Group actions on spheres

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1 History

In 1946, Montgomery and Samelson made a comment [Montgomery&Samelson1946] that when a compact group G acts smoothly on a sphere in such a way as to have one fixed point, it is likely that there must be a second fixed point. In 1977, Stein [Stein1977] has obtained for the first time a counterexample to this speculation. For G=SL_2(\mathbb{F}_5) or SL_2(\mathbb{F}_5)\times \mathbb{Z}_r with (120, r)=1, he constructed a smooth action of G on the sphere S^7 with exactly one fixed point. Then Petrie [Petrie1982] described smooth one fixed point actions on spheres in the case the acting group G is a finite abelian group of odd order and with three or more non-cyclic Sylow subgroups, as well as for G=S^3 or SO(3). Moreover, he announced the existence of such actions for the non-solvable groups SL_2(\mathbb{F}_q) and PSL_2(\mathbb{F}_q), where q\geq 5 is a power of an odd prime.

2 Solution for finite groups

Theorem 2.1 [Laitinen&Morimoto&Pawalowski1995]. For any finite non-solvable group G, there exists a smooth action of G on some sphere with exactly one fixed point.

Following Laitinen and Morimoto [Laitinen&Morimoto1998], we say that a finite G is an Oliver group if G has a smooth fixed point free action on disk, i.e., G satisfies the algebraic condition.

Theorem 2.2 [Laitinen&Morimoto1998]. For any finite Oliver group G, there exists a smooth action of G on some sphere with exactly one fixed point.

Assume that a compact Lie group G acts smoothly on a sphere with exactly one fixed point x. Then, the Slice Theorem allows us to remove from the sphere an invariant open ball neighbourhood of x. As a result, we obtain a smooth fixed point free action of G on a disk, and so, G is an Oliver group.

Corollary 2.3 Fixed point free actions on disks. A finite group G has a smooth one fixed point action on some sphere if and only if G is an Oliver group.

Except for the two cases G=S^3 or SO(3) proved by Petrie, the question whether for any compact Oliver group G of positive dimension, the conclusion of Theorem 2.2 remains true is open.

3 References

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