Π-trivial map

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1 Introduction

This page is based on [Ranicki2002]. A map f:N^n\to M^m between manifolds represents a homology class f_*[N] \in H_n(M). Let (\widetilde{M},\pi,w) be an oriented cover with covering map p:\widetilde{M} \to M. If f factors through \widetilde{M} as f= p\circ \widetilde{f}: N \to \widetilde{M}\to M then f represents a homology class \widetilde{f}_*[N]\in H_n(\widetilde{M}). Note that a choice of lift \widetilde{f} is required in order to represent a homology class.

By covering space theory (c.f. [Hatcher2002, Proposition 1.33]) a map f:N\to M can be lifted to \widetilde{M} if and only if f_*(\pi_1(N)) \subset p_*(\pi_1(\widetilde{M})), i.e. if and only if the composition q\circ f_*:\pi_1(N)\to \pi_1(M) \to \pi is trivial for q:\pi_1(M)\to \pi_1(M)/\pi_1(\widetilde{M}) = \pi the quotient map.

2 Definition

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be an m-dimensional manifold and let (\widetilde{M},\pi,w) be an oriented cover. A \pi-trivial map f:N^n\to M^m is a map from an oriented manifold N, together with a choice of lift \widetilde{f}:N \to \widetilde{M}, such that the composite
\displaystyle \xymatrix{   \pi_1(N) \ar[r]^-{f_*} & \pi_1(M) \ar[r] & \pi  }

is trivial.

3 Properties

A map f:N\to M that factors through \widetilde{M} must map all of N to the same sheet of \widetilde{M}, hence the pullback satisfies
\displaystyle f^*\widetilde{M} \cong N\times \pi.
Choosing where to lift a single point determines a lift \widetilde{f}:N \to \widetilde{M}, which thought of as a map from N\times \{1\} \subset N \times \pi extends equivariantly to a lift \widetilde{f}:\widetilde{N}:=N\times \pi \to \widetilde{M}.

4 Examples


5 References

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