Talk:Chain duality II (Ex)

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By definition M\otimes_{\mathbb{A}} N = \Hom_{\mathbb{A}}(T(M),N), where \Hom is the total complex of the Hom complex. We claim that for C,D applying T gives a natural map T\colon \Hom_{\mathbb{A}}(C,D) \rightarrow \Hom_{\mathbb{A}}(T(D), T(C)) of chain complexes. We will leave the subscript \mathbb{A} understood in the following. On double complexes T induces T\colon \Hom(C_{-p}, D_q) \rightarrow \Hom(T(D_{q}), T(C_{-p})) on groups and the contravariance of T assures that this is still a double complex with grading p,q as well as the naturality of that map. It remains to indentify \mathrm{Tot}_{p,q} \Hom(T(D_{q}), T(C_{-p})) with \mathrm{Tot}_{r,s} \Hom(T(D)_{-r}, T(C)_{s}). But this holds as the complexes are finite, so we can pull all sums out of the \Hom before any totalization and get the same quadruple complexes. Then note that it does not matter in which order one takes totalization.

Consider the diagram

\displaystyle    \xymatrix{   \Hom(TM,N) \ar[d]_{T} & \\   \Hom(TN, T^2 M) \ar[r]^T \ar[d]_{(e_M)_*} &    \Hom(T^3 M , T^2 N) \ar[d]_{(T e_M)^*} \\   \Hom(TN, M) \ar[r]^-T & \Hom(TM, T^2N) \ar[r]^{(e_N)_*} & \Hom(TM, N) }

It commutes because of the naturality of T. The vertical left composition induces the map T_{M,N}\colon M \otimes N \rightarrow N \otimes M, the lower horizontal composition the map T_{N,M}. We show the composition is the identity. An element in \Hom(TM,N) is represented by a map f of chain complexes. It gets mapped to e_N \circ T^2(f) \circ T(e_M). As e\colon T^2 \rightarrow \mathrm{Id} is a natural transformation e_N \circ T^2 (f) = f \circ e_{TM} by the chain duality condition. But e_{TM} \circ T(e_M) = \mathrm{Id}_{TM}, so f gets mapped to f.

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