Talk:Poincaré duality II (Ex)

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Note: There is a sign error in this solution to be fixed!! Give S^1 the triangulation with 0-simplices \{v_0,v_1,v_2\} and 1-simplices \{[v_0,v_1], [v_1,v_2] , [v_2,v_0] \}. Let us choose the fundamental class
\displaystyle  [S^1]=[v_0,v_1]\cup[v_1,v_2]\cup[v_2,v_0].

The diagonal approximation \tau maps [v_0,v_1] to

\displaystyle \begin{aligned} && \sum_{p+q=1} {_p[v_0,v_1]\otimes [v_0,v_1]_q} \\&=& {_0[v_0,v_1]}\otimes [v_0,v_1]_1 +  {_1[v_0,v_1]}\otimes [v_0,v_1]_0 \\&=& \{v_0\}\otimes [v_0,v_1] + [v_0,v_1]\otimes\{v_1\}.\end{aligned}
Thus the diagonal approximation of the fundamental class \tau([S^1]) is
\displaystyle  \{v_0\}\otimes [v_0,v_1] + [v_0,v_1]\otimes\{v_1\}+  \{v_1\}\otimes [v_1,v_2] + [v_1,v_2]\otimes\{v_2\} +  \{v_2\}\otimes [v_2,v_0] + [v_2,v_0]\otimes\{v_0\}.

Capping with the fundamental class sends v_0^* to

\displaystyle \begin{aligned} && E(v_0^*\otimes\tau([S^1])) \\ &=& E(v_0^*\otimes ([v_2,v_0]\otimes\{v_0\}+ \mathrm{other}\;\mathrm{terms})) \\ &=& v_0^*(v_0)\otimes[v_2,v_0]\\ &=& [v_2,v_0].   \end{aligned}

Similarly, -\cap[S^1] sends

\displaystyle \begin{aligned} v_1^* &\mapsto& [v_0,v_1], \\ v_2^* &\mapsto& [v_1,v_2], \\ [v_0,v_1]^* &\mapsto& v_0, \\ [v_1,v_2]^* &\mapsto& v_1, \\ [v_2,v_0]^* &\mapsto& v_2.  \end{aligned}

Thus we obtain the chain equivalence

\displaystyle \xymatrix{ <v_0^*,v_1^*,v_2^*> = C^0(S^1)\ar[rr]^-{(-\cap[S^1])_1} \ar[d]_{\delta} && C_1(S^1)=<[v_0,v_1],[v_1,v_2],[v_2,v_0]> \ar[d]^{d} \\ <[v_0,v_1]^*,[v_1,v_2]^*,[v_2,v_0]^*>=C^1(S^1) \ar[rr]^-{(-\cap[S^1])_0} && C_0(S^1)=<v_0,v_1,v_2>}


\displaystyle (-\cap[S^1])_1 = \left( \begin{array}{ccc}0&1&0\\0&0&1\\1&0&0 \end{array}\right),\quad(-\cap[S^1])_0 = \left( \begin{array}{ccc}1&0&0\\0&1&0\\0&0&1 \end{array}\right),\quad  d= \left( \begin{array}{ccc}-1&0&1\\1&-1&0\\0&1&-1 \end{array}\right),\quad \delta = \left( \begin{array}{ccc}-1&1&0\\0&-1&1\\1&0&-1 \end{array}\right).

Note: this doesn't quite work - this is not a chain map, composing one way gives minus the composition the other way. Fixing the sign error we can take the inverse permutation matrices as the chain inverse.

$-simplices $\{v_0,v_1,v_2\}$ and S^1 the triangulation with 0-simplices \{v_0,v_1,v_2\} and 1-simplices \{[v_0,v_1], [v_1,v_2] , [v_2,v_0] \}. Let us choose the fundamental class
\displaystyle  [S^1]=[v_0,v_1]\cup[v_1,v_2]\cup[v_2,v_0].

The diagonal approximation \tau maps [v_0,v_1] to

\displaystyle \begin{aligned} && \sum_{p+q=1} {_p[v_0,v_1]\otimes [v_0,v_1]_q} \\&=& {_0[v_0,v_1]}\otimes [v_0,v_1]_1 +  {_1[v_0,v_1]}\otimes [v_0,v_1]_0 \\&=& \{v_0\}\otimes [v_0,v_1] + [v_0,v_1]\otimes\{v_1\}.\end{aligned}
Thus the diagonal approximation of the fundamental class \tau([S^1]) is
\displaystyle  \{v_0\}\otimes [v_0,v_1] + [v_0,v_1]\otimes\{v_1\}+  \{v_1\}\otimes [v_1,v_2] + [v_1,v_2]\otimes\{v_2\} +  \{v_2\}\otimes [v_2,v_0] + [v_2,v_0]\otimes\{v_0\}.

Capping with the fundamental class sends v_0^* to

\displaystyle \begin{aligned} && E(v_0^*\otimes\tau([S^1])) \\ &=& E(v_0^*\otimes ([v_2,v_0]\otimes\{v_0\}+ \mathrm{other}\;\mathrm{terms})) \\ &=& v_0^*(v_0)\otimes[v_2,v_0]\\ &=& [v_2,v_0].   \end{aligned}

Similarly, -\cap[S^1] sends

\displaystyle \begin{aligned} v_1^* &\mapsto& [v_0,v_1], \\ v_2^* &\mapsto& [v_1,v_2], \\ [v_0,v_1]^* &\mapsto& v_0, \\ [v_1,v_2]^* &\mapsto& v_1, \\ [v_2,v_0]^* &\mapsto& v_2.  \end{aligned}

Thus we obtain the chain equivalence

\displaystyle \xymatrix{ <v_0^*,v_1^*,v_2^*> = C^0(S^1)\ar[rr]^-{(-\cap[S^1])_1} \ar[d]_{\delta} && C_1(S^1)=<[v_0,v_1],[v_1,v_2],[v_2,v_0]> \ar[d]^{d} \\ <[v_0,v_1]^*,[v_1,v_2]^*,[v_2,v_0]^*>=C^1(S^1) \ar[rr]^-{(-\cap[S^1])_0} && C_0(S^1)=<v_0,v_1,v_2>}


\displaystyle (-\cap[S^1])_1 = \left( \begin{array}{ccc}0&1&0\\0&0&1\\1&0&0 \end{array}\right),\quad(-\cap[S^1])_0 = \left( \begin{array}{ccc}1&0&0\\0&1&0\\0&0&1 \end{array}\right),\quad  d= \left( \begin{array}{ccc}-1&0&1\\1&-1&0\\0&1&-1 \end{array}\right),\quad \delta = \left( \begin{array}{ccc}-1&1&0\\0&-1&1\\1&0&-1 \end{array}\right).

Note: this doesn't quite work - this is not a chain map, composing one way gives minus the composition the other way. Fixing the sign error we can take the inverse permutation matrices as the chain inverse.

$-simplices $\{[v_0,v_1], [v_1,v_2] , [v_2,v_0] \}$. Let us choose the fundamental class $$ [S^1]=[v_0,v_1]\cup[v_1,v_2]\cup[v_2,v_0].$$ The diagonal approximation $\tau$ maps $[v_0,v_1]$ to $$\begin{aligned} && \sum_{p+q=1} {_p[v_0,v_1]\otimes [v_0,v_1]_q} \&=& {_0[v_0,v_1]}\otimes [v_0,v_1]_1 + {_1[v_0,v_1]}\otimes [v_0,v_1]_0 \&=& \{v_0\}\otimes [v_0,v_1] + [v_0,v_1]\otimes\{v_1\}.\end{aligned}$$ Thus the diagonal approximation of the fundamental class $\tau([S^1])$ is $$ \{v_0\}\otimes [v_0,v_1] + [v_0,v_1]\otimes\{v_1\}+ \{v_1\}\otimes [v_1,v_2] + [v_1,v_2]\otimes\{v_2\} + \{v_2\}\otimes [v_2,v_0] + [v_2,v_0]\otimes\{v_0\}. $$ Capping with the fundamental class sends $v_0^*$ to $$\begin{aligned} && E(v_0^*\otimes\tau([S^1])) \ &=& E(v_0^*\otimes ([v_2,v_0]\otimes\{v_0\}+ \mathrm{other}\;\mathrm{terms})) \ &=& v_0^*(v_0)\otimes[v_2,v_0]\ &=& [v_2,v_0]. \end{aligned}$$ Similarly, $-\cap[S^1]$ sends $$\begin{aligned} v_1^* &\mapsto& [v_0,v_1], \ v_2^* &\mapsto& [v_1,v_2], \ [v_0,v_1]^* &\mapsto& v_0, \ [v_1,v_2]^* &\mapsto& v_1, \ [v_2,v_0]^* &\mapsto& v_2. \end{aligned}$$ Thus we obtain the chain equivalence $$\xymatrix{ = C^0(S^1)\ar[rr]^-{(-\cap[S^1])_1} \ar[d]_{\delta} && C_1(S^1)=<[v_0,v_1],[v_1,v_2],[v_2,v_0]> \ar[d]^{d} \ <[v_0,v_1]^*,[v_1,v_2]^*,[v_2,v_0]^*>=C^1(S^1) \ar[rr]^-{(-\cap[S^1])_0} && C_0(S^1)=}$$ Where $$(-\cap[S^1])_1 = \left( \begin{array}{ccc}0&1&0\0&0&1\1&0&0 \end{array}\right),\quad(-\cap[S^1])_0 = \left( \begin{array}{ccc}1&0&0\0&1&0\0&0&1 \end{array}\right),\quad d= \left( \begin{array}{ccc}-1&0&1\1&-1&0\0&1&-1 \end{array}\right),\quad \delta = \left( \begin{array}{ccc}-1&1&0\0&-1&1\1&0&-1 \end{array}\right). $$ '''Note: this doesn't quite work - this is not a chain map, composing one way gives minus the composition the other way. Fixing the sign error we can take the inverse permutation matrices as the chain inverse.''' S^1 the triangulation with 0-simplices \{v_0,v_1,v_2\} and 1-simplices \{[v_0,v_1], [v_1,v_2] , [v_2,v_0] \}. Let us choose the fundamental class
\displaystyle  [S^1]=[v_0,v_1]\cup[v_1,v_2]\cup[v_2,v_0].

The diagonal approximation \tau maps [v_0,v_1] to

\displaystyle \begin{aligned} && \sum_{p+q=1} {_p[v_0,v_1]\otimes [v_0,v_1]_q} \\&=& {_0[v_0,v_1]}\otimes [v_0,v_1]_1 +  {_1[v_0,v_1]}\otimes [v_0,v_1]_0 \\&=& \{v_0\}\otimes [v_0,v_1] + [v_0,v_1]\otimes\{v_1\}.\end{aligned}
Thus the diagonal approximation of the fundamental class \tau([S^1]) is
\displaystyle  \{v_0\}\otimes [v_0,v_1] + [v_0,v_1]\otimes\{v_1\}+  \{v_1\}\otimes [v_1,v_2] + [v_1,v_2]\otimes\{v_2\} +  \{v_2\}\otimes [v_2,v_0] + [v_2,v_0]\otimes\{v_0\}.

Capping with the fundamental class sends v_0^* to

\displaystyle \begin{aligned} && E(v_0^*\otimes\tau([S^1])) \\ &=& E(v_0^*\otimes ([v_2,v_0]\otimes\{v_0\}+ \mathrm{other}\;\mathrm{terms})) \\ &=& v_0^*(v_0)\otimes[v_2,v_0]\\ &=& [v_2,v_0].   \end{aligned}

Similarly, -\cap[S^1] sends

\displaystyle \begin{aligned} v_1^* &\mapsto& [v_0,v_1], \\ v_2^* &\mapsto& [v_1,v_2], \\ [v_0,v_1]^* &\mapsto& v_0, \\ [v_1,v_2]^* &\mapsto& v_1, \\ [v_2,v_0]^* &\mapsto& v_2.  \end{aligned}

Thus we obtain the chain equivalence

\displaystyle \xymatrix{ <v_0^*,v_1^*,v_2^*> = C^0(S^1)\ar[rr]^-{(-\cap[S^1])_1} \ar[d]_{\delta} && C_1(S^1)=<[v_0,v_1],[v_1,v_2],[v_2,v_0]> \ar[d]^{d} \\ <[v_0,v_1]^*,[v_1,v_2]^*,[v_2,v_0]^*>=C^1(S^1) \ar[rr]^-{(-\cap[S^1])_0} && C_0(S^1)=<v_0,v_1,v_2>}


\displaystyle (-\cap[S^1])_1 = \left( \begin{array}{ccc}0&1&0\\0&0&1\\1&0&0 \end{array}\right),\quad(-\cap[S^1])_0 = \left( \begin{array}{ccc}1&0&0\\0&1&0\\0&0&1 \end{array}\right),\quad  d= \left( \begin{array}{ccc}-1&0&1\\1&-1&0\\0&1&-1 \end{array}\right),\quad \delta = \left( \begin{array}{ccc}-1&1&0\\0&-1&1\\1&0&-1 \end{array}\right).

Note: this doesn't quite work - this is not a chain map, composing one way gives minus the composition the other way. Fixing the sign error we can take the inverse permutation matrices as the chain inverse.

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