Manifold Atlas:Definition of “manifold”

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1 Introduction

This page defines the term “manifold” as used in the Manifold Atlas. We assume that all manifolds are of a fixed dimension n.

Definition 1.1. An n-dimensional topological manifold M is a second countable Hausdorff space for which every point m \in M has a neighbourhood U_m homeomorphic to an open subset of \Rr^n_+ := \{ x \in \Rr^n | x_1 \geq 0 \}.

  • The interior of M, denoted \mathrm{int}(M), is the subset of points for which U_m \subset \Rr^n.
  • The boundary of M, written \partial M, is the complement of the interior of M.
  • M is called closed if M is compact and \partial M is empty.

Typically, but not necessarly, the word “manifold” will mean M as above with extra structure. The extra structure may or may not be emphasised in notation and vocabulary.

  • A smooth manifold (M, \alpha) is a manifold M with an equivalence class of

2 References

This page has not been refereed. The information given here might be incomplete or provisional.

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