Simplicial volume

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1 Definition and history

Simplicial volume is a homotopy invariant of oriented closed connected manifolds that was introduced by Gromov in his proof of Mostow rigidity [Munkholm1980][Gromov1982]. Intuitively, the simplicial volume measures how difficult it is to describe the manifold in question in terms of simplices (with real coefficients):

Definition (Simplicial volume) 1.1. Let M be an oriented closed connected manifold of dimension n. Then the simplicial volume (also called Gromov norm) of M is defined as

\displaystyle \|M\| := \bigl\| [M] \bigr\|_1 = \inf \bigl\{ |c|_1 \bigm| \text{$c \in C_n(M;\mathbb{R})$ is a fundamental cycle of $M$}  \bigr\} \in \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0},

where [M] \in H_n(M;\mathbb{R}) is the fundamental class of M with real coefficients.

  • Here, |\cdot|_1 denotes the \ell^1-norm on the singular chain complex C_*(\,\cdot\,;\mathbb{R}) with real coefficients induced from the (unordered) basis given by all singular simplices, i.e.: for a topological space X and a chain c = \sum_{j=0}^{k} a_j \cdot \sigma_j \in C_*(X;\mathbb{R}) (in reduced form), the \ell^1-norm of c is given by
\displaystyle  |c|_1 := \sum_{j=0}^k |a_j|.
  • Moreover, \|\cdot\|_1 denotes the \ell^1-semi-norm on singular homology H_*(\,\cdot\,;\mathbb{R}) with real coefficients, which is induced by |\cdot|_1. More explicitly, if X is a topological space and \alpha \in H_*(X;\mathbb{R}), then
\displaystyle  \|\alpha\|_1 := \inf \bigl\{ |c|_1 \bigm| \text{$c \in C_*(X;\mathbb{R})$ is a cycle representing~$\alpha$}\bigr\}.

Convention 1.2. In the following, if not explicitly stated otherwise, all manifolds are topological manifolds and are of non-zero dimension.

2 Functoriality and elementary examples

The \ell^1-semi-norm is functorial in the following sense [Gromov1999]:

Proposition (Functoriality of the \ell^1-semi-norm) 2.1. If f \colon X \longrightarrow Y is a continuous map of topological spaces and \alpha \in H_*(X;\mathbb{R}), then

\displaystyle  \bigl\| H_*(f;\mathbb{R}) (\alpha) \bigr\|_1 \leq \|\alpha\|_1,

as can be seen by inspecting the definition of H_*(f;\mathbb{R}) = H_*(C_*(f;\mathbb{R})) and of \|\cdot\|_1.

Corollary 2.2.

  • Let f \colon M\longrightarrow N be a map of oriented closed connected manifolds of the same dimension. Then
\displaystyle  |\deg f| \cdot \|N\| \leq \|M\|.
  • Because homotopy equivalences of oriented closed connected manifolds have degree -1 or 1, it follows that the simplicial volume indeed is a homotopy invariant of oriented closed connected manifolds.

Hence, all oriented closed connected manifolds admitting a self-map of non-trivial degree (i.e., not equal to -1, 0, or 1) have vanishing simplicial volume; for instance, the simplicial volume of all

  • spheres
  • tori
  • (odd-dimensional) real projective spaces
  • complex projective spaces

is zero.

3 "Computing" simplicial volume

In most cases, trying to compute the simplicial volume by inspecting the definition proves to be futile; the two main sources for non-trivial estimates and inheritance properties of the simplicial volume are:

  • Geometric: The connection between simplicial volume and Riemannian geometry (see below).
  • Algebraic: The connection between simplicial volume and bounded cohomology (see below).

1 Simplicial volume and Riemannian geometry

A fascinating aspect of the simplicial volume is that it is a homotopy invariant encoding non-trivial information about the Riemannian volume. The most fundamental result of this type is Gromov's lower bound of the minimal volume in terms of the simplicial volume [Gromov1982, Section 0.5][Besson&Courtois&Gallot1991]:

Theorem (Simplicial volume and minimal volume) 3.1. For all oriented closed connected smooth n-manifolds M we have

\displaystyle  \|M\| \leq (n-1)^n \cdot n! \cdot \mathop{\mathrm{minvol}}(M).

The minimal volume [Gromov1982] of a complete smooth manifold M is defined as

\displaystyle  \mathop{\mathrm{minvol}}(M) := \inf \bigl\{ \vol(M,g) \bigm| \text{$g$ is a Riemannian metric on~$M$ with~$|\mathop{\mathrm{sec}}(g)| \leq 1$}\bigr\}.

Conversely, in the presence of negative curvature, the simplicial volume is bounded from below by the Riemannian volume [Gromov1982][Thurston1978, Theorem 6.2][Inoue&Yano1982]:

Theorem (Simplicial volume and negative sectional curvature) 3.2.

  • The simplicial volume of oriented closed connected Riemannian manifolds of negative sectional curvature is non-zero. More precisely: For every n \in \mathbb{N} there is a constant C_n \in \mathbb{R}_{>0} such that the following holds: If M is an oriented closed connected Riemannian n-manifold whose sectional curvature is bounded from above by \delta \in \mathbb{R}_{<0}, then
\displaystyle  \|M\| > C_n \cdot |\delta|^{n/2} \cdot \vol(M).
  • Let M be an oriented closed connected hyperbolic n-manifold. Then \|M\| = \vol(M)/v_n, where v_n is the supremal volume of all geodesic n-simplices in hyperbolic n-space (indeed, v_n is finite [Thurston1978, Proposition 6.1.4]).

It is well known that v_2=\pi [Thurston1978, p. 6.3], and hence, for any oriented closed connected surface S_g of genus g\in \mathbb{N}_{\geq 1} we have \|S_g\| = 4\cdot g - 4.

More generally, there are non-vanishing results for certain manifolds with negatively curved fundamental group.

2 Simplicial volume and bounded cohomology

A more algebraic approach to the simplicial volume is based on the following observation [Gromov1982, p. 17][Benedetti&Petronio1992, F.2.2] (see below for an explanation of the notation):

Proposition (Duality principle) 3.3. Let X be a topological space, let n \in \mathbb{N}, and let \alpha \in H_n(X;\mathbb{R}). Then

\displaystyle \begin{aligned}      \|\alpha\|_1 &= \sup \Bigl\{ \frac{1}{\|\varphi\|_\infty}                            \Bigm| \varphi \in H^n(X;\mathbb{R}),~\langle \varphi, \alpha\rangle = 1                           \Bigr\} \\                   &= \sup \Bigl\{ \frac{1}{\|\varphi\|_\infty}                           \Bigm| \varphi \in H_b^n(X;\mathbb{R}),~\langle \varphi, \alpha\rangle = 1                           \Bigr\}.    \end{aligned}

Corollary 3.4. Let M be an oriented closed connected n-manifold. Then, where [M]^* \in H^n(M;\mathbb{R}) denotes the cohomology class dual to the real fundamental class of M:

\displaystyle \begin{aligned}      \| M \| & = \frac{1}{\bigl\| [M]^* \bigr\|_\infty}\\              & = \sup \Bigl\{ \frac{1}{\|\varphi\|_\infty}                       \Bigm|  \varphi \in H_b^n(M;\mathbb{R}),~c_M(\varphi) = [M]^*                       \Bigr\}.   \end{aligned}

For the sake of completeness, we review the definition of bounded cohomology of topological spaces:

Definition (Bounded cohomology) 3.5. Let X be a topological space, and let n \in \mathbb{N}.

  • If f \in C^n(X;\mathbb{R}) is a cochain, then we write
    \displaystyle  |f|_\infty := \sup_{\sigma \in \mathop{\mathrm{map}} (\Delta^n,X)} |f(\sigma)|                   \in \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0} \cup \{\infty\}.

    If |f|_\infty < \infty, then f is a bounded cochain.

  • We write C_b^n(X;\mathbb{R}) := \bigl\{ f \bigm| f \in C^n(X;\mathbb{R}),~|f|_\infty < \infty for the subspace of bounded cochains. Notice that C_b^*(X;\mathbb{R}) is a subcomplex of the singular cochain complex, called the bounded cochain complex of X.
  • The cohomology H^*_b(X;\mathbb{R}) of C^*(X;\mathbb{R}) is the bounded cohomology of X.
  • The norm |\cdot|_\infty on the bounded cochain complex induces a semi-norm on bounded cohomology: If \varphi \in H^n_b(X;\mathbb{R}), then
\displaystyle   \|\varphi\|_\infty := \bigl\{ |f|_\infty                           \bigm| \text{$f \in C^n_b(X;\mathbb{R})$ is a cocycle representing~$\varphi$}                           \bigr\}.
  • The inclusion C_b^*(X;\mathbb{R}) \hookrightarrow C^*(X;\mathbb{R}) induces a homomorphism c_X \colon H^*_b(X;\mathbb{R}) \longrightarrow H^*(X;\mathbb{R}), the comparison map.

Bounded cohomology was originally introduced by Trauber. Gromov further developed bounded cohomology and studied its relation with the (Riemannian) volume of manifolds [Gromov1982]. A more algebraic approach to bounded cohomology was subsequently developed by Brooks [Brooks1978], Ivanov [Ivanov1985], Noskov [Noskov1990], Monod [Monod2001][Monod2006], and Bühler [Bühler2008].

In the context of simplicial volume, bounded cohomology contributed to establish vanishing results in the presence of amenable fundamental groups, non-vanishing results in the presence of certain types of negative curvature, and inheritance properties with respect to products, connected sums, shared Riemannian coverings.

4 Inheritance properties

1 Products

The simplicial volume is almost multiplicative with respect to direct products of manifolds [Gromov1982, p. 10][Benedetti&Petronio1992, Theorem F.2.5]:

Theorem (Simplicial volume and products) 4.1. Let M and N be oriented closed connected manifolds. Then

\displaystyle  \|M\| \cdot \|N\| \leq \| M \times N\|                       \leq {\dim(M) + \dim(N) \choose \dim(M)} \cdot \|M\| \cdot \|N\|.

A proof of the right hand estimate can be given by looking at the concrete description of [M \times N] = [M] \times [N] in terms of the cross-product of singular chains; a proof of the left hand estimate can be obtained by using the duality principle (Corollary 3.4) and the fact that the norm \|\cdot\|_\infty is submultiplicative with respect to the cross-product of (bounded) singular cochains.

Notice that the simplicial volume in general is not multiplicative: Bucher-Karlsson [Bucher-Karlsson2008, Corollary 2] proved that \| S \times S'\| = 3/2 \cdot \|S\| \cdot \|S'\| holds for all oriented closed connected surfaces S, S' of genus at least 2 (and \|S\| \neq 0 \neq \|S'\| (see above)).

2 Connected sums

The simplicial volume is additive with respect to connected sums in the following sense [Gromov1982, p. 10]:

Theorem (Simplicial volume and connected sums) 4.2. Let M and N be oriented closed connected manifolds of dimension at least 3. Then

\displaystyle  \| M \mathbin{\#} N \| = \|M\| + \|N\|.

Notice that the simplicial volume in general is not additive with respect to connected sums in dimension 2: The simplicial volume of the torus is zero (see above), but the simplicial volume of an oriented closed connected surface of genus 2 is non-zero (see above) is non-zero.

The proof of Theorem 4.2 is based on the mapping theorem in bounded cohomology (Theorem 5.1) and a careful analysis of so-called tree-like complexes [Gromov1982, Section 3.5]. Generalising these arguments, it can be seen that also additivity for the simplicial volume with respect to certain "amenable" glueings holds [Kuessner2001].

3 Fibrations

  • In low dimensions, there is a relation between the simplicial volume of the total space of a fibre bundle of oriented closed connected manifolds and the product of the simplicial volume of base and fibre [Hoster&Kotschick2001][Bucher-Karlsson2009].
  • However, in general, the simplicial volume of a fibre bundle of oriented closed connected manifolds is not related in an obvious way to the simplicial volume of base and fibre [Hoster&Kotschick2001]: There exist oriented closed connected hyperbolic 3-manifolds that fibre over the circle. However, the circle has simplicial volume equal to zero, while the simplicial volume of the hyperbolic 3-manifold in question is non-zero (Theorem 3.2).

4 Proportionality principle

For hyperbolic manifolds the simplicial volume is proportional to the Riemannian volume. Gromov and Thurston generalised this result suitably to cover all Riemannian manifolds:

Theorem (Proportionality principle) 4.3. Let M and N be oriented closed connected Riemannian manifolds that have isometric Riemannian universal coverings. Then

\displaystyle  \frac{\|M\|}{\vol(M)} = \frac{\|N\|}{\vol(N)}.

Both Gromov's and Thurston's proof of this result make use of an averaging process. More precisely:

  • Gromov's strategy: Use the duality principle (Corollary 3.4) and average (bounded) continuous singular cochains over the isometry group of the Riemannian universal covering modulo the fundamental group; this requires a careful analysis of the relation between (bounded) continuous singular cohomology and (bounded) singular cohomology[Gromov1982, Section 2.3][Bucher-Karlsson2008a][Frigerio2009].
  • Thurston's strategy: Replace singular homology by measure homology, and average measure chains over the the isometry group of the Riemannian universal covering; this requires a careful analysis of the relation between measure homology and singular homology[Thurston1978, p. 6.9][Löh2005][Löh2006].

5 Simplicial volume and the fundamental group

1 Background: Mapping theorem in bounded cohomology

Theorem (Mapping theorem in bounded cohomology) 5.1.

2 Amenability -- Vanishing results

3 Hyperbolicity -- Non-vanishing results

6 Applications

1 Mostow rigidity

2 Degree theorems

3 Bounded cohomology

7 References

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