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D. Burghelea and R. Lashof, The homotopy type of the space of diffeomorphisms. I, II, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 196 (1974), 1–36; ibid. 196 (1974), 37–50. MR0356103 (50 #8574) Zbl 0296.58003

[edit] Correction

There is a small mistake in Corollary 5.5 of part II of these papers. This corollary states in particular that the stabilization homomorphism

\displaystyle  \pi_i(PL_n) \to \pi_i(PL)

is onto if n \geq 5 and i \leq n+1. However the stabilization homomorphism

\displaystyle  \pi_7(PL_6) \to \pi_7(PL)

is not onto. This follows from the fact that the stabilization homomorphism \pi_7(O_6) \to \pi_7(O) is not onto (it is isomorphic to \times 4 \colon \Z \to \Z). The proof of Corollary 5.5 given by Burghelea and Lashof proves the following slightly weaker statement:

Corollary 5.5': The stabilization homomorphism \pi_i(PL_n) \to \pi_i(PL) is onto if n \geq 5, i \leq n+1 and the stabilization homomorphism \pi_i(O_n) \to \pi_i(O) is onto.

The analogous modification is needed for the stabilization homomorphism \pi_i(Top_n) \to \pi_i(Top).

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