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G. Arone, V. Krushkal, Embedding obstructions in \R^d from the Goodwillie-Weiss calculus and Whitney disks, arxiv preprint.

[edit] 1 Comment

  • It is simple and known since [Wu1965] that if a space K embeds into \R^d, then for any r there exists a \Sigma_r-equivariant map C(K,r)\to C(\R^d,r), see also survey [Skopenkov2006, end of \S5]. It would be nice to know if (for any r, not only for r=2,3) O_r is the primary obstruction (in the sense of classical obstruction theory) to the existence of a \Sigma_r-equivariant map C_s(K,r)\to C(\R^4,r) agreeing with the given \Sigma_j-equivariant maps C_s(K,j) \to C(\R^4,j), j=1,2,...,r-1. Cf. Proposition 2.11. This would clarify the relation of Goodwillie-Weiss calculus (in this particular situation) to classical algebraic topology.
  • It would be nice to mention that analogous (but simpler) obstruction to the existence of a map without r-fold points (more precisely, of an almost r-embedding) is known. See e.g. the survey [Skopenkov2016, end of \S1.3]. This analogy suggests that it would be nice to know if the Arone-Krushkal obstructions

- are trivial for r not a prime power (for the analogous result on obstruction to r-almost embeddability see the survey [Skopenkov2016, Theorem 3.3 (\"Ozaydin)]);

- have finite order for any r (for the analogous obstruction v(\Sigma_r) to r-almost embeddability we have \frac{r!}{p^{\alpha_p}}v(\Sigma_r)=0, see the survey [Skopenkov2016, \S3.2]);

- are sufficient to almost-embeddability (for the analogous results on r-almost embeddability see the survey [Skopenkov2016, Theorems 3.1 (Mabillard-Wagner) and 3.5]).

  • For the well-known geometric definition of the Milnor number \mu see e.g. [Skopenkov2012, \S4.6, \S4.7]. Definition 3.4 is analogous to the following equivalent definition, which is presumably due to Matsumoto (see paper, page 2, the second paragraph after theorem 1, citation of [37] for the triple linking number case, i.e., n=1). Assume that a_1,a_2,a_3\subset S^3 are pairwise disjoint oriented knots such that \mbox{lk}(a_i,a_j)=0. Let M_i\subset D^4, i=1,2,3, be general position oriented singular disks spanned by the knots a_i=\partial M_i. Since \mbox{lk}(a_i,a_j)=0, we have M_i\cdot M_j=0. So we can split the points from M_i\cap M_j into pairs of points having opposite signs. Take disjoint union W_{ij}=W_{(i,j)} of the naturally oriented Whitney disks corresponding to this splitting. (The orientation of W_{ij} is induced from the orientation on their boundary circles which are oriented from the negative intersection point to the positive intersection point along M_i, and vice versa along M_j.) Then
    \displaystyle \mu(a_1,a_2,a_3) = W_{12}\cdot M_3+W_{23}\cdot M_1+W_{31}\cdot M_2.
    In this definition singular disks could not be replaced by Seifert surfaces because Borromean rings in S^3 bound pairwise disjoint Seifert surfaces in D^4.
  • The usual name for transformations analogous to `stabilization' of Definition 3.7 (resulting in adding a coboundary to a cocycle) is `(generalized) van Kampen finger move'. For such transformations see Figure 1 and surveys [Skopenkov2006, \S4, \S8], [Skopenkov2016, end of \S3.3], [Skopenkov2018i, \S1.5.3].
  • In \S8.4, 2nd paragraph, instead of `PL embeddability is established' there should be `PL almost embeddability is established'.

[edit] 2 References

  • [Skopenkov2006] A. Skopenkov, Embedding and knotting of manifolds in Euclidean spaces, in: Surveys in Contemporary Mathematics, Ed. N. Young and Y. Choi, London Math. Soc. Lect. Notes, 347 (2008) 248-342. Available at the arXiv:0604045.
  • [Skopenkov2012] A. Skopenkov, Algebraic Topology From Algorithmic Standpoint, draft of a book (partly in Russian)
  • [Skopenkov2016] A. Skopenkov, A user's guide to the topological Tverberg Conjecture, Russian Math. Surveys, 73:2 (2018), 323--353. Full updated version: arXiv:1605.05141.
  • [Skopenkov2018i] A. Skopenkov, Invariants of graph drawings in the plane, Arnold Math. J., 6 (2020) 21-55. Full updated version: arXiv:1805.10237
  • [Wu1965] W. T. Wu, A Theory of Embedding, Immersion and Isotopy of Polytopes in an Euclidean Space, Peking: Science Press, 1965.
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