Some calculations involving configuration spaces of distinct points

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1 Introduction


2 Construction and examples

For a manifold X, \widetilde X denotes the deleted product of X, i.e. X^2 minus an open tubular neighborhood of the diagonal. It is a manifold with boundary and has the standard free involution. Template:Theorem[of the Haefliger-Wu invariant \alpha] The Haefliger-Wu invariant \alpha:\mathrm{Emb}^{k}N\to \pi_{\mathrm{eq}}^{k-1}(\widetilde{N}) is induced by the Gauss map, also denoted by \alpha. The Gauss map assigns to an individual embedding f:N\to\R^{k} an equivariant map \widetilde{N}\to S^{k-1} defined by the formula

\displaystyle  	(x,y)\mapsto 	\frac{f(x)-f(y)} 	{\|f(x)-f(y)\|}, 	\quad 	(x,y)\in\widetilde{N}\subset N\times N.

The Haefliger-Wu invariant and the Gauss map are analogously defined for N_0; we will denote them by \alpha_0 in this case. Template:Definition

3 Invariants


4 Classification/Characterization


5 Further discussion


6 References

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