Talk:Structured chain complexes IV (Ex)

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Recall the suspension maps

\displaystyle  S : \Sigma W(C) \to W(\Sigma C)

where W can mean W_{\%}, W^{\%}, or \widehat{W}^{\%} defined in TM L-Theory II. We wish to compute

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Consider the exact sequence

\displaystyle  \xymatrix{ 0 \ar[r] & W^{\%}(C) \ar[r] & \widehat{W}^{\%}(C) \ar[r] &  \Sigma W_{\%} (C) \ar[r] & 0 }

By functoriality, we get maps W(C) \to \Sigma^{-1} W(\Sigma^1 C) for all different brands of W, and these are the maps that represent the above colimit. These maps induce a diagram

\displaystyle  \xymatrix{ 0 \ar[r] & W^{\%}(C) \ar[d] \ar[r] & \widehat{W}^{\%} \ar[r] \ar[d] & \Sigma W_{\%}(C) \ar[d] \ar[r] & 0 \\ 0 \ar[r] & \Sigma^{-k} W^{\%}(\Sigma^k C) \ar[r] & \Sigma^{-k}\widehat{W}^{\%}(\Sigma^k C) \ar[r] & \Sigma^{-k+1} W_{\%}(\Sigma^k C) \ar[r] & 0 . \\ }

We have seen that the suspension map

\displaystyle  S : \Sigma \widehat{W}^{\%} (C) \to \widehat{W}^{\%}(\Sigma C)

is a homotopy equivalence. Iterating this we see hocolim \Sigma^{-k} \widehat{W}^{\%}(\Sigma^k C) = \widehat{W}^{\%}(C).

Now, note that for chain complexes \Sigma(A \otimes B) = (\Sigma A) \otimes B = A \otimes (\Sigma B). Thus

\displaystyle  \Sigma^{-k} W_{\%}(\Sigma^k C) \simeq \Sigma^k(W \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{Z}/2]} (C \otimes C))

This complex increases linearly in connectivity as k increases, hence its homotopy colimit is contractible. That is

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By exactness of the short exact sequences in our diagram, and the remarks above, we conclude that

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