Covariant derivative

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1 Definition

Let E \to M be a vector bundle over a smooth manifold M and \Gamma E the space of smooth sections. A covariant derivative on E is a bilinear map \nabla : \Gamma TM \times \Gamma E \to \Gamma E, (X,s)\mapsto\nabla_Xs, which is a tensor (linear over C^\infty(M)) in the first argument and a derivation in the second argument:

(1)\begin{matrix}\nabla_{(fX)}s &=& f\nabla_Xs\, \\ \nabla_{X}(fs) &=& (Xf)s + f\nabla_Xs \,,\end{matrix}

where f is a smooth function and X a vector field on M and s a section of E, and where Xf = \partial_Xf = df.X is the ordinary derivative of the function f in the direction of X. By these properties, \nabla is defined locally and even pointwise regarding the first argument: For any v\in T_pM we may define \nabla_xs := (\nabla_Xs)_p where X is any (local) vector field with X_p = x.

A covariant derivative has all properties of the ordinary directional derivative for functions with exception of the commutativity: For functions f we have \partial_i\partial_jf = \partial_j\partial_if with \partial_if = \frac{\partial(f \circ \phi)}{\partial u_i} = \partial_{\phi_i}f, where \phi : \R^n\to M is a local parametrization of M and \phi_i := \partial_i\phi its i-th partial derivative. Instead, for covariant derivatives, the commutator [\nabla_i,\nabla_j] (with \nabla_i = \nabla_{\phi_i}) is nonzero in general, but it is only a tensor (rather than a differential operator), the curvature tensor.

Covariant derivatives are not tensors since they are derivations in the second argument, but two covariant derivatives \nabla,\tilde\nabla on E differ by a tensor: A = \tilde\nabla-\nabla defines a tensor A \in \textup{Hom}(TM\otimes E,E).

2 Examples

  • The Levi-Civita derivative on TM where M is a Riemannian manifold
  • The Canonical derivative on TM where M = G/H is a reductive homogeneous space
  • The Projection derivative on a subbundle E \subset M \times \Rr^n: For any s \in \Gamma E \subset C^\infty(M,\Rr^n)

and a local parametrization \phi on M we put

\displaystyle  	\nabla_i s = (\partial_is)^E

where (\,\,)^E at any point p\in M denotes the orthogonal projection from \Rr^n onto the subspace E_p.

For further information see [Kobayashi&Nomizu1963].

3 References

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