Π-trivial map

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1 Introduction

This page is based on [Ranicki2002]. A map f:N^n\to M^m between manifolds represents a homology class f_*[N] \in H_n(M). Let (\widetilde{M},\pi,w) be an oriented cover with covering map p:\widetilde{M} \to M. If f factors through \widetilde{M} as f= p\circ \widetilde{f}: N \to \widetilde{M}\to M then f represents a homology class \widetilde{f}_*[N]\in H_n(\widetilde{M}). Note that a choice of lift \widetilde{f} is required in order to represent a homology class.

Let b_1 be a basepoint of N. By covering space theory (c.f. [Hatcher2002, Proposition 1.33]) a map f:N\to M can be lifted to \widetilde{M} if and only if f_*(\pi_1(N,b_1)) \subset p_*(\pi_1(\widetilde{M},\widetilde{f(b_1)})), i.e. if and only if the composition q\circ f_*:\pi_1(N,b_1)\to \pi_1(M,f(b_1)) \to \pi is trivial for q:\pi_1(M,f(b_1))\to \pi:=\pi_1(M,f(b_1))/\pi_1(\widetilde{M},\widetilde{f(b_1)}) the quotient map.

The group \pi is well-defined for any choice of lift \widetilde{f(b_1)} since p:\widetilde{M}\to M is a regular covering and changing the basepoint in \widetilde{M} to a different lift corresponds to conjugating \pi_1(\widetilde{M},\widetilde{f(b_1)}) by some g\in \pi_1(M,f(b_1)).

2 Definition

Let M be an m-dimensional manifold and let (\widetilde{M},\pi,w) be an oriented cover. A \pi-trivial map f:N^n\to M^m is a map from an oriented manifold N with basepoint b_1 such that the composite

\displaystyle \xymatrix{   \pi_1(N,b_1) \ar[r]^-{f_*} & \pi_1(M,f(b_1)) \ar[r] & \pi  }

is trivial, together with a choice of lift \widetilde{f}:N \to \widetilde{M}.

3 Properties

A map f:N\to M that factors through \widetilde{M} must map all of N to the same sheet of \widetilde{M}, hence the pullback satisfies
\displaystyle f^*\widetilde{M} \cong N\times \pi.
Choosing where to lift a single point determines a lift \widetilde{f}:N \to \widetilde{M}, which thought of as a map from N\times \{1\} \subset N \times \pi extends equivariantly to a lift \widetilde{f}:\widetilde{N}:=N\times \pi \to \widetilde{M}.

4 Lifts and paths - two alternative perspectives

Rather than taking a lift as part of the data for a \pi-trivial map we could instead take an equivalence class of paths in M as is explained in this section. Since \pi is the group of deck transformations of \widetilde{M}, the set of lifts \{\widetilde{f}:N\to \widetilde{M}\} is non-canonically isomorphic to \pi with the group structure determined by the action of \pi once a choice of lift \widetilde{f}_{id} has been chosen to represent the identity element. In this way the choice of lift that is included as part of the data of a \pi-trivial map can be thought of as a choice of isomorphism
\displaystyle  \begin{array}{rcl} \{\widetilde{f}:N\to \widetilde{M}\} & \stackrel{\simeq}{\longrightarrow} & \pi \\ \widetilde{f} & \mapsto & g\;s.t.\; \widetilde{f}(b_1) = g\widetilde{f}_{id}(b_1).\end{array}
Let b be a basepoint of M. The set of homotopy classes of paths from b to f(b_1) is non-canonically isomophic to \pi_1(M,b). An isomorphism is defined by a choice of path [w_{id}] to represent the identity element:
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where * denotes concatenation of paths and w_{id}^{-1} is the path w_{id} in reverse. Let \widetilde{b} be a basepoint of \widetilde{M} that is a lift of b. Define an equivalence relation \sim on this set by saying
\displaystyle [w]\sim[w^\prime] \iff [w^{-1}*w^\prime] \in p_*(\pi_1(\widetilde{M},\widetilde{b})).
The above isomorphism given by choosing [w_{id}] descends to give an isomorphism
\displaystyle \{[w:I\to M]: w(0)=b,\,w(1)=f(b_1)\}/\sim \;\longrightarrow\; \pi_1(M,b)/\pi_1(\widetilde{M},\widetilde{b})\cong \pi,
where we use the same choice of path [w_{id}] to identify \pi_1(M,b)/\pi_1(\widetilde{M},\widetilde{b}) with \pi_1(M,f(b_1))/\pi_1(\widetilde{M},\widetilde{f(b_1)})=\pi. Thus a choice of lift \widetilde{f}:N\to \widetilde{M} corresponds to a choice of homotopy class of paths from b to f(b_1) modulo \pi_1(\widetilde{M}). A choice of lift \widetilde{b} defines a bijection of sets
\displaystyle \{\widetilde{f}:N\to \widetilde{M}\} \longleftrightarrow \{[w:I\to M]: w(0)=b,\,w(1)=f(b_1)\}/\sim
as follows. Given a choice of lift \widetilde{f} choose any path \widetilde{w}:I \to \widetilde{M} from \widetilde{b} to \widetilde{f}(b_1). Take the equivalence class of p(\widetilde{w}) which is a path in M from b to f(b_1). Conversely given a choice of class
\displaystyle [w]\in \{[w:I\to M]: w(0)=b,\,w(1)=f(b_1)\}/\sim
choose any representative w:I \to M. This lifts uniquely to a path \widetilde{w} starting at \widetilde{b}. Define a lift \widetilde{f} by setting \widetilde{f}(b_1):= \widetilde{w}(1). Note this map is well-defined since different choices of representative w may differ by elements of \pi_1(\widetilde{M},\widetilde{b}) but their lifts will still end at the same point.

To sum up we have the following diagram of non-canonical isomorphisms and bijections

\displaystyle \xymatrix{ \{\widetilde{f}:N\to \widetilde{M}\} \ar@{<->}[rr]^-{\widetilde{b}} \ar[dr]_-{\widetilde{f}_{id}} && \{[w:I\to M]: w(0)=b,\,w(1)=f(b_1)\}/\sim \ar[dl]^-{[w_{id}]} \\ & \pi & }.
Each map is obtained by making a choice and any two choices uniquely determine the third with the diagram commuting, so with two choices made the horizontal bijection is in fact an isomorphism of groups.

5 Examples


6 References

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