Talk:Bundle structures and lifting problems (Ex)

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Exercise 2.1

Assume that there exists a lift \overline{f}: X\to\mathrm{hofib}(p) of f/var/www/vhost/ Then there exist maps f_1: X\to Y and f_2: X\times[0,1]\to Z such that for all x\in X we have \overline{f}(x)=(f_1(x),f_2(x,.)). Since p\circ\overline{f}=f we find that f_1=f. Furthermore we have for all x\in X: f_2(x,1)=g(f(x)) and f_2(x,0)=z_0. Thus f_2 defines a homotopy from g\circ f to a constant map.

Assume that there exists h: X\times[0,1]\to Z such that for all x\in X we have h(x,0)=z_0 and h(x,1)=g(f(x)). Define \overline{f}: X\to\mathrm{hofib}(p) by \overline{f}(x)=(f(x),h(x,.)). By the definitions of h and of \mathrm{hofib}(p) we find that \overline{f} is well defined and a lift of f.

Exercise 4.1

The map P(K(n+1,\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}))\to K(n+1,\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}) is given by \gamma\mapsto\gamma(1). Since P(K(n+1,\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})) is contractible, every third term in the long exact sequence in homotopy is zero. Thus we obtain for all m\geq1 that \pi_m(K(n+1,\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}))\cong\pi_{m-1}(\Omega K(n+1,\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})). By the uniqueness of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces the assertion follows.

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