Talk:Spin bordism

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Throughout section 4.2, we should still have the condition that J doesn't contain 1. Right?

There also seems to be an issue with the basis for \Omega^{Spin}_*\otimes\mathbb{Z}_2. The third dot point reads "M_J\times\omega_8^k with k \geq 0, n(J) odd". But M_J is only defined for n(J) even.

I can think of two possibilities of what was meant:

1. "n(J) odd" should be "n(J) even". If this was what was intended, then this is covered by the first dot point with i = 0 so the third dot point is unnecessary.

2. M_J should be N_J. If this is the case, then the fifth dot point is no longer needed (just take k = 0).

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