S-duality I (Ex)

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Let X and Y be a finite pointed CW-complexes. A map

\displaystyle  \alpha \colon S^N \to X \wedge Y

is called an S-duality if the slant product induced by \alpha

\displaystyle  - \backslash \alpha  \colon H^i(X; \Zz) \to H_{N-i}(Y;\Zz)

is an isomorphism for all i. In this case X and Y are called an S-duals of each other.

Exercise 0.1. Show that S-duality satisfies the following"

  • For every finite CW-complex X there exists an N-dimensional S-dual, which we denote X^\ast, for some large N \geq 1.
  • If X^\ast is an N-dimensional S-dual of X then \Sigma X^\ast is an (N+1)-dimensional S-dual of X.
  • For any space Z we have isomorphisms
\displaystyle  S \co [X,Z] \cong [S^N,Z \wedge Y] \quad \gamma \mapsto S(\gamma) = (\gamma \wedge \id_Y) \circ \alpha,
\displaystyle  S \co [Y,Z] \cong [S^N,X \wedge Z] \quad \gamma \mapsto S(\gamma) = (\id_X \wedge \gamma) \circ \alpha.
  • A map f \co X \rightarrow Y induces a map f^\ast \co Y^\ast \rightarrow X^\ast for N large enough via the isomorphism
\displaystyle      [X,Y] \cong [S^N,Y \wedge X^\ast] \cong [Y^\ast,X^\ast].
  • If X \rightarrow Y \rightarrow Z is a cofibration sequence then Z^\ast \rightarrow Y^\ast \rightarrow X^\ast is a cofibration sequence for N large enough.

[edit] References

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