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1 Introduction

Let K be a finite connected CW-complex of dimension K. For a given n > k we would like to know if there is a compact manifold M with boundary \partial M such that:

  1. the map \pi_1(\partial M) \to \pi_1(M) is an isomorphism,
  2. M is homotopy equivalent to K.

In this case we say that M thickens K. If there is such a manifold M, we would like to know how many up to homeomorphism or diffeomorphism if M is smooth.

In [Wall1966a] Wall introduced the notion of a thickening, defined below, to investigate the questions raised above. This page summarizes the basis results concerning thickenings.

Recall that \Cat = \Top, \PL or \Diff denotes respectively the topological, piecewise linear or smooth categories.

Definition 0.1 [Wall1966a, Section 1]. Let K be a finite connected CW complex. An n-dimensional \Cat-thickening of K consists of

  1. a compact n-dimensional \Cat-manifold M with connected boundary such that \pi_1(\partial M) \cong \pi_1(M)
  2. a basepoint m \in \partial M \subset M and an orientation of TM_m,
  3. a simple homotopy equivalence \phi : K \to M.

Two thickenings (M_0, \phi_0) and (M_1, \phi_1) are isomorphic if there is a \Cat-isomorphism f \colon M_0 \cong M_1 preserving m and the orientation of TM_m and such that f_0 is simple homotopic to \phi_1 \circ f. In particular there is a simple homotopy commutative diagram

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2 References

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