Exotic spheres

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1 Introduction

By a homotopy sphere \Sigma^n we mean a closed smooth oriented n-manifold homotopy equivalent to S^n. The manifold \Sigma^n is called an exotic sphere if it is not diffeomorphic to S^n. By the Generalised Poincaré Conjecture proven by Smale, every homotopy sphere in dimension n \geq 5 is homeomorphic to S^n: this statement holds in dimension 2 by the classification of surfaces and was famously proven in dimension 4 in [Freedman1982] and in dimension 3 by Perelman. We define

\displaystyle \Theta_{n} := \{[\Sigma^n] | \Sigma^n \simeq S^n \}

to be the set of oriented diffeomorphism classes of homotopy spheres. Connected sum makes \Theta_n into an abelian group with inverse given by reversing orientation. An important subgroup of \Theta_n is bP_{n+1} which consists of those homotopy spheres which bound parallelisable manifolds.

2 Construction and examples

The first exotic spheres discovered were certain 3-sphere bundles over the 4-sphere, [Milnor1956]. Following this discovery there was a rapid development of techniques which construct exotic spheres. We review four such constructions: plumbing, Brieskorn varieties, sphere-bundles and twisting.

2.1 Plumbing

As special case of the following construction goes back at least to [Milnor1959].

Let i \in  \{1,  \dots, n\}, let (p_i, q_i) be pairs of positive integers such that p_i + q_i + 2 = n and let \alpha_i \in \pi_{p_i}(SO(q_i+1)) be the clutching functions of D^{q_i+1}-bundles over S^{p_i + 1}

\displaystyle  D^{q_i+1} \to D(\alpha_i) \to S^{p_i+1}.

Let G be a graph with vertices \{v_1, \dots, v_n\} such that the edge set between v_i and v_j, is non-empty only if p_i = q_j. We form the manifold W = W(G;\{\alpha_i\}) from the disjoint union of the D(\alpha_i) by identifying D^{p_i+1} \times D^{q_i+1} and D^{q_j+1} \times D^{p_j+1} for each edge in G. If G is simply connected then

\displaystyle \Sigma(G, \{\alpha_i \}) : = \partial W

is often a homotopy sphere. We establish some notation for graphs, bundles and define

  • let T/var/www/vhost/map.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/tmp/AppWikiTex/tex_ScD6Qy denote the graph with two vertices and one edge connecting them and define \Sigma(\alpha, \beta) : = \Sigma(T; \{\alpha, \beta\}),
  • let E_8 denote the E_8-graph,
  • let \tau_{n} \in \pi_{n-1}(SO(n)) denote the tangent bundle of the n-sphere,
  • let \gamma_{4s-1}^k \in \pi_{4s-1}(SO(k)) \cong \Zz, k > 4s, denote a generator,
  • let \gamma_{4s-1}' \in \pi_{4s-1}(SO(4s-1)) \cong \Zz, denote a generator:
  • let S : \pi_k(SO(j)) \to \pi_k(SO(j+1)) be the suspension homomorphism,
    • S^2(\gamma'_{4k-1}) = \pm 2 \gamma_{4k-1}^{4k+1} for k = 1, 2 and S^2 (\gamma'_{4k-1}) = \pm \gamma_{4k-1}^{4k+1} for k > 2,
  • let \eta_n : S^{n+1} \to S^n be essential.

Then we have the following exotic spheres.

  • \Sigma^{4k-1}(E_8; \{\tau_{2k}, \dots \tau_{2k}\}) =: \Sigma_M, the Milnor sphere, generates bP_{4k}, k>1.
  • \Sigma^{4k+1}(\tau_{2k+1}, \tau_{2k+1}) =: \Sigma_K, the Kervaire sphere, generates bP_{4k+2}.
  • \Sigma^{4k-1}(S\gamma_{4k-1}', S\gamma_{4k-1}') is the inverse of the Milnor sphere for k = 1, 2.
    • For general k, \Sigma^{4k-1}(S\gamma_{4k-1}', S\gamma_{4k-1}') is exotic.
  • \Sigma^8(\gamma_3^5, \eta_3\tau_4), generates \Theta_8 = \Zz_2.
  • \Sigma^{16}(\gamma_{7}^9, \eta_7\tau_8), generates \Theta_{16} = \Zz_2.

2.2 Brieskorn varieties

Let z = (z_0, \dots , z_n) be a point in \Cc^{n+1} and let a = (a_0, \dots, a_n) be a string of n+1 positive integers. Given the complex variety V(a) : = \{z \, | \, z_0^{a_0} + \dots + z_n^{a_n} =0 \} and the \epsilon-sphere S^{2n+1}_\epsilon : = \{ z \, | \, \Sigma_{i=0}^n z_i\bar z_i = \epsilon \} for small \epsilon, we define the closed smooth oriented (2n-1)-manifolds

\displaystyle  W^{2n-1}(a) : = V(a) \cap S^{2n+1}_\epsilon.

The manifolds W^{2n-1}(a) are often called Brieskorn varieties. By construction, every W^{2n-1}(a) lies in S^{2n+1} and so bounds a parallelisable manifold. In [Brieskorn1966] and [Brieskorn1966a] (see also [Hirzebruch&Mayer1968]), it is shown in particular that all homotopy spheres in bP_{4k-1} and bP_{4k-2} can be realised as W(a) for some a. Let 2, \dots, 2 be a string of 2k-1 2's in a row with k \geq 2, then there are diffeomorphisms

\displaystyle   W^{4k-1}(3, 6r-1, 2, \dots , 2) \cong r \cdot \Sigma_M \in bP_{4k},
\displaystyle   W^{4k-3}(3, 2, \dots, 2) \cong \Sigma_K \in bP_{4k-2}.

2.3 Sphere bundles

The first known examples of exotic spheres were discovered by Milnor in [Milnor1956]. They are the total spaces of certain 3-sphere bundles over the 4-sphere as we now explain: the group \pi_3(SO(4)) \cong \Zz \oplus \Zz parametrises linear 3-sphere bundles over S^4 where a pair (m, n) gives rise to a bundle with Euler number n and first Pontrjagin class 2(n+2m): here we orient S^4 and so identify H^4(S^4; \Zz) = \Zz. If we set n = 1 then the long exact homotopy sequence of a fibration and Poincare duality ensure that the manifold \Sigma^7_{m, 1}, the total space of the bundle (m, 1), is a homotopy sphere. Milnor first used a \Zz_7-invariant, called the \lambda-invariant, to show, e.g. that \Sigma^7_{1, 2} is not diffeomorphic to S^7. A little later Kervaire and Milnor [Kervaire&Milnor1963] proved that \Theta_7 \cong \Zz_{28} and Eells and Kuiper [Eells&Kuiper1962] defined a refinement of the \lambda-invariant, now called the Eells-Kuiper \mu-invariant, which in particular gives

\displaystyle  \Sigma^7_{m, 1} = -(m(m-1)/56)\cdot \Sigma_M \in bP_8 \cong \Theta_7.

Shimada [Shimada1957] used similar techniques to show that the total spaces of certain 7-sphere bundles over the 8-sphere are exotic 15-spheres. In this case \pi_7(SO(8)) \cong \Zz \oplus \Zz and the bundle (m, n) has Euler number n and second Pontrjagin class 6(n+2m). Moreover \Theta_{15} \cong \Zz_{8,128} \oplus \Zz_2 where the \Zz_{8,128}-summand is bP_{16} as explained below. Results of [Wall1962a] and [Eells&Kuiper1962] combine to show that

\displaystyle  \Sigma^{15}_{m, 1} = -(m(m-1)/16,256)\cdot \Sigma_M  \cong bP_{16} \subset \Theta_{15}.
  • By Adams' solution of the Hopf-invariant 1 problem, [Adams1958] and [Adams1960], the dimensions n = 3, 7 and 15 are the only dimensions in which a topological n-sphere can be fibre over an m-sphere for 0 < m < n.

2.4 Twisting

By [Cerf1970] and [Smale1962a] there is an isomorphism \Theta_{n+1} \cong \Gamma_{n+1} for n \geq 5 where \Gamma_{n+1} = \pi_0(\Diff_+(S^n)) is the group of isotopy classes of orientation preserving diffeomorphisms of S^n. The map is given by

\displaystyle  \Gamma_{n+1} \to \Theta_{n+1}, ~~~~~[f] \longmapsto \Sigma_{f} := D^{n+1} \cup_f (-D^{n+1}).

Hence one may construct exotic (n+1)-spheres by describing diffeomorphisms of S^n which are not isotopic to the identity. We give such a construction which probably goes back to Milnor: so far the earliest reference found is the problem list of the 1963 Seattle topology conference [Lashof1965].

Represent \alpha \in \pi_p(SO(q)) and \beta \in \pi_q(SO(p)) by smooth compactly supported functions \alpha : \Rr^p \to SO(q) and \beta : \Rr^q \to SO(p) and define the following self-diffeomorphisms of \Rr^p \times \Rr^q

\displaystyle  F_\alpha : \Rr^p \times \Rr^q \cong \Rr^p \times \Rr^q, ~~~~(x, y) \longmapsto (x, \alpha(x)y),
\displaystyle  F_\beta : \Rr^p \times \Rr^q \cong \Rr^p \times \Rr^q, ~~~~(x, y) \longmapsto (\beta(y)x,y),
\displaystyle s(\alpha, \beta) := F_\alpha F_\beta F_\alpha^{-1}F_\beta^{-1}.

If follows that s(\alpha, \beta) is compactly supported and so extends uniquely to a diffeomrphism of S^{p+q}. In this way we obtain a bilinear pairing

\displaystyle  \sigma : \pi_q(SO(q)) \otimes \pi_q(SO(p)) \longrightarrow \Theta_{p+q+1}, ~~~~(\alpha, \beta) \longmapsto \Sigma_{s(\alpha, \beta)}

such that

\displaystyle  \sigma(\alpha, \beta) \equiv \Sigma(S\alpha, S\beta).

In particular for k=1, 2 we see that \sigma(\gamma_{4k-1}', \gamma_{4k-1}') \cong -\Sigma_M generates bP_{4k}.

3 Invariants

Signature, Kervaire invariant, \alpha-invariant, Eels-Kuiper invariant, s-invariant.

4 Classification

For n =1, 2 and 3, \Theta_n = \{ S^n \}. For n = 4, \Theta_4 is unknown. We therefore concentrate on higher dimensions.

For n \geq 5, the group of exotic n-spheres \Theta_n fits into the following long exact sequence, first discovered in [Kervaire&Milnor1963] (more details can also be found in [Levine1983]):

\displaystyle  \dots \stackrel{\eta_{n+1}}{\longrightarrow} \pi_{n+1}(G/O) \stackrel{\sigma_{n+1}}{\longrightarrow} L_{n+1}(e) \stackrel{\omega_{n+1}}{\longrightarrow} \Theta_n \stackrel{\eta_n}{\longrightarrow} \pi_n(G/O) \stackrel{\sigma_n}{\longrightarrow} L_n(e) \to \dots .

Here L_n(e) is the n-th L-group of the the trivial group: L_n(e) = \Zz, 0, \Zz/2, 0 as i = 0, 1, 2 or 3 modulo 4 and the sequence ends at L_5(e) = 0. Also O is the stable orthogonal group and G is the stable group of homtopy self-equivalences of the sphere. There is a fibration O \to G \to G/O and the groups \pi_n(G/O) fit into the homtopy long exact sequence

\displaystyle  \dots \to \pi_n(O) \to \pi_n(G) \to \pi_n(G/O) \to \pi_{n-1}(O) \to \pi_{n-1}(G) \to \dots

of the fibration O \to G \to G/O. The homomorphism J_n: \pi_n(O) \to \pi_n^S \cong \pi_n(G) is the stable J-homomorphism. In particular, by [Serre1951] the groups \pi_i(G) are finite and by [Bott1959], [Adams1966] and [Quillen1971] the domain, image and kernel of J_n have been completely determined. An important result in [Kervaire&Milnor1963] is that the homomorphism \sigma_{4k} is nonzero. The above sequence then gives

Theorem 4.1 [Kervaire&Milnor1963]. For n \geq 5, the group \Theta_n is finite. Moreover there is an exact sequence

\displaystyle  0 \longrightarrow bP_{n+1} \longrightarrow \Theta_{n} \longrightarrow Coker(J_n) \stackrel{K_n}{\longrightarrow} C_n \longrightarrow 0

where bP_{n+1} := {Im}(\omega_{n+1}), the group of homotopy spheres bounding paralellisable manifolds, is a finite cyclic group which vanishes if n is even and C_n = 0 unless n = 4k+2 when it is 0 or \Zz/2.

The groups Coker(J_n) are known for n up to approximately 62. In general their determination is a very hard problem. Modulo this problem we see two remaining problems in the determination of \Theta_n: an extension problem and the comptutation of the order of the groups bP_{n+1} and C_n. We discuss these in turn.

Theorem 4.2 [Brumfiel1968], [Brumfiel1969], [Brumfiel1970]. If n \neq 2^{j} - 3 the Kervaire-Milnor extension splits:

\displaystyle \Theta_n \cong bP_{n+1} \oplus Ker(K_n).

The map K_{4k+2} : Coker(J_{4k+2}) \to \Zz/2 is the Kervaire invariant and by definition C_{4k+2} = Im(K_{4k+2}). By the long exact sequence above we have

Theorem 4.3 [Kervaire&Milnor1963]. The following are equivalent:

  • bP_{4k+2} = 0,
  • the Kervaire sphere \Sigma^{4k+2}_K is diffeomorphic to the standard sphere,
  • there is a framed manifold with Kervaire invariant 1.

Conversely the following are equivalent:

  • bP_{4k+2} = \Zz/2
  • the Kervaire sphere \Sigma^{4k+2}_K is not diffeomorphic to the standard sphere,
  • there is no framed manifold with Kervaire invariant 1.

4.1 The orders of bP_{4k} and bP_{4k+2}

The group bP_{4k} is a cyclic group whose order can be determined using the Hirzebruch's signature theorem if one knows the order of Im(J_{4k-1}) \subset \pi_{4k-1}(G). Adams determined the latter group up to a factor of two which was settled by Quillen with a positive solution to the Adams conjecture.

Theorem 4.4. Let a_k = (3-(-1)^k)/2, let B_k be the k-th Bernoulli number (topologist indexing) and for x \in \Qq let Num(x) denote the numerator of x expressed in lowest form. Then for k \geq 2, the order of bP_{4k} is

\displaystyle  t_k = a_k \cdot 2^{2k-2}\cdot (2^{2k-1}-1) \cdot Num(B_k/4k).

A detailed proof of the above theorem can be found in [Lück2001, Chapter 6]. The next theorem describes the situation for bP_{4k+2} which is now almost completely understood as well. Credit for the theorem is given in the remark afterwards.

Theorem 4.5. The order of bP_{4k+2} is given as follows:

  • bP_2 = bP_{6} = bP_{14} = bP_{30} = bP_{62} = 0,
  • bP_{126} = 0 or \Zz/2,
  • bP_{4k+2} = \Zz/2 else.

Remark 4.6. The following is a chronological list of determinations of bP_{4k+2}:

5 Further discussion

\displaystyle   \def\curv{1.5pc}% Adjust the curvature of the curved arrows here  \xymatrix@!R@!C@!0@R=2.5pc@C=4pc{% Adjust the spacing here  \pi_n(\Top/O) \ar[dr] \ar@/u\curv/[rr] && \pi_{n-1}(O) \ar[dr] \ar@/u\curv/[rr] && \pi_{n-1}(G) \\  & \pi_n(G/O) \ar[dr] \ar[ur] && \pi_{n-1}(\Top) \ar[dr] \ar[ur] \\  \pi_n(G) \ar[ur] \ar@/d\curv/[rr] && \pi_n(G/\Top) \ar[ur] \ar@/d\curv/[rr] && \pi_{n-1}(\Top/O)  }

6 External references

7 References

$ or $\Zz/2$. {{endthm}} The groups $Coker(J_n)$ are known for $n$ up to approximately 62. In general their determination is a very hard problem. Modulo this problem we see two remaining problems in the determination of $\Theta_n$: an extension problem and the comptutation of the order of the groups $bP_{n+1}$ and $C_n$. We discuss these in turn. {{beginthm|Theorem|{{cite|Brumfiel1968}}, {{cite|Brumfiel1969}}, {{cite|Brumfiel1970}}}} If $n \neq 2^{j} - 3$ the Kervaire-Milnor extension splits: $$\Theta_n \cong bP_{n+1} \oplus Ker(K_n).$$ {{endthm}} The map $K_{4k+2} : Coker(J_{4k+2}) \to \Zz/2$ is the Kervaire invariant and by definition $C_{4k+2} = Im(K_{4k+2})$. By the long exact sequence above we have {{beginthm|Theorem|{{cite|Kervaire&Milnor1963}}}} The following are equivalent: * $bP_{4k+2} = 0$, * the Kervaire sphere $\Sigma^{4k+2}_K$ is diffeomorphic to the standard sphere, * there is a framed manifold with Kervaire invariant 1. Conversely the following are equivalent: * $bP_{4k+2} = \Zz/2$ * the Kervaire sphere $\Sigma^{4k+2}_K$ is not diffeomorphic to the standard sphere, * there is no framed manifold with Kervaire invariant 1. {{endthm}} === The orders of bP_{4k} and bP_{4k+2} === ; The group $bP_{4k}$ is a cyclic group whose order can be determined using the Hirzebruch's signature theorem if one knows the order of $Im(J_{4k-1}) \subset \pi_{4k-1}(G)$. Adams determined the latter group up to a factor of two which was settled by Quillen with a positive solution to the Adams conjecture. {{beginthm|Theorem}} Let $a_k = (3-(-1)^k)/2$, let $B_k$ be the k-th Bernoulli number (topologist indexing) and for $x \in \Qq$ let $Num(x)$ denote the numerator of $x$ expressed in lowest form. Then for $k \geq 2$, the order of $bP_{4k}$ is $$ t_k = a_k \cdot 2^{2k-2}\cdot (2^{2k-1}-1) \cdot Num(B_k/4k).$$ {{endthm}} {{beginthm|Remark}} Note that $Num(B_k/4k)$ is odd so the 2-primary order of $bP_{4k} = a_k \cdot 2^{2k-2}$ while the odd part if $(2^{2k-1}-1) \cdot Num(B_k/4k)$. Modulo the Adams conjecture the proof appeared in also in {{cite|Kervaire&Milnor1963|Section 7}}. Detailed treatments can also be found in {{cite|Levine1983|Section 3}} and {{cite|Lück2001|Chapter 6}}. {{endthm}} The next theorem describes the situation for $bP_{4k+2}$ which is now almost completely understood as well. Credit for the theorem is given in the remark afterwards. {{beginthm|Theorem}} The order of $bP_{4k+2}$ is given as follows: * $bP_2 = bP_{6} = bP_{14} = bP_{30} = bP_{62} = 0$, * $bP_{126} = 0$ or $\Zz/2$, * $bP_{4k+2} = \Zz/2$ else. {{endthm}} {{beginthm|Remark}} The following is a chronological list of determinations of $bP_{4k+2}$: * $bP_{10} = \Zz/2$, {{cite|Kervaire1960a}}. * $bP_{6} = bP_{14} = 0$ {{cite|Kervaire&Milnor1963}}. * $bP_{8k+2} = \Zz/2$, {{cite|Anderson&Brown&Peterson1966a}}. * $bP_{30} = 0$, {{cite|Mahowald&Tangora1967}}. * $bP_{4k+2} = \Zz/2$ unless k+2 = 2^j - 2$ {{cite|Browder1969}}. * $bP_{62} = 0$, {{cite|Barratt&Jones&Mahowald1984}}. * $bP_{2^j - 2} = \Zz/2$ for $j \geq 8$, {{cite|Hill&Hopkins&Ravenel2009}}. {{endthm}} == Further discussion == ; $$ \def\curv{1.5pc}% Adjust the curvature of the curved arrows here \xymatrix@!R@!C@!0@R=2.5pc@C=4pc{% Adjust the spacing here \pi_n(\Top/O) \ar[dr] \ar@/u\curv/[rr] && \pi_{n-1}(O) \ar[dr] \ar@/u\curv/[rr] && \pi_{n-1}(G) \ & \pi_n(G/O) \ar[dr] \ar[ur] && \pi_{n-1}(\Top) \ar[dr] \ar[ur] \ \pi_n(G) \ar[ur] \ar@/d\curv/[rr] && \pi_n(G/\Top) \ar[ur] \ar@/d\curv/[rr] && \pi_{n-1}(\Top/O) } $$ == External references == * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exotic_sphere Wikipedia article on exotic spheres] * [http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~aar/exotic.htm http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~aar/exotic.htm] Andrew Ranicki's exotic sphere home page, with many of the original papers. == References == {{#RefList:}} [[Category:Manifolds]]\Sigma^n we mean a closed smooth oriented n-manifold homotopy equivalent to S^n. The manifold \Sigma^n is called an exotic sphere if it is not diffeomorphic to S^n. By the Generalised Poincaré Conjecture proven by Smale, every homotopy sphere in dimension n \geq 5 is homeomorphic to S^n: this statement holds in dimension 2 by the classification of surfaces and was famously proven in dimension 4 in [Freedman1982] and in dimension 3 by Perelman. We define

\displaystyle \Theta_{n} := \{[\Sigma^n] | \Sigma^n \simeq S^n \}

to be the set of oriented diffeomorphism classes of homotopy spheres. Connected sum makes \Theta_n into an abelian group with inverse given by reversing orientation. An important subgroup of \Theta_n is bP_{n+1} which consists of those homotopy spheres which bound parallelisable manifolds.

2 Construction and examples

The first exotic spheres discovered were certain 3-sphere bundles over the 4-sphere, [Milnor1956]. Following this discovery there was a rapid development of techniques which construct exotic spheres. We review four such constructions: plumbing, Brieskorn varieties, sphere-bundles and twisting.

2.1 Plumbing

As special case of the following construction goes back at least to [Milnor1959].

Let i \in  \{1,  \dots, n\}, let (p_i, q_i) be pairs of positive integers such that p_i + q_i + 2 = n and let \alpha_i \in \pi_{p_i}(SO(q_i+1)) be the clutching functions of D^{q_i+1}-bundles over S^{p_i + 1}

\displaystyle  D^{q_i+1} \to D(\alpha_i) \to S^{p_i+1}.

Let G be a graph with vertices \{v_1, \dots, v_n\} such that the edge set between v_i and v_j, is non-empty only if p_i = q_j. We form the manifold W = W(G;\{\alpha_i\}) from the disjoint union of the D(\alpha_i) by identifying D^{p_i+1} \times D^{q_i+1} and D^{q_j+1} \times D^{p_j+1} for each edge in G. If G is simply connected then

\displaystyle \Sigma(G, \{\alpha_i \}) : = \partial W

is often a homotopy sphere. We establish some notation for graphs, bundles and define

  • let T/var/www/vhost/map.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/tmp/AppWikiTex/tex_ScD6Qy denote the graph with two vertices and one edge connecting them and define \Sigma(\alpha, \beta) : = \Sigma(T; \{\alpha, \beta\}),
  • let E_8 denote the E_8-graph,
  • let \tau_{n} \in \pi_{n-1}(SO(n)) denote the tangent bundle of the n-sphere,
  • let \gamma_{4s-1}^k \in \pi_{4s-1}(SO(k)) \cong \Zz, k > 4s, denote a generator,
  • let \gamma_{4s-1}' \in \pi_{4s-1}(SO(4s-1)) \cong \Zz, denote a generator:
  • let S : \pi_k(SO(j)) \to \pi_k(SO(j+1)) be the suspension homomorphism,
    • S^2(\gamma'_{4k-1}) = \pm 2 \gamma_{4k-1}^{4k+1} for k = 1, 2 and S^2 (\gamma'_{4k-1}) = \pm \gamma_{4k-1}^{4k+1} for k > 2,
  • let \eta_n : S^{n+1} \to S^n be essential.

Then we have the following exotic spheres.

  • \Sigma^{4k-1}(E_8; \{\tau_{2k}, \dots \tau_{2k}\}) =: \Sigma_M, the Milnor sphere, generates bP_{4k}, k>1.
  • \Sigma^{4k+1}(\tau_{2k+1}, \tau_{2k+1}) =: \Sigma_K, the Kervaire sphere, generates bP_{4k+2}.
  • \Sigma^{4k-1}(S\gamma_{4k-1}', S\gamma_{4k-1}') is the inverse of the Milnor sphere for k = 1, 2.
    • For general k, \Sigma^{4k-1}(S\gamma_{4k-1}', S\gamma_{4k-1}') is exotic.
  • \Sigma^8(\gamma_3^5, \eta_3\tau_4), generates \Theta_8 = \Zz_2.
  • \Sigma^{16}(\gamma_{7}^9, \eta_7\tau_8), generates \Theta_{16} = \Zz_2.

2.2 Brieskorn varieties

Let z = (z_0, \dots , z_n) be a point in \Cc^{n+1} and let a = (a_0, \dots, a_n) be a string of n+1 positive integers. Given the complex variety V(a) : = \{z \, | \, z_0^{a_0} + \dots + z_n^{a_n} =0 \} and the \epsilon-sphere S^{2n+1}_\epsilon : = \{ z \, | \, \Sigma_{i=0}^n z_i\bar z_i = \epsilon \} for small \epsilon, we define the closed smooth oriented (2n-1)-manifolds

\displaystyle  W^{2n-1}(a) : = V(a) \cap S^{2n+1}_\epsilon.

The manifolds W^{2n-1}(a) are often called Brieskorn varieties. By construction, every W^{2n-1}(a) lies in S^{2n+1} and so bounds a parallelisable manifold. In [Brieskorn1966] and [Brieskorn1966a] (see also [Hirzebruch&Mayer1968]), it is shown in particular that all homotopy spheres in bP_{4k-1} and bP_{4k-2} can be realised as W(a) for some a. Let 2, \dots, 2 be a string of 2k-1 2's in a row with k \geq 2, then there are diffeomorphisms

\displaystyle   W^{4k-1}(3, 6r-1, 2, \dots , 2) \cong r \cdot \Sigma_M \in bP_{4k},
\displaystyle   W^{4k-3}(3, 2, \dots, 2) \cong \Sigma_K \in bP_{4k-2}.

2.3 Sphere bundles

The first known examples of exotic spheres were discovered by Milnor in [Milnor1956]. They are the total spaces of certain 3-sphere bundles over the 4-sphere as we now explain: the group \pi_3(SO(4)) \cong \Zz \oplus \Zz parametrises linear 3-sphere bundles over S^4 where a pair (m, n) gives rise to a bundle with Euler number n and first Pontrjagin class 2(n+2m): here we orient S^4 and so identify H^4(S^4; \Zz) = \Zz. If we set n = 1 then the long exact homotopy sequence of a fibration and Poincare duality ensure that the manifold \Sigma^7_{m, 1}, the total space of the bundle (m, 1), is a homotopy sphere. Milnor first used a \Zz_7-invariant, called the \lambda-invariant, to show, e.g. that \Sigma^7_{1, 2} is not diffeomorphic to S^7. A little later Kervaire and Milnor [Kervaire&Milnor1963] proved that \Theta_7 \cong \Zz_{28} and Eells and Kuiper [Eells&Kuiper1962] defined a refinement of the \lambda-invariant, now called the Eells-Kuiper \mu-invariant, which in particular gives

\displaystyle  \Sigma^7_{m, 1} = -(m(m-1)/56)\cdot \Sigma_M \in bP_8 \cong \Theta_7.

Shimada [Shimada1957] used similar techniques to show that the total spaces of certain 7-sphere bundles over the 8-sphere are exotic 15-spheres. In this case \pi_7(SO(8)) \cong \Zz \oplus \Zz and the bundle (m, n) has Euler number n and second Pontrjagin class 6(n+2m). Moreover \Theta_{15} \cong \Zz_{8,128} \oplus \Zz_2 where the \Zz_{8,128}-summand is bP_{16} as explained below. Results of [Wall1962a] and [Eells&Kuiper1962] combine to show that

\displaystyle  \Sigma^{15}_{m, 1} = -(m(m-1)/16,256)\cdot \Sigma_M  \cong bP_{16} \subset \Theta_{15}.
  • By Adams' solution of the Hopf-invariant 1 problem, [Adams1958] and [Adams1960], the dimensions n = 3, 7 and 15 are the only dimensions in which a topological n-sphere can be fibre over an m-sphere for 0 < m < n.

2.4 Twisting

By [Cerf1970] and [Smale1962a] there is an isomorphism \Theta_{n+1} \cong \Gamma_{n+1} for n \geq 5 where \Gamma_{n+1} = \pi_0(\Diff_+(S^n)) is the group of isotopy classes of orientation preserving diffeomorphisms of S^n. The map is given by

\displaystyle  \Gamma_{n+1} \to \Theta_{n+1}, ~~~~~[f] \longmapsto \Sigma_{f} := D^{n+1} \cup_f (-D^{n+1}).

Hence one may construct exotic (n+1)-spheres by describing diffeomorphisms of S^n which are not isotopic to the identity. We give such a construction which probably goes back to Milnor: so far the earliest reference found is the problem list of the 1963 Seattle topology conference [Lashof1965].

Represent \alpha \in \pi_p(SO(q)) and \beta \in \pi_q(SO(p)) by smooth compactly supported functions \alpha : \Rr^p \to SO(q) and \beta : \Rr^q \to SO(p) and define the following self-diffeomorphisms of \Rr^p \times \Rr^q

\displaystyle  F_\alpha : \Rr^p \times \Rr^q \cong \Rr^p \times \Rr^q, ~~~~(x, y) \longmapsto (x, \alpha(x)y),
\displaystyle  F_\beta : \Rr^p \times \Rr^q \cong \Rr^p \times \Rr^q, ~~~~(x, y) \longmapsto (\beta(y)x,y),
\displaystyle s(\alpha, \beta) := F_\alpha F_\beta F_\alpha^{-1}F_\beta^{-1}.

If follows that s(\alpha, \beta) is compactly supported and so extends uniquely to a diffeomrphism of S^{p+q}. In this way we obtain a bilinear pairing

\displaystyle  \sigma : \pi_q(SO(q)) \otimes \pi_q(SO(p)) \longrightarrow \Theta_{p+q+1}, ~~~~(\alpha, \beta) \longmapsto \Sigma_{s(\alpha, \beta)}

such that

\displaystyle  \sigma(\alpha, \beta) \equiv \Sigma(S\alpha, S\beta).

In particular for k=1, 2 we see that \sigma(\gamma_{4k-1}', \gamma_{4k-1}') \cong -\Sigma_M generates bP_{4k}.

3 Invariants

Signature, Kervaire invariant, \alpha-invariant, Eels-Kuiper invariant, s-invariant.

4 Classification

For n =1, 2 and 3, \Theta_n = \{ S^n \}. For n = 4, \Theta_4 is unknown. We therefore concentrate on higher dimensions.

For n \geq 5, the group of exotic n-spheres \Theta_n fits into the following long exact sequence, first discovered in [Kervaire&Milnor1963] (more details can also be found in [Levine1983]):

\displaystyle  \dots \stackrel{\eta_{n+1}}{\longrightarrow} \pi_{n+1}(G/O) \stackrel{\sigma_{n+1}}{\longrightarrow} L_{n+1}(e) \stackrel{\omega_{n+1}}{\longrightarrow} \Theta_n \stackrel{\eta_n}{\longrightarrow} \pi_n(G/O) \stackrel{\sigma_n}{\longrightarrow} L_n(e) \to \dots .

Here L_n(e) is the n-th L-group of the the trivial group: L_n(e) = \Zz, 0, \Zz/2, 0 as i = 0, 1, 2 or 3 modulo 4 and the sequence ends at L_5(e) = 0. Also O is the stable orthogonal group and G is the stable group of homtopy self-equivalences of the sphere. There is a fibration O \to G \to G/O and the groups \pi_n(G/O) fit into the homtopy long exact sequence

\displaystyle  \dots \to \pi_n(O) \to \pi_n(G) \to \pi_n(G/O) \to \pi_{n-1}(O) \to \pi_{n-1}(G) \to \dots

of the fibration O \to G \to G/O. The homomorphism J_n: \pi_n(O) \to \pi_n^S \cong \pi_n(G) is the stable J-homomorphism. In particular, by [Serre1951] the groups \pi_i(G) are finite and by [Bott1959], [Adams1966] and [Quillen1971] the domain, image and kernel of J_n have been completely determined. An important result in [Kervaire&Milnor1963] is that the homomorphism \sigma_{4k} is nonzero. The above sequence then gives

Theorem 4.1 [Kervaire&Milnor1963]. For n \geq 5, the group \Theta_n is finite. Moreover there is an exact sequence

\displaystyle  0 \longrightarrow bP_{n+1} \longrightarrow \Theta_{n} \longrightarrow Coker(J_n) \stackrel{K_n}{\longrightarrow} C_n \longrightarrow 0

where bP_{n+1} := {Im}(\omega_{n+1}), the group of homotopy spheres bounding paralellisable manifolds, is a finite cyclic group which vanishes if n is even and C_n = 0 unless n = 4k+2 when it is 0 or \Zz/2.

The groups Coker(J_n) are known for n up to approximately 62. In general their determination is a very hard problem. Modulo this problem we see two remaining problems in the determination of \Theta_n: an extension problem and the comptutation of the order of the groups bP_{n+1} and C_n. We discuss these in turn.

Theorem 4.2 [Brumfiel1968], [Brumfiel1969], [Brumfiel1970]. If n \neq 2^{j} - 3 the Kervaire-Milnor extension splits:

\displaystyle \Theta_n \cong bP_{n+1} \oplus Ker(K_n).

The map K_{4k+2} : Coker(J_{4k+2}) \to \Zz/2 is the Kervaire invariant and by definition C_{4k+2} = Im(K_{4k+2}). By the long exact sequence above we have

Theorem 4.3 [Kervaire&Milnor1963]. The following are equivalent:

  • bP_{4k+2} = 0,
  • the Kervaire sphere \Sigma^{4k+2}_K is diffeomorphic to the standard sphere,
  • there is a framed manifold with Kervaire invariant 1.

Conversely the following are equivalent:

  • bP_{4k+2} = \Zz/2
  • the Kervaire sphere \Sigma^{4k+2}_K is not diffeomorphic to the standard sphere,
  • there is no framed manifold with Kervaire invariant 1.

4.1 The orders of bP_{4k} and bP_{4k+2}

The group bP_{4k} is a cyclic group whose order can be determined using the Hirzebruch's signature theorem if one knows the order of Im(J_{4k-1}) \subset \pi_{4k-1}(G). Adams determined the latter group up to a factor of two which was settled by Quillen with a positive solution to the Adams conjecture.

Theorem 4.4. Let a_k = (3-(-1)^k)/2, let B_k be the k-th Bernoulli number (topologist indexing) and for x \in \Qq let Num(x) denote the numerator of x expressed in lowest form. Then for k \geq 2, the order of bP_{4k} is

\displaystyle  t_k = a_k \cdot 2^{2k-2}\cdot (2^{2k-1}-1) \cdot Num(B_k/4k).

A detailed proof of the above theorem can be found in [Lück2001, Chapter 6]. The next theorem describes the situation for bP_{4k+2} which is now almost completely understood as well. Credit for the theorem is given in the remark afterwards.

Theorem 4.5. The order of bP_{4k+2} is given as follows:

  • bP_2 = bP_{6} = bP_{14} = bP_{30} = bP_{62} = 0,
  • bP_{126} = 0 or \Zz/2,
  • bP_{4k+2} = \Zz/2 else.

Remark 4.6. The following is a chronological list of determinations of bP_{4k+2}:

5 Further discussion

\displaystyle   \def\curv{1.5pc}% Adjust the curvature of the curved arrows here  \xymatrix@!R@!C@!0@R=2.5pc@C=4pc{% Adjust the spacing here  \pi_n(\Top/O) \ar[dr] \ar@/u\curv/[rr] && \pi_{n-1}(O) \ar[dr] \ar@/u\curv/[rr] && \pi_{n-1}(G) \\  & \pi_n(G/O) \ar[dr] \ar[ur] && \pi_{n-1}(\Top) \ar[dr] \ar[ur] \\  \pi_n(G) \ar[ur] \ar@/d\curv/[rr] && \pi_n(G/\Top) \ar[ur] \ar@/d\curv/[rr] && \pi_{n-1}(\Top/O)  }

6 External references

7 References

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