Curvature properties of exotic spheres

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1 Introduction

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A homotopy sphere of dimension n is an oriented closed smooth manifold which is homotopy equivalent to the standard sphere S^n. A homotopy sphere is called an exotic sphere if it not diffeoemorphic to a standard sphere. General information about homotopy spheres (and exotic spheres) is given on Exotic spheres. One prominent question concerning the geometry of exotic spheres is: Given an exotic sphere, are there Riemannian metrics which fulfil specific positivity criteria? One typically considers the following three types.

1 Homotopy spheres with positive sectional curvature

2 Homotopy spheres with positive Ricci curvature

3 Homotopy spheres with positive scalar curvature

Hitchin (based on work of Lichnerowicz) proved that the so-called \alpha-invariant of a closed spin manifold provides an obstruction to the existence of a metric of positive scalar curvature on it (cf. [Hitchin1974], [Lichnerowicz1963]). The \alpha-invariant for a closed n-dimensional spin manifold (compare Spin bordism Invariants) is given as follows: Let Spin(M) the principal Spin(n)-bundle of M/var/www/vhost/, and let S be obtained by adjoining the real Clifford algebra to Spin(M) using the left multiplication of elements in Spin(n) on Cl(n). The Dirac operator D then acts on the space of sections \Gamma(S). The kernel of D is called the space of (real) harmonic spinors. The space of harmonic spinors yields an element in KO_*, an this element is the \alpha-invariant.

Proposition 7.1. In case \dim(M)=1 \mod 8 the space of harmonic spinors canonically has the structure of a complex vector space, while in case \dim(M)=2 \mod 8 the space of harmonic spinors canonically carries the structure of a quarternionic vector space. The \alpha-invariant of a homotopy sphere \Sigma is given by

\displaystyle  \alpha(\Sigma)  = \left\{\begin{array}{ccl}  dim_{\Cc}Ker(D) \mod 2 &\quad\quad& \text{if $\dim(\Sigma)= 1 \mod 8$}\\ dim_{\Hh}Ker(D) \mod 2 && \text{if $\dim(\Sigma)= 2 \mod 8$}\\ 0 && \text{in all other cases} \end{array}\right.

2 References

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