Curvature tensor and second derivative

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1 Definition

Let M be a smooth manifold and E a vector bundle over M with covariant derivative \nabla. Let \phi : \R^n_o \to M be a local parametrization of M, defined on some open subset \R^n_o \subset \R^n and let \nabla_i = \nabla_{\phi_i} where \phi_i = \partial_i\phi are the coordinate vector fields. The commutator [\nabla_i,\nabla_j] is in general nonzero, but it is no longer a differential operator, but a tensor R_{ij}\in \textup{Hom}(E,E),

(1)R_{ij}s := [\nabla_i,\nabla_j]s = \nabla_i\nabla_js - \nabla_j\nabla_is

for all s\in \Gamma E. More generally, for arbitrary vector fields X,Y with X \circ \phi = \sum_i\xi^i\phi_i and Y \circ \phi = \sum_j\eta^j\phi_j we put

(2)R(X,Y)s = \sum_{ij} \xi^i\eta^j R_{ij}s = [\nabla_X,\nabla_Y]s - \nabla_{[X,Y]}s

where [X,Y] = \sum_i \left((X\eta^i) - (Y\xi^i)\right)\phi_i denotes the Lie bracket of vector fields. This defines a tensor R \in \textup{Hom}(TM\otimes TM\otimes E,E), called curvature tensor.

If in addition we have any connection \nabla on TM which is torsion free, we may view R as the antisymmetric part of the second derivative of sections as follows. The covariant derivative of any section s \in \Gamma E is a tensor \nabla s \in \Gamma\textup{Hom}(TM,E) which has again a covariant derivative (tensor derivative) \nabla^2s. This defines a tensor \nabla^2s \in \Gamma\textup{Hom}(TM\otimes TM,E), the second covariant derivative of s, with

(3)\nabla^2_{X,Y}s = \nabla_X\nabla_Ys - \nabla_{\nabla_XY}s

for all X,Y \in \Gamma TM. Since \nabla_XY -\nabla_YX = [X,Y], we obtain

(4)R(X,Y)s = \nabla^2_{X,Y}s - \nabla^2_{Y,X}s.

2 References

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