Talk:S-duality II (Ex)

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The map we use is closely related to the previous exercise so we will copy and paste some terminology used there - note that we will use X_+ where X is used there, and have changed the diagonal map appropriately:

Let X be a finite CW complex. Embed X\hookrightarrow S^N with regular neighbourhood M, so that

\displaystyle  X \hookrightarrow M \hookrightarrow S^N

with X\hookrightarrow M a homotopy-equivalence and M an N-dimensional manifold-with-boundary embedded in S^N.

Now let

\displaystyle  c\colon S^N \longrightarrow S^N / (S^N \setminus \mathring{M}) = M / \partial M

be the collapse map,

\displaystyle  \Delta\colon M / \partial M \longrightarrow (M\times M) / (\partial M \times M) \;\cong\; (M / \partial M) \wedge M_+

be the map induced by

\displaystyle  x\mapsto (x,x)\colon (M,\partial M) \longrightarrow (M\times M, \partial M \times M),

and let \alpha be the composite

\displaystyle  S^N \xrightarrow{c} M / \partial M \xrightarrow{\Delta} (M / \partial M) \wedge M_+ \xrightarrow{1\wedge r} (M / \partial M) \wedge X_+ ,

where r\colon M\to X is a chosen homotopy-inverse for X\hookrightarrow M.

Solution 0.1.

First, take N=n+k where n is the dimension of X. Fix a Thom class U\in C^k(Th(\nu_X))=C^k(M/\partial M) and a class [X]\in C_n(X) determining the Poincaré duality for X.

Take reduced chain complexes (denoted \tilde{C}) for the spaces in the composite \alpha. We then make a choice of Eilenberg-Zilber map (unique up to chain homotopy) so that

\displaystyle \tilde{C}((M/\partial M)\wedge M_+)\simeq \tilde{C}(M/\partial M)\otimes \tilde{C}(M_+)\simeq \tilde{C}(M/\partial M)\otimes C(M).

The chain-level slant map now involves a choice - in general if we have two chains C and D then the slant involves a choice of ordering to form C\otimes D\simeq Hom(C^{-*},D) or \simeq Hom(D^{-*},C). When considering S-duality, the choice represents the symmetry that X=Y^* iff Y=X^*. We will need to choose the slant map so that

\displaystyle  \tilde{C}(M/\partial M)\otimes C(M)\simeq Hom(\tilde{C}^{N-*}(M/\partial M),C(M)),

this is followed with the map induced by 1\wedge r so that the overall slant map isomorphism induced is -\backslash \alpha_*([S^N]):\tilde{H}^{N-*}(M/\partial M)\to H_*(X) (see the previous exercise for a justification of this, albeit for the opposite choice of slant).

Considering the composite \alpha again, note that before we use the smash map 1\wedge r, it is still valid to use the identity for slant product that for any x\in \tilde{H}^{N-*}(M/\partial M), we have

\displaystyle  x\setminus \Delta_*(c_*([S^N])) \;=\; x\cap c_*([S^N]) \;\in\; H_{*}(M),

as this is still a (relative) definition of cap product on the chain level.

We now want to know how the slant map interacts with the smash map 1\wedge r. In general for any X\wedge Y \xrightarrow{g\wedge f} W\wedge Z and a\in \tilde{H}_N(X\wedge Y), we have a commutative diagram:

\displaystyle  \xymatrix{ C(X\wedge Y)\ar[d]_{(g\wedge f)_*}\ar[r]^-{\simeq}&Hom(C(X)^{-*},C(Y))\ar[d]\\ C(W\wedge Z)\ar[r]^-{\simeq}&Hom(C(W)^{-*},C(Z))}
and so it is clear that -\backslash(g\wedge f)_*(a)=f_*(g^*(-)\backslash a).


\displaystyle r_*(U\backslash \Delta(c_*([S^N])))=r_*(U\cap c_*([S^N])).
But this is \pm[X] by the definition of the Spivak normal structure.

Solution 0.2.

This now follows easily from breaking the diagram down in a careful fashion to

\displaystyle  \xymatrix{ C^{n-*}(X)\ar[ddr]^{-\cap [X]}\ar[r]^{r^*}& C^{n-*}(M)\ar[r]^-{-\cup U} &C^{n+k-*}(M,\partial M)\ar[ddl]^{-\backslash \alpha_*([S^N])}\\ &&\\ &C(X)&}

and noting that following the top side of the diagram round to C(X) gives

\displaystyle  r_*((r^*(-)\cup U)\cap c_*([S^N]))=-\cap r_*(U\cap c_*([S^N]))
so that the diagram commutes by the first part of the question.
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