Manifold Atlas: About

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The mission of the Manifold Atlas is to empower and engage topologists, geometers, historians and philosophers to organize and create knowledge about manifolds and the study of manifolds.

In particular we focus on constructions and invariants, general theory and open problems while providing a forum for posing and answering questions. We also plan to build up historical information.


1 “What is a manifold"

We use the term manifold broadly to mean any second countable Hausdorff space which is locally Euclidean of a fixed dimension and which may, or may not, be equipped with extra structures: for a precise definition see the definition of “manifold".

2 Scientific goals and structure

The aim of the Manifold Atlas is to serve as a catalyst for the organisation and creation of knowledge about manifolds and topics closely related to manifolds.

The pages of the Atlas provide a public work space for topologists and other interested scientists to collaborate via the world wide web.

  • Atlas pages are continually open for editing and development. However, they are not strongly scientifically citable.
  • If approved, the Atlas page is copied and used to create an article in the Bulletin of the Manifold Atlas.
    • A Bulletin article is a peer-reviewed publication and is strongly scientifically citable.
  • Atlas pages which have been published in the Bulletin are still open for improvement, modification and correction.
    • When such a page again reaches maturity, it will be refereed again:
    • A successful review will lead to a further edition of the page being published in the Bulletin.

3 The Bulletin of the Manifold Atlas

The Bulletin of the Manifold Atlas is a peer reviewed open access on-line journal which houses the approved pages from the Manifold Atlas as published articles.

4 Writing in the Manifold Atlas

When starting a page, users of the Atlas may choose between creating an open-editing page or a restricted editing page.

Open-editing pages can be edited by any registered user.

Restricted-editing pages are written by a single author or team of authors.

All content in the Manifold Atlas is freely available on the world wide web as described on the user rights page.

5 People

6 Affiliation

The Manifold Atlas is hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn.

7 Platform

The platform for the Manifold Atlas is MediaWiki.

Special local features were first developed in 2009 by Daniel Müllner. Developments in 2010-2011 including Addref are due to Philipp Kühl.

On-going development of the special features of the platform is by Alexander Weisse, Fabian Urhausen and Philipp Kühl.

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