Concordance implies isotopy for smooth structures on 3-manifolds?

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1 Problem

A 3-manifold has a smooth structure which is essentially unique. One question is what does ``essentially unique" mean.

In high dimensions you can classify smooth structures either up to concordance or up to isotopy. In high dimensions concordance implies isotopy.

If you have a topological manifold M^n and a smooth manifold W^{n+1} homeomorphic to M \times I, you can ask if that smooth manifold W is diffeomorphic to a product,

\displaystyle W \xrightarrow{diffeo} \partial_+ W \times I

This ``concordance implies isotopy" theorem of Kirby-Siebenmann and Hirsch is: \begin{itemize} \item true in high dimensions, n \geq 5.

If you have a topological manifold M^n, you can classify smooth structures as homotopy classes of maps

\displaystyle \mathcal{S}^{TOP/O}(M^n) =  [M^n, TOP/O]

The structure set \mathcal{S}^{TOP/O}(M^n) is the set of classes of smoothings on M^n. But it is important to decide what is meant by the ``structure" and there are two possible equivalence relations: concordance or isotopy.

A smoothing is a homeomorphism from a smooth manifold \Sigma to M.

\displaystyle \Sigma \xrightarrow{homeo} M.

Two smoothings \Sigma_0 \xrightarrow{homeo} M^n and \Sigma_1 \xrightarrow{homeo} M are \textit{concordant} if there is a smooth manifold W^{n+1} and a homeomorphism to M \times I that restricts to these two smoothings.


Two smoothings \Sigma_0 \xrightarrow{homeo} M and \Sigma_1 \xrightarrow{homeo} M are isotopic if there is a smooth manifold \Sigma and a level-preserving homeomorphism H: \Sigma \times I \to M \times I,

\displaystyle (H(s, t) = (F(s, t), t))

inducing \Sigma_i \xrightarrow{homeo} M \times \{ i \} for i = 0, 1.

Theorem 1.1. If dim M \geq 5, then concordant structures are isotopic (and hence diffeomorphic).

\item false for simply-connected 4-manifolds by the failure of the h-cobordism theorem. Cappell and Shanneson proved in the non-simply connected case that there are counterexamples to the h-cobordism theorem. \item we don't know the answer for n=3. \end{itemize}


2 References

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