Talk:Equivariant homology (Ex)

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We can simply use the Borel-construction for equivariant homology. This takes an unequivariant homology theory \mathcal{K} and defines for a group G and any G-space X the G-equivariant homology to be

\displaystyle  \mathcal{K}^G_*(X) = \mathcal{K}_*(EG\times_G X)

i.e., the equivariant homology of X is the unequivariant homology of the homotopy orbits of the G-action on X. Of course we then get

\displaystyle  \mathcal{K}^G_*(G/H) = \mathcal{K}_*(EG\times_G G/H) = \mathcal{K}_*(EG/H) =\mathcal{K}_*(BH)

as EG is a contractible space on which H \subset G acts freely, and hence EG is a model for EH.

This also comes from a functor from groupoids to spectra as follows:

Given a groupoid \mathcal{G} we associate to it the spectrum

\displaystyle  | \mathcal{N}( \mathcal{G}) | _{+} \wedge \mathcal{K}

where we view \mathcal{K} as the spectrum associated to the unequivariant homology theory \mathcal{K}.

To see what the G-homology theory \mathcal{K}^G is, it suffices to understand the composite functor

\displaystyle \xymatrix{ Or(G) \ar[r] & \text{groupoids} \ar[r] & \text{Sp} }

where the functor Or(G) \to \text{groupoids} takes a homogenous space G/H to its transport groupoid \overline{G/H}, which is equivalent to the group H viewed as groupoid.

Hence we see that
\displaystyle | \mathcal{N}(\overline{G/H})|_+ \wedge \mathcal{K} \simeq |\mathcal{N}(H)|_+ \mathcal{K} \simeq BH_+\wedge \mathcal{K}.

Thus we see that we have the correct coefficients as stated in the exercise and a little computation in coends also shows that the equivariant homology theory associated to this groupoid-spectrum is given by the above Borel-construction.

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