

Proof. (This proof should be known but is absent from textbooks. This text is written by M. Fedorov and A. Skopenkov in frame of the course `Algebraic topology of manifolds in interesting results'.)
Denote by the obstruction to existence of
linearly independent fields on
So it suffices to show that
Take a general position collection of normal fields on
such that for each
the collection
is linearly dependent on some
Take a general position collection of tangent fields on
such that for each
the collection
is linearly dependent on some
Define and
Denote by
the following collection of
vector fields on

This is a general position collection, so is represented by the set set on which
is linearly dependent. Clearly, all non-zero vectors among
are linearly independent. Hence
is linearly dependent if and only if either:
are linearly dependent at
(which happens on
) or
are linearly dependent at
(which happens on
) or
contains a zero vector (which happens if and only if
for some
Thus is represented by
[edit] 3 References
- [Fomenko&Fuchs2016] A. T. Fomenko and D. B. Fuks, Homotopical Topology. Translated from the Russian. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 273. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2016. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-23488-5.
- [Milnor&Stasheff1974] J. W. Milnor and J. D. Stasheff, Characteristic classes, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N. J., 1974. MR0440554 (55 #13428) Zbl 1079.57504
- [Skopenkov2006] A. Skopenkov, Embedding and knotting of manifolds in Euclidean spaces, in: Surveys in Contemporary Mathematics, Ed. N. Young and Y. Choi, London Math. Soc. Lect. Notes, 347 (2008) 248-342. Available at the arXiv:0604045.
- [Skopenkov2015b] A. Skopenkov, Algebraic Topology From Geometric Viewpoint (in Russian), MCCME, Moscow, 2015, 2020. Preprint of a part in English