Talk:Sphere bundles and spin (Ex)

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Part 1
This is a standard clutching construction. Fix k\geq 2 and suppose we have a linear S^k bundle A over the sphere S^2=D_-^2\cup D_+^2. A fibre bundle over a contractible space is trivial (up to bundle isomorphism), so without loss of generality A|_{D_+}\cong A|_{D_-}\cong D^2\times S^k. We can now glue back the bundles via an automorphism of the fibre at every point on the boundary \partial D_\pm=S^1, varying continuously on the base i.e. a continuous map f:S^1\to \text{Aut}(S^k). In fact, a homotopic map f\simeq g will produce an isomorphic bundle so we are interested in a class of
\displaystyle [S^1,\text{Aut}(S^k)]=[S^1,SO(k+1)]=\Z_2
(as we are in the stable range). Hence there are two choices and so two bundles up to isomorphism. One the trivial bundle S^k\times S^2 and so the other will be called the twisted bundle S^k\tilde{\times} S^2.

Part 2
The sphere bundle of a 2-plane bundle is an S^1-bundle, so the arguments from above carry through here as well. The sphere bundle of E_k is given by the clutching construction above with the clutching map an element of
\displaystyle [S^1,\text{Aut}(S^1)]=[S^1,SO(2)]=[S^1,S^1]=\Z,
where the isomorphism is the winding number and this is the same as the Euler number of the resulting bundle. Now embed an S^1 in S^3 for surgery. We use the standard embedding of a sphere inside a larger sphere:
\displaystyle S^3=\partial(D^2\times D^2)=S^1\times D^2\cup_{id}D^2\times S^1.
Form a framed embedding S^1\times D^2 in the first factor where the framing is given by twisting the meridian around k times as we pass around the S^1 i.e. it is the element k\in[S^1,\text{Aut}(D^2)]=\Z represented by a map \omega:S^1\to \text{Aut}(D^2). Now do surgery. The effect is the gluing
\displaystyle D^2\times S^1\cup_{f}D^2\times S^1
where f(v,x)=(\omega(x)(v),x). This is now just the clutching construction as above.

Part 3
As S^1 is nullhomotopically embedded, we may consider this inside a contractible disk, or in the second summand of M\cong M\# S^m. Moreover we may embed it using the standard embedding S^m=\partial(D^2\times D^m-1) as above. Hence the result will be M'=M\#N where N is either the trivial or twisted linear (m-2)-sphere bundle over S^2. As M/var/www/vhost/ is spin, if N is the trivial bundle then the effect of surgery is also spin. However, if N is twisted then M' cannot be spin as connect sum results in direct sum of second Stiefel-Whitney classes and w_2(S^k\tilde{\times} S^2) is non-vanishing. To see this consider that the bundle over S^2 itself is not spin (that it is clutched by the non-trivial element of \pi_1(SO(m-1)) is more or less the definition of the obstruction to lifting to the spin group) and that this implies that the total space S^k\tilde{\times} S^2 is also spin.

Now the hard part! Assume M is not spin, this means that there is a cocycle on which w_2(M) does not vanish.

\displaystyle  \begin{aligned}H_2(M;\Z_2)\cong H_2(M;\Z)\otimes\Z_2\qquad &\text{(Univ. coeff. thm.)}\\ H_2(M;\Z)\cong\pi_2(M)\qquad &\text{(Hurewicz)}\\ m>4\implies x\in\pi_2(M)\quad &\text{can be embedded}\end{aligned}
Hence we take an embedded sphere \Sigma on which w_2(M) does not vanish and call this the weird sphere. Then this \Sigma must have twisted normal bundle. Consider that for our untwisted surgery, S^1 must initially bound a disk and we can extend the normal framing of S^1 to the normal framing on D^2 (which is necessarily trivial). For the twisted surgery, S^1 must have the other framing. Take the D^2 bounded by S^1 to be inside a hemisphere of the weird sphere. Now form an isotopy moving S^1 from one hemisphere to the other of the weird sphere. This must necessarily exchange the framing we have on S^1 from trivial to twisted as the normal bundle of the weird sphere is twisted. However, the surgery at either end of an isotopy gives a diffeomorphic effect.

To see this last part a different way, we may take a cylinder M\times [0,1]. This induces a (boring!) isotopy of the embedded S^1. At some t\in[0,1], take a connect sum with the weird sphere and the isotopy S^1\times[0,1]. The S^1 now slides along the tube and then over the weird sphere. This is not an isotopy but is now a concordance. However, within codimension >3 we can improve a concordance to an isotopy.

This does not cover the case m=4, I think it is still possible here but I don't have the solution.

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