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1 Introduction

In this article we recall the definition of the bordism groups of closed manifolds, ususally with extra topological structure: orientation, spin-structure, weak complex structure etc.

We specify the extra structure by a fibration \xi : B \to BO where BO denotes the classifying space of the stable orthogonal group and B is homotopy equivalent to a CW complex of finite type. For example the fibrations BSO \to BO and BU \to BO induced by the canonical homomorphisms SO \to O and U \to O are used for respectively oriented and complex bordism.

Abusing notation, one writes B for the fibraion \xi: for each B and n \geq 0 there is a bordism group of closed n-manifolds with B structure denoted

\displaystyle \Omega_n^B ~~\text{or}~~ \Omega_n(B).

If B = BG is the classifying space of the stable group G then on often writes

\displaystyle  \Omega_n^G ~~\text{or}~~ \Omega_n(G).

2 Stable vector bundles

We recall the defintion of a stable vector bundle from [Kreck&Lück2005, 18.10] which requires some notation. Let \underline{\Rr^k} denote the trivial rank k bundle Z \times \Rr^k: the space Z will be clear from context. Let \{ X_k \} be a sequence X_0 \to X_1 \to X_2 \to \dots of inclusions j_k : X_k \to X_{k+1} of CW-complexes. A stable vector bundle E over \{ X_k \} is a sequence of rank k-vector bundles \xi_k \to X_k and a sequence of bundle maps

\displaystyle  \bar j_k : \xi_k \oplus \underline{\Rr} \to \xi_{k+1}

where \bar j_k covers the inclusion j_k. An isomorphism of stable vector bundles over \{ X \}, \theta : \{ (\xi_k\, \bar j_k) \} \cong \{\xi_k', \bar j_k'\} is a sequence of bundle ismorphisms \theta_j : \xi_j \cong \xi_k' for j \geq N, N some integer, which are compatible with \bar j_k and \bar j_k'.

Here are some important examples:

  • A rank j-vector V \to X over a CW complex X defines a stable vector bundle \{ V \} by setting X_k = X fixed for all k, \xi_k = 0 for k < j and \xi_k = E \oplus \underline{\Rr}^{j-k} for k\geq j with \bar j_k the obvious inclusions.
  • If M is a compact n-manifold then M embedds into \Rr^{2n+k} for k \geq 0 and for k \geq 1 two such embeddings are isotopic. The normal bundle of any such embedding defines a stable vector bundle over M as in the first example and there is a canonical isomorphicm between any two such stable bundles given by isotopies between the embeddings. We write \nu_M for the stable normal bundle of M. Note that by defintion \nu_M is a stable inverse to the tangent bundle of M:
\displaystyle  \nu_M \oplus TM \cong \{ \underline{\Rr} \}.
  • The universal bundle \gamma \to BO is the stable bundle with X_k = BO(k), \xi_k the universal k-plane bundle and \bar j_k the classifymap of \xi_k \oplus \underline{\Rr}.
  • If E = \{ \xi_k, \bar j_k \} is a stable vector bundle over \{ Y_k \} and f is a sequence of maps f_k : X_k \to Y_k compatible with inclusions then \{ f_k^* \xi_k, f_k^* \bar j_k \} is a stable vector bundle over \{X_k\} called the pull-back bundle and denoted f^*E.

3 B-manifolds and B-bordism

Let E = \{ \xi_k, X_k \} be a stable vector bundle. A normal E-manifold is a triple (M, f, \alpha) consisting of a compact manifold M, a map sequence of maps f_k : M \to X_k, and a stable bundle isomorphism \alpha : f^* E \cong \nu_M.

Recall that \xi: B \to BO is a fibration. We next define normal B-manifolds and normal B-bordism: more details are given in [Stong1968][Chapter II] and [Kreck1999][Section 1]. If W is a compact smooth manifold then \nu_W is classified by a map, also denoted \nu_M, \nu_W : W \to BO: \nu_W^*\gamma \cong \nu_W. A B-structure on W is a map \bar \nu: W \to B lifting \nu_W through B:

\displaystyle  \xymatrix{  & B \ar[d]^{\gamma} \\ W \ar[r]_{\nu_W}\ar[ur]^{\bar \nu} & BO.}

A B-manifold is a pair (W, \bar \nu) where \bar \nu is a B-structure on W. If W has boundary \partial W = M_0 \sqcup M_1, a disjoint union of two closed (n-1)-manifolds with inclusions i_\epsilon : M_\epsilon \to W, \epsilon = 0, 1, then W is a B-bordism between the B-manifolds (M_0, \bar \nu \circ i_0) and (M, \bar \nu \circ i_1).

4 The Pontrjagin Thom isomorphism

\displaystyle  \Omega_n^B \cong \pi_n^S(MB)

5 Spectral sequences

\displaystyle  H_p(B; \pi_q^S) \Longrightarrow \Omega_{p+q}^B

6 References

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