Normal maps - (non)-examples (Ex)

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1a) Give an example of a degree one map of closed n-manifolds f \colon M \to X which cannot be covered by a map \overline{f} \colon \nu_M \to \nu_X of normal bundles.

1b) Give an example of a degree one map of closed n-manifolds f \colon M \to X which cannot be covered by a map \overline{f} \colon \nu_M \to \xi of bundles, for any stable bundle \xi.

2) For every integer d, give an example of a degree d map f_d \colon M \to X of closed n-manifolds which can be covered by a map \overline{f_d} \colon \nu_M \to \nu_X of normal bundles.

3) Let F_g denote the oriented surface of genus g. Determine the values of (g, g') for which there is a degree one normal map (f, \overline{f}) \colon F_g \to F_{g'}.

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