K-invariant for G/PL (Ex)

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In talk 16 the 2-local homotopy type of G/PL was described as being

\displaystyle (G/PL)[2]\cong X^4 \times \prod_{n> 1} K(\mathbb{Z},4n)\times K(\mathbb{Z}_2,4n-2)~,

where X^4 is a two stage Postnikov system with nontrivial homotopy groups \pi_2(X)=\mathbb{Z}_2, \pi_4(X)=\mathbb{Z}[2] and (non-trivial) Postnikov invariant k^4\in H^5(K(\mathbb{Z},2),\mathbb{Z}[2]). The goal of this exercise is to show that k^4 is nonzero.

Exercise 0.1. Let \sigma_4:\pi_4(G/PL)\to \mathbb{Z} be the surgery obstruction map, and \sigma_4[2] its factorization through the localized Hurewicz map h_{MSO[2]}, so that \sigma_4=\sigma_4[2]\circ h_{MSO[2]}. Show that if \sigma_4[2] is surjective, then k^4 is nonzero.

Exercise 0.2. Show that \sigma_4[2] is surjective by constructing a PL-manifold M^4 and a map f:M\to G/PL with surgery invariant 1.

Hint 0.3. Try to construct a degree one normal map g:\mathbb{C}P^2 \,\sharp \,8 \overline{\mathbb{C}P^2} \to \mathbb{C}P^2, where \sharp denotes connected sum and \overline{\mathbb{C}P^2} denotes \mathbb{C}P^2 with the conjugate complex struture.

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