Talk:Reidemeister torsion (Ex)

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Since the chain complex in question is finite and levelwise projective we know that contractibility is implied by being acyclic. And we see directly that if r \neq 0 then the complex is exact, hence acyclic. To compute the Reidemeister torsion we need to construct a chain homotopy s: C_\bullet \to C_{\bullet+1} such that

\displaystyle  ds + sd = \id

Here we can take s_0 : C_0 = \Q \to \Q\oplus \Q = C_1 to be the map 1 \mapsto (0,1) as then

\displaystyle  s_{-1}(d_0(x)) + d_1(s_0(x)) = d_1(0,x) = x

and then we need to choose s_1: C_1 = \Q\oplus \Q \to \Q = C_2 to be the map (x,y) \mapsto \frac{x}{r}.

To compute the torsion of this complex we have to compute

\displaystyle  \lbrack d+s : C_{\mathrm{ev}} \to \C_{\mathrm{odd}} \rbrack \in K_1(\Q)

which is given by

\displaystyle  (d+s)(x,y) = d_2(x) + s_0(y) = (rx,y)

and hence the matrix is given by

\displaystyle \begin{pmatrix} r & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}

which we can view as an element in K_1(\Q).

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